12 August 1988 Computer Simulation Of Dolphin Vision
Andre Rivamonte, A D.G Dral
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Improvements in the video display of personal computers have reached a level of spatial and intensity resolution that allows realistic simulation of animal image processing. An IBM PC with standard VGA graphics is capable of providing the computing power to support a visual acuity study from 1) formulation of the optical/neurological model, 2) acquistion/ analysis of data to 3) simulation of the perceived photic environment. The hardware, software and behavioral data required to "see" a scene degraded/enhanced by the illumination, distance, intervening viewing medium, optical train, retinal mosaic and neural processing are discussed. A model for the optics of the dolphin eye is reviewed and a model of the dolphin retina is presented. This comprehensive description of dolphin vision is integrated into our knowledge of other mammalian visual systems.
© (1988) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Andre Rivamonte and A D.G Dral "Computer Simulation Of Dolphin Vision", Proc. SPIE 0925, Ocean Optics IX, (12 August 1988);
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