11 November 2010 Design of control software for a high-speed coherent Doppler lidar system for CO2 measurement
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The design of the software for a 2-micron coherent high-speed Doppler lidar system for CO2 measurement at NASA Langley Research Center is discussed in this paper. The specific strategy and design topology to meet the requirements of the system are reviewed. In order to attain the high-speed digitization of the different types of signals to be sampled on multiple channels, a carefully planned design of the control software is imperative. Samples of digitized data from each channel and their roles in data analysis post processing are also presented. Several challenges of extremely-fast, high volume data acquisition are discussed. The software must check the validity of each lidar return as well as other monitoring channel data in real-time. For such high-speed data acquisition systems, the software is a key component that enables the entire scope of CO2 measurement studies using commercially available system components.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Randal L. VanValkenburg, Jeffrey Y. Beyon, Grady J. Koch, Jirong Yu, Upendra N. Singh, and Michael J. Kavaya "Design of control software for a high-speed coherent Doppler lidar system for CO2 measurement", Proc. SPIE 7860, Lidar Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring XI, 786008 (11 November 2010);
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Data acquisition

Carbon dioxide


Doppler effect

Software development

Data storage


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