3 March 2011 Noise performances of a high-power picosecond Nd:YVO4 oscillator
Marie-Christine Nadeau, Stéphane Petit, Philippe Balcou, Sébastien Montant, Christophe Simon-Boisson
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We report on an experimental investigation of the noise properties of an free-running, high-power, picosecond Nd:YVO4 oscillator pumped by a 100 W laser diode. The amplitude noise has been measured with a photodiode and an electronic spectrum analyser, and then compared with other mode-locked oscillator's noise spectrum. We show that in terms of noise properties, our powerful oscillator is comparable with low-power oscillators such like low-noise Ti:Sapphire oscillators. We also show that the frequency doubling does not affect the amplitude noise of the oscillator. High power diode pumping is then not an issue to get low-noise high-power oscillators.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Marie-Christine Nadeau, Stéphane Petit, Philippe Balcou, Sébastien Montant, and Christophe Simon-Boisson "Noise performances of a high-power picosecond Nd:YVO4 oscillator", Proc. SPIE 7912, Solid State Lasers XX: Technology and Devices, 791223 (3 March 2011);
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Neodymium lasers

Picosecond phenomena

High power lasers

Mode locking

Spectrum analysis


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