2 March 2022 A novel co-axial and acoustic pre-compensation approach for tissue excitation in optical coherence tomography vibrography
Ryan McAuley, Andrew Nolan, Andrea Curatolo, Sergey A. Alexandrov, Susana Marcos, Martin J. Leahy, Judith S. Birkenfeld
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Described in this study is an advanced co-axial acoustic stimulation technique with pre-compensation for acoustic frequency content and reconstruction of signals in the Fourier domain for use in Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Vibrography. The feasibility of the technique was demonstrated via the measurement of the first mechanical, flexural resonance modes of two contact lenses with varied elastic moduli and an ex-vivo porcine cornea, each with a maintained constant intraocular pressure. The measurement of these resonance modes was achieved through use of a Swept Source OCT system, operated in phase sensitive mode, to detect the nanometer scale displacements of these modes.
Conference Presentation
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ryan McAuley, Andrew Nolan, Andrea Curatolo, Sergey A. Alexandrov, Susana Marcos, Martin J. Leahy, and Judith S. Birkenfeld "A novel co-axial and acoustic pre-compensation approach for tissue excitation in optical coherence tomography vibrography", Proc. SPIE PC11962, Optical Elastography and Tissue Biomechanics VIV, PC119620E (2 March 2022);
Optical coherence tomography


Tissue optics


Contact lenses


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