16 October 2012 An adaptive interpolation method for tool path generation based on iso-phote for large scale wedge /aspheric lens element grinding
Ningning Zhang, Feng Yang, Dongxu Zhang, Meiyun Chen, Zhenzhong Wang, Yinbiao Guo
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Proceedings Volume 8416, 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies; 84160T (2012)
Event: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT 2012), 2012, Xiamen, China
The tool path generation based on iso-phote is a kind of feature based path generation method. Iso-phote curves represent the characteristic curves on a parametric surface. Accordingly, iso-phote based tool paths has been proposed as an important path pattern for parametric surface machining. An adaptive interpolation method for tool path generation based on iso-phote interpolation for wedge/aspheric lens element grinding was proposed, which takes into account the symmetry problem of wedge/aspheric process behavior. This paper presents an efficient interpolation method for tool path generation approach based on iso-phote curves and bisection method. By the application of parallel grinding, the approach can guarantee the feature of aspheric lens, maximize machining speed and smooth the machine operation for high surface quality. The interpolation method guarantees that step length of the interpolated points always keep the precision. The method can improve and automate large scale wedge/aspheric lens element grinding for 3-axis CAD/CAM systems. As part of the validation process, the tool paths generated and interpolation error are analyzed and compare with the traditional method.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ningning Zhang, Feng Yang, Dongxu Zhang, Meiyun Chen, Zhenzhong Wang, and Yinbiao Guo "An adaptive interpolation method for tool path generation based on iso-phote for large scale wedge /aspheric lens element grinding", Proc. SPIE 8416, 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies, 84160T (16 October 2012); Logo
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Aspheric lenses

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