1 April 2015 Wavelength stabilized multi-kW diode laser systems
Bernd Köhler, Andreas Unger, Tobias Kindervater, Simon Drovs, Paul Wolf, Ralf Hubrich, Anna Beczkowiak, Stefan Auch, Holger Müntz, Jens Biesenbach
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We report on wavelength stabilized high-power diode laser systems with enhanced spectral brightness by means of Volume Holographic Gratings. High-power diode laser modules typically have a relatively broad spectral width of about 3 to 6 nm. In addition the center wavelength shifts by changing the temperature and the driving current, which is obstructive for pumping applications with small absorption bandwidths. Wavelength stabilization of high-power diode laser systems is an important method to increase the efficiency of diode pumped solid-state lasers. It also enables power scaling by dense wavelength multiplexing. To ensure a wide locking range and efficient wavelength stabilization the parameters of the Volume Holographic Grating and the parameters of the diode laser bar have to be adapted carefully. Important parameters are the reflectivity of the Volume Holographic Grating, the reflectivity of the diode laser bar as well as its angular and spectral emission characteristics. In this paper we present detailed data on wavelength stabilized diode laser systems with and without fiber coupling in the spectral range from 634 nm up to 1533 nm. The maximum output power of 2.7 kW was measured for a fiber coupled system (1000 μm, NA 0.22), which was stabilized at a wavelength of 969 nm with a spectral width of only 0.6 nm (90% value). Another example is a narrow line-width diode laser stack, which was stabilized at a wavelength of 1533 nm with a spectral bandwidth below 1 nm and an output power of 835 W.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Bernd Köhler, Andreas Unger, Tobias Kindervater, Simon Drovs, Paul Wolf, Ralf Hubrich, Anna Beczkowiak, Stefan Auch, Holger Müntz, and Jens Biesenbach "Wavelength stabilized multi-kW diode laser systems", Proc. SPIE 9348, High-Power Diode Laser Technology and Applications XIII, 93480Q (1 April 2015);
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Semiconductor lasers

Laser systems engineering

Fiber coupled lasers

Fiber couplers

High power lasers



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