8 October 2014 Quantum repeater architecture and NV-based node technology
Kae Nemoto, Michael Trupke, Simon J. Devitt, Ashley M. Stephens, Burkhard Scharfenberger, Kathrin Buczak, Tobias Nöbauer, Jörg Schmiedmayer, William J. Munro
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We present a quantum repeater architecture using nitrogen-vacancy (NV) diamond based quantum information devices. The NV-diamond based device consists of a single negatively charged NV (NV-) center and an optical cavity. The electron of the NV center is an interface to light to be used to distribute long-distance entanglement as well as entanglement bonds for cluster state operation at each nodes. The nuclear spin-1=2 of nitrogen 15 can be used as memory. Based on this device, A scheme with as small as 10 devices to a scalable architecture is constructed, showing the necessary node technology as well as the performance such quantum communication systems.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kae Nemoto, Michael Trupke, Simon J. Devitt, Ashley M. Stephens, Burkhard Scharfenberger, Kathrin Buczak, Tobias Nöbauer, Jörg Schmiedmayer, and William J. Munro "Quantum repeater architecture and NV-based node technology", Proc. SPIE 9225, Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XII, 922507 (8 October 2014);
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