26 July 2016 Adaptive optics for MOSAIC: design and performance of the wide(st)-field AO system for the E-ELT
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MOSAIC is the proposed multiple-object spectrograph for the E-ELT that will utilise the widest possible field of view provided by the telescope. In terms of adaptive optics, there are two distinct operating modes required to meet the top-level science requirements. The MOSAIC High Multiplex Mode (HMM) requires either seeing-limited or GLAO correction within a 0.6 (NIR) and 0.9 (VIS) arcsecond sub-fields over the widest possible field for a few hundred objects. To achieve seeing limited operation whilst maintaining the maximum unvignetted field of view for scientific observation will require recreating some of the functionality present in the Pre-Focal Station relating to control of the E-ELT active optics. MOSAIC High Definition Mode Control (HDM) requires a 25% Ensquared Energy (EE) within 150mas in the H-band element for approximately 10 targets distributed across the full E-ELT field, implying the use of Multiple Object AO (MOAO). Initial studies have shown that to meet the EE requirements whilst maintaining high-sky coverage will require the combination of wavefront signals from both high-order NGS and LGS to provide a tomographic estimate for the correction to be applied to the open-loop MOAO DMs. In this paper we present the current MOSAIC AO design and provide the first performance estimates for the baseline instrument design. We then report on the various trade-offs that will be investigated throughout the course of the Phase A study, such as the requirement to mix NGS and LGS signals tomographically. Finally, we discuss how these will impact the AO architecture, the MOSAIC design and ultimately the scientific performance of this wide-field workhorse instrument at the E-ELT.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Tim Morris, Alastair Basden, Tristan Buey, Fanny Chemla, Jean-Marc Conan, Ewan Fitzsimons, Thierry Fusco, Eric Gendron, Francois Hammer, Pascal Jagourel, Carine Morel, Richard Myers, Benoit Neichel, Cyril Petit, Myriam Rodrigues, and Gérard Rousset "Adaptive optics for MOSAIC: design and performance of the wide(st)-field AO system for the E-ELT", Proc. SPIE 9909, Adaptive Optics Systems V, 99091I (26 July 2016); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Adaptive optics

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