We performed wave-optics-based numerical simulations at mid-infrared wavelengths to investigate how the presence or absence of entrance slits and optical aberrations affect the spectral resolving power R of a compact, high-spectral-resolving-power spectrometer containing an immersion-echelle grating. We tested three cases of telescope aberration (aberration-free, astigmatism, and spherical aberration), assuming the aberration budget of the Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics, which has a 20 μm wavelength diffraction limit. In cases with a slit, we found that the value of R at around 10 to 20 μm is approximately independent of the assumed aberrations, which is significantly different from the prediction of geometrical optics. Our results also indicate that diffraction from the slit improves R by enlarging the effective illuminated area on the grating window and that this improvement decreases at short wavelengths. For the slit-less cases, we found that the impact of aberrations on R can be roughly estimated using the Strehl ratio. |
1.IntroductionSpace-borne spectroscopy with a spectral resolving power higher than tens of thousands at mid-infrared (MIR) wavelengths is an unexplored region of astronomy that has high scientific significance. For example, radial-velocity measurements with a precision of about 10 km/s can identify the position of the “snowline” in a protoplanetary disk, which is considered a key test of current models for planetary formation.1,2 The Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics (SPICA) includes the SPICA mid-infrared instrument (SMI),3,4 which contains a high-resolution (HR) spectrometer designed to be capable of such high-spectral-resolving-power spectroscopy. In SPICA/SMI-HR, we planned to use an immersion echelle grating. An echelle grating is a grating that has a low groove density and is optimized for large-angle incident angles (i.e., large diffraction orders). In addition, in an immersion echelle grating, an echelle grating is in touch with a substrate through which the incident and diffracted beams pass. With a given incident angle, a large beam width incident to the grating provides us with a large spectral resolving power, because it brings a large optical-path-length differences on the grating. The optical-path-length difference is magnified by a refractive index of a substrate in an immersion echelle grating. Hence, a beam width required for a given spectral resolving power in an immersion echelle grating is smaller than one in usual echelle gratings by a factor of the refractive index of the substrate. The size reduction of the spectrometer has a particular importance in space-borne instruments that are strictly limited in size and mass.5 As a material with a high refractive index, some semiconductors are promising in the infrared wavelength. Crystals of Si, which transmit the light at 1.2 to , can be applied to immersion echelle gratings through the process of photolithography.6–8 The single-point diamond machining9,10 of softer materials including CdZnTe is a method to fabricate immersion echelle gratings, which have wavelength band pass different from Si crystals. SPICA/SMI-HR is designed with a substrate of CdZnTe ().9 Since the size of the spectrometer is limited by cost of space craft or the available ingot size10 of the substrate material for immersion grating, it is important to obtain detailed information on the spectral resolving power of such a size-limited spectrometer. An analytical evaluation, however, does not consider either diffraction from the spectrometer slit or telescope aberrations, both of which must be taken into account to properly evaluate the spectral resolving power. To include these effects, numerical simulations are needed to acquire information on the spectral resolving power in the MIR-wavelength band without performing difficult experiments. For the following reasons, the simulations must be based not on geometrical optics but on wave optics:
In this paper, we describe the numerical simulations of the spectral resolving power of the SMI-HR optical model to investigate how the presence or absence of an entrance slit affects the spectral resolving power of a compact, high-spectral-resolving-power spectrometer. We performed the simulations using the wave-optics software Wyrowski VirtualLab Fusion (Second Generation Technology Update [Build]).12 In Sec. 2, we review the principle of spectral resolving power for immersion-echelle spectrometers to clarify the goal of the simulations. In Sec. 3, we describe the assumptions of our simulations. In Sec. 4, we show our results and discuss the general characteristics of the simulated spectral resolving power achieved by a compact, immersion-echelle grating spectrometer. Sec. 5 summarizes the contents of this paper. 2.Review of TheoryThe theory of the spectral resolving power of immersion-echelle spectrometers is no different from the usual theory for ordinary reflective gratings that can be found in many sources.13 We briefly review it here to clarify the aim of the simulations (stated in Sec. 1) and the symbol conventions used in this paper. Hereafter, we assume that the light source to be observed is an ideal point source. Equation 1 is the fundamental equation for wavelength dispersion by a reflective grating; it is referred to as the “grating equation,” which is expressed as where is the length of a period (the pitch) of the grating structure; and are the angle of incidence and diffraction of the plane wave, respectively; is the diffraction order; is the wavelength of the light in vacuum; and is the refractive index of the immersed grating substrate. Although the wavelength dispersion of the medium affects the spectral resolving power, in this paper, we assume the refractive index14 to be a real constant, independent of , to focus on the other principal effects. Note that Eq. (1) is derived by assuming the incident wavefront to be a perfect plane wave that spans the entire two-dimensional plane.The relationship between and is expressed as The variation of is negligible, compared to itself, in the interval of the minimum resolvable exit-angle difference (denoted by ). Thus, we can interpret Eq. (2) as a sufficiently well-approximated relationship between and the minimum resolvable wavelength difference (denoted by ) is given by The spectral resolving power thus becomes In particular, when (the Littrow configuration), Eq. (4) becomes Hereafter, we denote the physical size of the grating window along the dispersion direction by and the geometrical beam width along the dispersion direction by ; and we assume that . For the development of SPICA/SMI-HR, the physical size was limited mainly by the size of the available CdZnTe ingot (e.g., a column with a diameter of 135 mm and a thickness of 50 mm); see Ref. 10 for the detail of the size limitation. As we are not considering diffraction from slits in this section, we can express as where is a correction factor that depends on the shape of the entrance window; more directly, depends on how grating grooves are illuminated (e.g., rectangular or elliptical). Substituting Eq. (6) into Eq. (5) leads to the equation for diffraction-limited , which is given byIn Eq. (7), we note that is directly proportional to the quantity . This quantity can be interpreted as the round-trip optical-path difference between light rays from the opposite ends of the beam width at the incident (exit) window (Fig. 1). For reference, we also consider the geometrically slit-limited case here. In this case, we can express using the telescope diameter and the slit width in radians on the sky and the related equation is where equals the magnification ratio of the optics. Hence, the geometrically slit-limited is expressed asEquation (7) does not consider either diffraction from the slit or telescope aberrations, both of which are needed to properly evaluate . In other words, Eq. (7) is based on the assumptions that the optical system (including the telescope) is aberration-free and that there is no entrance slit. When we consider diffraction from the entrance slit, the amplitude/phase profile incident on the grating surface becomes far more complicated than the one that analysis with geometrical optics assumes. In addition, diffracted beams may be vignetted at the grating window. Furthermore, aberrations are additional factors that change the size of the point-spread function (PSF). Spot sizes determined by ray tracing are inappropriate for evaluating the sizes of the PSFs when wavefront errors are not sufficiently large compared to the wavelength. Hence, Eq. (7) is not satisfactory for evaluating the spectral resolving power of a realistic spectrometer with an entrance slit and/or optical aberrations. To take these factors into account, we have performed simulations based on wave optics. The simulations assumed a simple high-spectral-resolving-power spectrograph of limited size (). We aim to investigate how the presence or absence of an entrance slit and optical aberrations affect in the 10 to wavelength range. 3.Setup3.1.Layout of the Optical Model3.1.1.SimplificationThe optical model used in the current study is based on the latest design of SMI-HR15 (Fig. 2), but we have made the following simplifications (Fig. 3):
3.1.2.Main parametersThe main parameters of the simulation setup are compiled in Table 1. They reflect the design of the SPICA/SMI-HR, except for the simplifications described earlier. Table 1The main parameters for the setup of the simulations. These parameters come from the design of SPICA/SMI-HR. The reason why the geometry beam and grating window are elongated is to fabricate the longest possible grating from a CdZnTe ingot, which has a limited size. The width (100.000 μm) of the slit are designed through our consideration of the diffraction-limited PSF width at λ=10 to 20 μm (Table 2).
3.2.Method of Calculation3.2.1.Wavelength samplingWe performed calculations for the diffraction orders , 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, and 145. For each sampled value of , we selected the following wavelengths, for which (the Littrow configuration) and the related equation is These values of are listed in Table 2. For reference, we also show the slit efficiency at each wavelength, calculated for the assumed slit size . Table 2The wavelengths λm used for the simulations and the slit efficiency Em calculated for the assumed slit size at each wavelength. The wavelengths λm are the blaze wavelengths for the Littrow configuration.
3.2.2.AlgorithmsWe next describe the propagation algorithms we used. [We used two Intel(R) Xeon(R) processors, each with CPU E5-2620 v4 (2.10 GHz, 8 cores, 16 threads), in parallel for the simulations. The maximum amount of memory used during each simulation was less than 128 GB. The resolution of the simulation on each surface is .]
The value of in Eq. (13) depends on the optical design (see Table 1 and Appendix B). Using the value of given in Table 1, together with Eqs. (5) and (13), we obtain the equation The definition of 18 used in this paper is the full width at half maximum (FWHM) along the direction of wavelength dispersion; we first integrated the PSFs along the direction perpendicular to the direction of wavelength dispersion and then used them to evaluate the FWHMs. 4.Results and Discussion4.1.ResultsThe simulated spectral resolving powers for different wavelengths are shown in Fig. 5; for comparison, the results for slit-less cases are also shown. For cases both with and without a slit, we include the following three types of aberrations (added as wavefront errors at the entrance pupil of the simulation model): aberration-free [(1) and (2) in Fig. 5)], astigmatism with root-mean-square (RMS) [(3) and (4) in Fig. 5], and spherical aberration with RMS [(5) and (6) in Fig. 5]. The symbols (1), (3), and (5) are for cases with a slit, whereas (2), (4), and (6) are for cases without a slit. For reference, Fig. 6 shows the one-dimensional PSFs on the slit plane at the blaze wavelength of the diffraction orders (Table 2); in addition, Fig. 7 shows the one-dimensional PSFs on the final focal plane at the same wavelengths as Fig. 6. We obtained these one-dimensional PSFs through integrating the two-dimensional amplitude distribution along the direction perpendicular to the direction of wavelength dispersion. 4.2.DiscussionIn Fig. 5, the three curves [(7–9) in Fig. 5] represent some simple analytical estimates of . In this section, we first explain those three curves and then discuss the results using them. In the discussion below, the distance between lens 2 and the detector is denoted by ). We define two types of numerical apertures; one () is associated with the size of the grating window along the dispersion direction, and the other NA is for the geometrical beam size along the dispersion direction, which is given by The values of and NA are 0.100550 and 0.0939085, respectively. The horizontal dashed black line (7) represents the value of determined only by the slit width, i.e., the value of for the case in which is the full slit width (). This line corresponds to a specific example of Eq. (9). This line provides a good estimate of for the sufficiently diffuse sources in all the wavelength ranges discussed in the present paper. (Exceptions are extremely long wavelengths for which we cannot use Kirchhoff’s boundary conditions.14) Next, the black solid curve (8) and the dash-dot-dot curve (9) represent for cases in which is evaluated from the following equations, respectively and they are expressed as and where and . These lines correspond to specific examples of Eq. (7). Equations (16) and (17) are obtained with the calculation of the Fraunhofer diffraction integral for rectangular and elliptical aperture functions;14 these expressions are not used in the SPW simulations.Curve (8) gives the value of for the case in which the grating window is fully and homogeneously illuminated by a perfect plane wave; thus, this curve can be interpreted as the upper limit on , which is realized approximately for a case with a sufficiently narrow slit width. In other words, when the collimated beam projection is less than the physical extent of the grating (), inserting a narrow slit spreads the beam over the entire grating, reproducing the result where without a slit. Similarly, curve (9) shows the value of for a case in which the geometrical beam size determines the illuminated region on the grating window. When we compare the symbols (1–6) and the lines (7–9) in Fig. 5, we find the followings:
This is a result of diffraction from the slit spreading the illuminated region of the grating surface. Since the assumed width of the slit is not sufficiently larger than the widths of diffraction-limit PSFs, an electromagnetic wave that has passed through the slit has a different angular spectrum compared to the wave before passing through the slit. Hence, electromagnetic waves that have passed through the slit illuminate the grating surface in different ways from the assumption of curve (8). Figure 8 shows the results for the simulations of the spectral resolving power for cases with slit widths of 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, and (, ). For each slit width, we examined three types of aberrations (aberration-free; astigmatism with RMS , where ; and spherical aberration with RMS ). Hereafter, we express the full width of the first-null point along the axis of the short-side direction of the slit () as . Figure 8 shows the following tendencies:
This can be interpreted as the effect of the assumed aberration. Here, we estimate the effect of the assumed aberration on as follows. The typical intensity of the PSF is defined as where is the power at the last focal plane (the two-dimensional integral of the intensity over the whole of the last focal plane) and is a dimensionless constant, the actual value of which is arbitrary and does not affect the result. Since wavefront aberrations do not change , Eq. (22) shows that the value of is constant, independent of wavefront aberrations. Therefore, by assuming as a working hypothesis that is proportional to the Strehl ratio associated with the considered aberration (i.e., an assumption that the Strehl ratio is proportional to the typical PSF intensity ), we obtainThus, since is inversely proportional to [Eqs. (5) and (13)], (for the slit-less cases) is proportional to the square root of the Strehl ratio. Figure 10 shows for cases (4) and (6) in Fig. 5 divided by for case (2), together with the square root of the Strehl ratio; note that the Strehl ratio for case (2) is approximately unity (diffraction limited). Here, we define the Strehl ratio as where is the RMS wavefront error in waves. Figure 10 shows that the square root of the Strehl ratio is valid as a rough estimate of the impact of aberrations on the value of in the cases without a slit.5.ConclusionThe commonly used theory for the spectral resolving power of an immersion-echelle grating does not take into account diffraction from the slit, optical aberration, or two-dimensional aperture shapes and beam profiles. In this study, we performed numerical simulations to take these factors into account to properly investigate the spectral resolving power of a compact, high-spectral-resolving-power MIR spectrometer. This simulation was fully based on wave optics, as computed using Wyrowski VirtualLab Fusion (Second Generation Technology Update [Build]). Our main results are as follows:
6.Appendix A: Model of a Reflective Diffraction Grating with Ideal Diffraction EfficiencyThe plane on the grating surface is defined as follows:
For simplicity, assume that the diffraction grating is infinitely long in the -direction. Also, assume that the diffraction grating modulates the incident plane wave on the grating surface as where and are the pitch and full width of the grating, andBecause is a periodic function with period , the Fourier conjugate (This Fourier transform can be physically interpreted as a plane-wave expansion in three-dimensional space.) of is where , , and are the diffraction order, index of refraction, and diffraction efficiency, respectively, and where and is the wavenumber in the -direction. Here, we assume an ideal diffraction efficiency; that is where means the diffraction order intended to be observed. Equation (28) then becomesThe inverse Fourier transform of Eq. (30) is as follows: On the other hand, the grating equation for a reflective grating is given by Using , Eq. (32) can be rewritten as where is . By substituting Eq. (33) into Eq. (31), we obtainEquation (34) shows that, when we assume an ideal diffraction efficiency [Eq. (29)], we can model a diffraction grating as a “mirror” that reflects plane waves from the direction of to the direction of . In the simulations, we define the direction of as the peak direction of the spectrum of the plane wave incident on the grating. 7.Appendix B: Evaluation ofThe quantity can be evaluated using matrix ray-tracing based on Gaussian optics.19 We explain the method here. Hereafter, we denote the distance from the center of the grating surface to the grating window by , the distance from the grating window to the thin lens by and the distance from the thin lens to the detector by . The ray height, , and the angular direction of the ray, , in radians can be written in the vector form, which is expressed as Thus, the vector means the chief ray (on the grating surface) with the tiny first-order-direction angle .The transfer matrix from the grating surface to the detector can then be calculated with the equation that is expressed as Thus, the chief ray with the tiny direction angle on the grating surface propagates onto the detector, which is given by the equation Since the height of the ray on the detector can be interpreted as , we obtain the expression for , which is given by AcknowledgmentsThis research is part of conceptual design activity for the infrared astronomical space mission SPICA, which was a candidate for the ESA Cosmic Vision M5 and a JAXA strategic L-class mission. The SMI consortium is an international team and the authors of this paper include members of this consortium who were in charge of the development of the SPICA Mid-Infrared Instrument; this consortium is led by Japanese universities and ISAS/JAXA. ReferencesS. Notsu et al.,
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