13 March 2024 Label-free imaging and virtual staining of human prostate paraffin sections for abnormality and cancer diagnosis
Mingxuan SI, Weixing Dai, Yan Zhang, Hei Man Wong, Tsz Wai Wong
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In this work, we propose a deep-UV LED-based imaging modality for generating AF images on human prostate paraffin sections. The achieved lateral resolution is around 1 µm. Moreover, a virtual staining framework is used to style transfer the AF images into clinical standard H&E images with an MS-SSIM > 0.65 between the virtually stained images and their corresponding ground truth images. The high similarity between the two domains is recognized by medical professionals, illustrating the high accuracy of the virtual staining algorithm and the clinical importance of this work for the post-operative histopathology workflow.
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Mingxuan SI, Weixing Dai, Yan Zhang, Hei Man Wong, and Tsz Wai Wong "Label-free imaging and virtual staining of human prostate paraffin sections for abnormality and cancer diagnosis", Proc. SPIE PC12854, Label-free Biomedical Imaging and Sensing (LBIS) 2024, PC1285401 (13 March 2024);



Light sources and illumination

Medical imaging

Standards development


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