20 June 2024 Multiring rare earth-doped silica optical fibers for broadband and laser emission in the eye-safe spectral range
Piotr Miluski, Marcin Kochanowicz, Maria Michalska, Krzysztof Markowski, Marek Lodzinski, Wojciech A. Pisarski, Joanna Pisarska, Marta Kuwik, Magdalena Leśniak, Dominik Dorosz, Jacek Zmojda, Jacek Świderski, Jan Dorosz
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This study introduces constructions of the structural (multiring) doping profile for Large Mode Area fibers, incorporating Tm3+ and Tm3+/Ho3+ layer profiles. The presentation includes a numerical analysis of modal properties and beam shape. The chelate doping technology (CDT) of modified chemical vapour phase deposition (MCVD), known for its low attenuation active preforms fabrication method, was employed in optical fiber manufacturing. The multi-stage deposition in the MCVD-CDT system enables the fabrication of optical preforms with up to 20 layers. Concentrations of lanthanides were optimized to achieve broadband emission in the eye-safe spectral range of 1.55 to 2.10 µm. The fiber construction employed Tm3+ doping design used for a laser construction utilizing the Fabry-Perot resonator for single-mode laser beam generation at a wavelength of 1940 nm, with an M2 value of approximately 1.1. Acknowledgments: The project was funded by the National Science Centre (Poland) granted on the basis of decision no. UMO-2020/37/B/ST7/03094.
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Piotr Miluski, Marcin Kochanowicz, Maria Michalska, Krzysztof Markowski, Marek Lodzinski, Wojciech A. Pisarski, Joanna Pisarska, Marta Kuwik, Magdalena Leśniak, Dominik Dorosz, Jacek Zmojda, Jacek Świderski, and Jan Dorosz "Multiring rare earth-doped silica optical fibers for broadband and laser emission in the eye-safe spectral range", Proc. SPIE PC13001, Specialty Optical Fibres VIII, PC1300105 (20 June 2024);
Optical fibers




Fiber lasers

Biomedical applications

Materials properties


New concept: fiber embedded disk and tube lasers
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Photomechanical fiber optics
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