25 September 2012 New simulation and measurement results on gateable DEPFET devices
Alexander Bähr, Stefan Aschauer, Katrin Hermenau, Sven Herrmann, Peter H. Lechner, Gerhard Lutz, Petra Majewski, Danilo Miessner, Matteo Porro, Rainer H. Richter, Gerhard Schaller, Christian Sandow, Martina Schnecke, Florian Schopper, Alexander Stefanescu, Lothar Strüder, Johannes Treis
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To improve the signal to noise level, devices for optical and x-ray astronomy use techniques to suppress background events. Well known examples are e.g. shutters or frame-store Charge Coupled Devices (CCDs). Based on the DEpleted P-channel Field Effect Transistor (DEPFET) principle a so-called Gatebale DEPFET detector can be built. Those devices combine the DEPFET principle with a fast built-in electronic shutter usable for optical and x-ray applications. The DEPFET itself is the basic cell of an active pixel sensor build on a fully depleted bulk. It combines internal amplification, readout on demand, analog storage of the signal charge and a low readout noise with full sensitivity over the whole bulk thickness. A Gatebale DEPFET has all these benefits and obviates the need for an external shutter. Two concepts of Gatebale DEPFET layouts providing a built-in shutter will be introduced. Furthermore proof of principle measurements for both concepts are presented. Using recently produced prototypes a shielding of the collection anode up to 1 • 10−4 was achieved. Predicted by simulations, an optimized geometry should result in values of 1 • 10−5 and better. With the switching electronic currently in use a timing evaluation of the shutter opening and closing resulted in rise and fall times of 100ns.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Alexander Bähr, Stefan Aschauer, Katrin Hermenau, Sven Herrmann, Peter H. Lechner, Gerhard Lutz, Petra Majewski, Danilo Miessner, Matteo Porro, Rainer H. Richter, Gerhard Schaller, Christian Sandow, Martina Schnecke, Florian Schopper, Alexander Stefanescu, Lothar Strüder, and Johannes Treis "New simulation and measurement results on gateable DEPFET devices", Proc. SPIE 8453, High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy V, 84530N (25 September 2012); Logo
Cited by 6 scholarly publications.
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