7 March 2014 High-power dense wavelength division multiplexing (HP-DWDM) of frequency stabilized 9xx diode laser bars with a channel spacing of 1.5 nm
Stefan Hengesbach, Carlo Holly, Niels Krauch, Ulrich Witte, Thomas Westphalen, Martin Traub, Dieter Hoffmann
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We present a compact High-Power DenseWavelength Division Multiplexer (HP-DWDM) based on Volume Bragg Gratings (VBGs) for spectrally stabilized diode lasers with a low average beam quality M2 ≤50. The center wavelengths of the five input channels with a spectral spacing of 1.5 nm are 973 nm, 974.5 nm, 976 nm, 977.5 nm and 979 nm. Multiplexing efficiencies of 97%±2% have been demonstrated with single mode, frequency stabilized laser radiation. Since the diffraction efficiency strongly depends on the beam quality, the multiplexing efficiency decreases to 94% (M2 = 25) and 85%±3% (M2 = 45) if multimode radiation is overlaid. Besides, the calculated multiplexing efficiency of the radiation with M2 = 45 amounts to 87:5 %. Thus, calculations and measurements are in good agreement. In addition, we developed a dynamic temperature control for the multiplexing VBGs which adapts the Bragg wavelengths to the diode laser center wavelengths. In short, the prototype with a radiance of 70GWm-2 sr-1 consists of five spectrally stabilized and passively cooled diode laser bars with 40Woutput after beam transformation. To achieve a good stabilization performance ELOD (Extreme LOw Divergence) diode laser bars have been chosen in combination with an external resonator based on VBGs. As a result, the spectral width defined by 95% power inclusion is < 120pm for each beam source across the entire operating range from 30 A to 120 A. Due to the spectral stabilization, the output power of each bar decreases in the range of < 5 %.
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Stefan Hengesbach, Carlo Holly, Niels Krauch, Ulrich Witte, Thomas Westphalen, Martin Traub, and Dieter Hoffmann "High-power dense wavelength division multiplexing (HP-DWDM) of frequency stabilized 9xx diode laser bars with a channel spacing of 1.5 nm", Proc. SPIE 8965, High-Power Diode Laser Technology and Applications XII, 89650C (7 March 2014); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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Semiconductor lasers

Laser stabilization


High power lasers

Dense wavelength division multiplexing

Temperature metrology

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