7 September 2010 Primordial planets, comets, and moons foster life in the cosmos
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A key result of hydrogravitational dynamics cosmology relevant to astrobiology is the early formation of vast numbers of hot primordial-gas planets in million-solar-mass clumps as the dark matter of galaxies and the hosts of first life. Photon viscous forces in the expanding universe of the turbulent big bang prevent fragmentations of the plasma for mass scales smaller than protogalaxies. At the plasma to gas transition 300,000 years after the big bang, the 107 decrease in kinematic viscosity ν explains why ~3x107 planets are observed to exist per star in typical galaxies like the Milky Way, not eight or nine. Stars form by a binary accretional cascade from Earth-mass primordial planets to progressively larger masses that collect and recycle the stardust chemicals of life produced when stars overeat and explode. The astonishing complexity of molecular biology observed on Earth is possible to explain only if enormous numbers of primordial planets and their fragments have hosted the formation and wide scattering of the seeds of life virtually from the beginning of time. Geochemical and biological evidence suggests that life on Earth appears at the earliest moment it can survive, in highly evolved forms with complexity requiring a time scale in excess of the age of the galaxy. This is quite impossible within standard cold-dark-matter cosmology where planets are relatively recent, rare and cold, completely lacking mechanisms for intergalactic transport of life forms.
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Carl H. Gibson, N. Chandra Wickramasinghe, and Rudolph E. Schild "Primordial planets, comets, and moons foster life in the cosmos", Proc. SPIE 7819, Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology XIII, 781914 (7 September 2010); Logo
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