Unlocking the quantum potential of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamonds has led to innovative advancements in sensing applications. By coupling NV centers with plasmonic nanostructures, ultrasensitive biolabels are envisioned. To this end, we exploit DNA self-assembly to create hybrid plasmonic nanodiamonds, featuring a closed nanocavity encapsulating a single nanodiamond. Correlated spectroscopy reveals enhanced brightness and emission rates, crucial for quantum sensing. This synergy between plasmonics and diamond fluorescence augments photon emission intensity and accelerates emission rates, enabling improved temporal resolution. These nanodiamonds hold promise as stable single-photon sources and versatile platforms for probing quantum effects in biology. This talk highlights the development, properties, and potential applications of these nanodiamonds, bridging quantum sensing and biomedicine, and fostering transformative changes in biophotonics.