20 March 2015 Longitudinal MRI assessment: the identification of relevant features in the development of Posterior Fossa Syndrome in children
M. Spiteri, E. Lewis, D. Windridge, S. Avula
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Up to 25% of children who undergo brain tumour resection surgery in the posterior fossa develop posterior fossa syndrome (PFS). This syndrome is characterised by mutism and disturbance in speech. Our hypothesis is that there is a correlation between PFS and the occurrence of hypertrophic olivary degeneration (HOD) in lobes within the posterior fossa, known as the inferior olivary nuclei (ION). HOD is exhibited as an increase in size and intensity of the ION on an MR image. Intra-operative MRI (IoMRI) is used during surgical procedures at the Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liver- pool, England, in the treatment of Posterior Fossa tumours and allows visualisation of the brain during surgery. The final MR scan on the IoMRI allows early assessment of the ION immediately after the surgical procedure. The longitudinal MRI data of 28 patients was analysed in a collaborative study with Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, in order to identify the most relevant imaging features that relate to the development of PFS, specifically related to HOD. A semi-automated segmentation process was carried out to delineate the ION on each MRI. Feature selection techniques were used to identify the most relevant features amongst the MRI data, demographics and clinical data provided by the hospital. A support vector machine (SVM) was used to analyse the discriminative ability of the selected features. The results indicate the presence of HOD as the most efficient feature that correlates with the development of PFS, followed by the change in intensity and size of the ION and whether HOD occurred bilaterally or unilaterally.
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M. Spiteri, E. Lewis, D. Windridge, and S. Avula "Longitudinal MRI assessment: the identification of relevant features in the development of Posterior Fossa Syndrome in children", Proc. SPIE 9414, Medical Imaging 2015: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 94142L (20 March 2015); Logo
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Magnetic resonance imaging

Feature selection

Image segmentation



Feature extraction

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