24 September 2012 Performance of the integral field spectrograph for the Gemini Planet Imager
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We present performance results, from in-lab testing, of the Integral Field Spectrograph (IFS) for the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI). GPI is a facility class instrument for the Gemini Observatory with the primary goal of directly detecting young Jovian planets. The GPI IFS is based on concepts from the OSIRIS instrument at Keck and utilizes an infrared transmissive lenslet array to sample a rectangular 2.8 x 2.8 arcsecond field of view. The IFS provides low-resolution spectra across five bands between 1 and 2.5μm. Alternatively, the dispersing element can be replaced with a Wollaston prism to provide broadband polarimetry across the same five filter bands. The IFS construction was based at the University of California, Los Angeles in collaboration with the Université de Montr eal, Immervision and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. During its construction, we encountered an unusual noise source from microphonic pickup by the Hawaii-2RG detector. We describe this noise and how we eliminated it through vibration isolation. The IFS has passed its preship review and was shipped to University of California, Santa Cruz at the end of 2011 for integration with the remaining sub-systems of GPI. The IFS has been integrated with the rest of GPI and is delivering high quality spectral datacubes of GPI's coronagraphic field.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jeffrey K. Chilcote, James E. Larkin, Jérôme Maire, Marshall D. Perrin, Michael P. Fitzgerald, René Doyon, Simon Thibault, Brian Bauman, Bruce A. Macintosh, James R. Graham, and Les Saddlemyer "Performance of the integral field spectrograph for the Gemini Planet Imager", Proc. SPIE 8446, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV, 84468W (24 September 2012); Logo
Cited by 34 scholarly publications.
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