25 February 2014 Master-holograms recorded with pulsed laser on photoresist
Stanislovas Zacharovas, Diana Adliene, Ramūnas Bakanas, Rimas Šeperys, Pranas Narmontas
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Direct write digital holography technique (DWDH) using single pulsed exposures of 440nm pulsed laser has been applied to record master holograms on commercially available photoresists (ma-P1200 and Shipley 1800 series) of different thickness. Method for numerical evaluation of hologram quality, based on diffraction intensity measurement (reflected beam), was proposed and verified. It was found that all investigated photoresists: ma-P1205, ma-P1225 and S1805, were sensitive enough to record holographic structures at low single pulse laser exposures from the range 3.3 ÷ 19.5 mJ/cm2 . Best quality holograms with well – structured holopixels (hogels) were observed on 0.67 μm thick ma- P1205 photoresist exposed to 11.4 mJ/cm2 and on 0.65 μm thick S1805 photoresits exposed to 13 mJ/cm2, where corresponding measured diffraction intensity had its maximum value. In the case of thicker photoresists (ma-P1225, 3.33 μm), comparable quality of the hogel structure was found in the interval 9.8 – 13 mJ/cm2.

Investigation has shown a potential of single pulsed laser exposures to record good quality master holograms on commercially available photoresists applying at least 5 times lower exposures values as compared to CW laser exposures usually used to expose photoresist materials in holographic applications. That opens a possibility to use pulsed lasers for quick origination of master-originals for embossed holograms applying DWDH technique or analogue methods.
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Stanislovas Zacharovas, Diana Adliene, Ramūnas Bakanas, Rimas Šeperys, and Pranas Narmontas "Master-holograms recorded with pulsed laser on photoresist", Proc. SPIE 9006, Practical Holography XXVIII: Materials and Applications, 900605 (25 February 2014); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Photoresist materials

Pulsed laser operation

Digital holography



Laser applications

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