14 March 2016 High-efficiency bispectral laser source for EUV lithography
A. P. Zhevlakov, R. P. Seisyan, V. G. Bespalov, V. V. Elizarov, A. S. Grishkanich, S. V. Kascheev
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New concept of EUV radiation power scaling in the intermediate focus of the illumination system is proposed. The multiplex source scheme based on combination of several sources with acceptable level power allows to concentrate EUV light on the total power level of 1kW and more have been developed. The experimental results showed that the power consumption in the double-pulse bi-spectral primary source for EUV lithography can be substantially decrease by replacing pre-amplifiers in power CO2 laser on the SRS converters wavelength 1.06 μm to 10.6 μm while maintaining efficiency of EUV radiation output of illuminated plasma.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
A. P. Zhevlakov, R. P. Seisyan, V. G. Bespalov, V. V. Elizarov, A. S. Grishkanich, and S. V. Kascheev "High-efficiency bispectral laser source for EUV lithography", Proc. SPIE 9735, Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XXI, 97351F (14 March 2016);
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Optical amplifiers

Extreme ultraviolet

Extreme ultraviolet lithography

Carbon dioxide lasers

Carbon dioxide



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