Open Access
1 July 2006 Prediction of glucose in whole blood by near-infrared spectroscopy: Influence of wavelength region, preprocessing, and hemoglobin concentration
Yoen-Joo Kim, Gilwon Yoon
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Measurement accuracy for predicting glucose in whole blood was studied based on near-infrared spectroscopy. Optimal wavelength regions, preprocessing, and the influence of hemoglobin were examined using partial least-squares regression. Spectra between 1100 and 2400 nm were measured from 98 whole blood samples. In order to study the influence of hemoglobin, which is the most dominant component in blood, 98 samples were arranged such that glucose and hemoglobin concentrations were distributed in their physiological ranges. Samples were grouped into three depending on hemoglobin level. The results showed that glucose prediction was influenced by hemoglobin concentrations in the calibration model. It was necessary for samples used in the calibration model to represent the entire range of hemoglobin level. The cross-validation errors were the smallest when the wavelength regions of 1390 to 1888 nm and 2044 to 2393 nm were used. However, prediction accuracy was not very dependent on preprocessing methods in this optimal region. The standard error of glucose prediction was 25.5 mg/dL and the coefficient of variation in prediction was 11.2%.



Since the introduction of infrared as a dream beam,1 infrared spectroscopy has been applied for measuring blood glucose noninvasively. There have been even some premature announcements of a noninvasive glucose monitor in the market, but still hope for and doubts of this technology prevail without a commercial product available at this time. There have been many investigations, for example, from an early scientific investigation by Robinson 2 and several papers have reviewed this technology. 3, 4, 5, 6

Initial investigations for noninvasive glucose monitoring used a wavelength region of 700 to 1300nm that contains higher orders of glucose overtone regions.2, 7, 8 However, this wavelength region shows very little glucose absorption, for example, less than 0.1%, compared to the fundamental absorption region of 9 to 9.6μm . Naturally, other glucose absorption regions were explored. They are the combination spectral region between 2.0 and 2.5μm and the first overtone band of 1.52 to 1.85μm . Based on the measurements at these bands, studies have been made with aqueous solutions mixed with some blood substances, 9, 10, 11, 12 with blood13, 14 and in vivo experiments.15, 16

The fundamental glucose absorption band lies in the mid-infrared (MIR) region. Due to interference with other substances, 9.0 and 9.6μm are expected to be the most promising wavelengths to predict glucose absorption in the MIR region when interferences by other blood substances are also taken into account.17 There have been various investigations on measuring glucose using the MIR region. 18, 19, 20, 21 Unfortunately, the MIR region may not be used for in vivo monitoring because light penetration is limited to only several scores of micrometers depending on specific wavelengths.

The near-infrared (NIR) 1.5 to 2.5μm band appears to be a suitable region for noninvasive glucose monitoring because it has higher glucose sensitivity compared with the second or third overtones and deeper penetration compared with the fundamental region. Basically, difficulties lie principally in weak glucose absorption, strong light scattering, and the interferences by other blood substances as well as other tissues. Initial enthusiasm from successful experiments with cuvette samples was often replaced by frustration when researchers performed in vivo experiments. A powerful tool, multivariate analysis, such as partial least-squares regression, may convert spectra to glucose fitting erroneously according to temporal or environmental correlation.22, 23

Is it possible to achieve noninvasive glucose monitoring particularly using NIR absorption spectroscopy? What would be an order of achievable maximum accuracies? As one of the steps toward noninvasive glucose monitoring, whole blood samples were investigated in this study. Interestingly enough, there has been little investigation on glucose prediction using whole blood. Amerov used bovine blood from a single blood matrix.14 They had varied glucose concentrations. However, other blood components were the same. In our case, we used human whole blood. Our samples had different concentrations of glucose and hemoglobin as well as other blood substances. Because our research aim was to know how accurately blood glucose can be monitored, we used the different blood samples instead of a single matrix. Other human whole blood research that we are aware of was by Haaland 13 They prepared blood samples from only four persons. Twenty samples from each person were made. Predictions in terms of the standard error of prediction (SEP) using the samples made from the same person ranged from 30.5 to 37.9mgdL . However, predictions based on the calibration model using a different individual were poor and they did not even reveal the numbers. They stated that different blood compositions were sufficiently different among the four subjects. In our study, the number of different blood samples was increased so that different blood chemistry was taken into account. We examined which optimal wavelength regions should be used to predict glucose concentrations in the NIR region. We also studied the effect of data preprocessing and the influence of hemoglobin that is the most dominant component in blood.



A NIRSystems 6500 spectrometer equipped with silicon and lead-sulfide (PbS) detectors was used to measure the spectra of 98 blood samples. Each blood sample was made by pooling 3 to 5 EDTA whole blood samples where both blood types (ABO and Rh) and hemoglobin concentrations were being checked. Pooling blood was required to ensure that there was enough blood volume when preparing each sample that was used not only for spectrum measurement but also for reference value measurement. Glucose stock solution of 20gdL in saline was added to blood samples to control glucose concentrations. Highly concentrated glucose stock was added into a different blood sample to make a blood sample with a particular glucose concentration. No dilution of blood was made. First, we had information on hemoglobin concentration for every extracted blood sample. We mixed (or pooled) 3 to 5 extracted blood samples of similar hemoglobin concentrations to make one blood sample. By doing this, we had enough blood volume for each sample. Also during this process, we could arrange the samples so that their hemoglobin concentrations were distributed in the entire physiological range. After that, we added glucose to assign different glucose values such that glucose and hemoglobin concentrations are not correlated to each other.

Spectra were measured by a Foss NIR 6500 system between 1100nm and 2500nm with a step of 2nm . One scan time was set to 1s and 32 scan data were averaged to produce a spectrum. The system signal-to-noise ratio of measured spectrum was 105 absorbance that was computed from two consecutively acquired spectra. Each spectrum was obtained between 1100 and 2500nm . Whole blood was contained in a 0.5mm detachable cell. The spectrum of the blood sample was measured. The spectrum without the cell was also measured and used for reference. The absorbance spectrum was obtained from these two single beam intensities. Immediately after each measurement, a portion of blood was centrifuged and the plasma was frozen to measure glucose concentration. A Beckman chemistry analyzer based on the glucose hexokinase method was used to measure plasma glucose. Using another portion of the same blood, hemoglobin concentration was measured by the HiCN method using a SYSMEX instrument.

Measured glucose and hemoglobin for 98 samples ranged from 45 to 432mgdL and 7.5 to 16.6gdL , respectively. Figure 1a shows measured transmission spectra. Whole blood shows higher absorption than saline [see Fig. 1a]. In our figures, values around 1940nm , a very strong water absorption peak, are not shown in order to increase the dynamic range of the y axis. Correlation coefficients between hemoglobin or glucose values with respect to whole blood absorbance for all the samples were calculated at each wavelength. Correlation coefficients of hemoglobin and glucose with respect to absorbance at each wavelength are shown in Fig. 1b. Correlation coefficients for hemoglobin are around 0.8 and those for glucose are smaller than 0.1. This indicates that measured absorbance spectra varied mainly depending on hemoglobin level.

Fig. 1

(a) Whole blood spectra of 98 samples and saline spectrum; (b) whole blood spectra are correlated with hemoglobin and glucose concentrations at each wavelength and computed correlations coefficients are shown.



Wavelength Selection

The region between 1100 and 2400nm includes the first overtone and combination bands. It is necessary to choose a specific wavelength region that minimizes prediction errors. We performed partial least-squares regression (PLSR) analysis by using PIROUETTE 2.6 software (Infometrix Inc). All 98 samples were examined. Before calibration, spectra were mean-centered. We used all the sample data. Loading vectors were analyzed to examine the influence of wavelength. Our previous work,24 has more detailed descriptions on loading vector analysis and wavelength band selections. A similar approach was adapted in this investigation. In choosing the wavelength ranges, a region between 1.5 and 1.8μm (first overtone band) and a region between approximately 2 to 2.4μm (combination band) were considered. Also, the entire range of 1.1 to 2.4μm was included as one of the regions. A region around 1940nm has a higher water absorption peak and hemoglobin absorption increases toward 1100nm . Therefore, the elimination of 1940 and 1100nm peaks produced further wavelength regions (Table 1 ). Table 1 summarizes glucose prediction at various spectral regions. For each spectral region, we computed the standard error of cross validation (SECV), correlation coefficient of cross validation (rCVal), standard error of calibration (SEC), correlation coefficient of calibration (rCal), and coefficient of variation in cross validation (VCCVal) . An optimum number of factors used in the regression were determined by the leave-one-out cross validation and F test with a significance level of 5% among the factors. The best result was obtained using the regions of 1390 to 1888 and 2044 to 2392nm where SECV is the least.

Table 1

Predictions of glucose concentrations at various spectral regions. Spectra of all 98 samples were used. The best SECV and VCCVal were obtained when 1390 to 1888 and 2044 to 2392nm were used.

Spectral region (nm) N 1 #f 2SECV3 rCVal4SEC5 rCal6 VCCVal 7 (%)

1 N : number of variables used for PLSR analysis.

2 #f : optimal number of factors.

3SECV (mg/dL): standard error of cross validation.

4rCVal: correlation coefficient of cross validation.

5SEC (mg/dL): standard error of calibration.

6rCal: correlation coefficient of calibration.

7 VCCVal (%): coefficient of variation in cross validation, SECV∕mean×100 .

Over 1100 to 2392nm , except for a water absorption peak around 1940nm , we plotted the first through third loading vectors and regression vectors of a glucose calibration model that used all 98 samples (Fig. 2 ). Loading vectors are shown together with glucose spectrum [Fig. 2b] and hemoglobin spectrum [Fig. 2c] whose values were measured from saline solutions. Therefore, a spectrum of glucose or hemoglobin in Fig. 2 was calculated by subtracting saline spectra. Hemoglobin was prepared by the blood cell lysis method described in the Ref. 25.

Fig. 2

Calibration modeling based on the PLSR analysis was done for all 98 blood samples: (a) first loading vector, (b) second loading vector, (c) third loading vector, and (d) regression vector.



Data Preprocessing and Enhancement

Various data preprocessing methods have been utilized to improve calibration and prediction modeling. In this study, multiplicative scatter correction (MSC)26 and standard normal variate (SNV)27 were tested in order to minimize the scattering effect of blood cells. In addition, the second derivative method that has been widely used to remove baseline variations was applied. Fifteen or 25 points smoothing was made before differentiation to reduce noises. After preprocessing, mean centering was applied for data enhancement. Figure 3 shows final spectra processed by MSC, SNV, and the second derivatives. In order to study the effect of preprocessing, glucose concentrations were predicted. In this case, we used the wavelength bands of 1390 to 1888 and 2044 to 2392nm that produced the best results in Sec. 2.1. The results were summarized in terms of SECV and VCcval as shown in Table 2 .

Table 2

The effects of spectral data preprocessing in terms of SEC: all 98 samples were calibration modeled using different preprocessed spectra at the wavelengths of 1390 to 1888 and 2044 to 2392nm .

Preprocessing method #f SECV rCValSEC rCal VCCVal (%)
Mean centering826.121.612.3
mean centering0.97460.9810
mean centering0.97380.9810
Second derivative (15)941.626.819.5
mean centering0.93670.9768
Second derivative (25)955.127.525.9
mean centering0.88500.9754

Fig. 3

Whole blood spectra preprocessed by (a) SNV, (b) MSC, (c) second derivatives.



Influence of Hemoglobin Level

Hemoglobin is the most dominant component in blood, and its concentration level is more than 100 times of glucose. Its absorbance becomes increasingly strong toward short NIR and visible wavelengths. Even though hemoglobin absorption peaks do not interfere with the peaks of other components, its influence is by no means negligible due to its high concentration.4, 17 Therefore, it is expected that calibration and prediction modeling can be substantially influenced by hemoglobin level.

To study hemoglobin influence, 98 samples were divided into several groups. First, the entire samples were divided into two groups that are the calibration set (63 samples) and the prediction set (35 samples). Both groups were arranged so that hemoglobin and glucose concentrations were evenly distributed. Next, all the samples were grouped into three groups depending on hemoglobin level ( Hbhigh : 16.6 to 13gdL ; Hbmid : 12.8 to 10.9gdL ; Hblow : 10.7 to 7.5gdL ). Each of three groups had glucose concentrations evenly distributed in the entire range. Table 3 summarizes the groups, ranges of hemoglobin and glucose, and their standard deviations. It is important that hemoglobin and glucose concentrations in each group are not correlated. All five groups were checked for the correlation between hemoglobin and glucose concentrations, and we verified that the correlations were negligible as can be seen in terms of the correlation coefficient, r (Table 3).

Table 3

Concentration distributions of hemoglobin and glucose in different sample groups.

Group M 1Component2MinMaxMeanStandard deviation r 3
Hbtotal 98Hemoglobin7.516.612.12.2 0.0504
Hbcal 63Hemoglobin7.916.612.22.2 0.1310
Hbpre 35Hemoglobin7.516.312.02.20.1066
Hbhigh 36Hemoglobin1316.614.41.1 0.0514
Hbmid 31Hemoglobin10.912.811.90.70.0027
Hblow 31Hemoglobin7.510.

1 M is the number of samples.

2The units are g/dL for hemoglobin and mg/dL for glucose.

3r: correlation coefficient between hemoglobin and glucose.

Calibration modeling was performed using the four calibration groups ( Hbcal , Hbhigh , Hbmid , and Hblow ). Wavelength bands of 1390 to 1888nm and 2044 to 2392nm with mean centering were applied in PLSR analysis. The results were shown in Table 4 . Table 5 displays SEP and correlation coefficient of prediction (rPre) . Because glucose values are different among the prediction sets, prediction accuracy was analyzed in terms of the coefficient of variation in prediction (VCPre) . VCPre is defined as (SEP/mean value of glucose) × 100 expressed as a percentage. The results are summarized in Table 5.

Table 4

The result of calibration models for glucose determination from the four calibrations sets of different hemoglobin levels. PLSR was performed using the bands of 1390 to 1888 and 2044 to 2392nm with mean centering.

GroupMean value of glucose (mg/dL) M #f SECV rCValSEC rCal VCCVal (%)
Hbcal 20563827.520.913.4
Hbhigh 20736736.425.117.6
Hbmid 21331738.325.618.0
Hblow 22131829.016.413.1

Table 5

Prediction of glucose concentrations based on the four calibration models.

Calibration setPrediction setMean value of glucoseSEP1 (rPre) 2 VCPre 3(%)
Hbcal Hbpre 22825.5 (0.9764)11.2
Hbhigh Hbmid 21323.1 (0.9817)10.8
Hblow 22148.7 (0.9279)22.0
Hbmid Hbhigh 20739.3 (0.9465)19.0
Hblow 22146.9 (0.9328)21.2
Hblow Hbhigh 20774.2 (0.8672)35.8
Hbmid 21333.8 (0.9603)15.9

1SEP (mg/dL): standard error of prediction for glucose.

2 rPre : correlation coefficient of prediction.

3 VCPre (%): coefficient of variation in prediction of glucose, SEP∕mean×100 .


Results and Discussion

Before further analysis of data preprocessing and hemoglobin influence, an optimal wavelength region that provided the least calibration errors was obtained. SECV varied widely between 26.1 and 51.4mgdL , while various wavelength regions in 1100 to 2498nm were tested (Table 1). The best results were achieved when the regions of 1390 to 1888nm and 2044 to 2392nm were used. The regions contain both first overtone and combination bands. The optimal region included a water absorption peak at 1440nm in the first overtone band, but excluded a water absorption peak of 1940nm and wavelengths shorter than 1390nm .28 As can be observed in Fig. 1a, the region between 1100 and 1390nm shows different slopes between hemoglobin and glucose. Absorption of saline decreases as the wavelength becomes shorter. This is a typical feature of the water absorption spectrum. On the other hand, blood absorption increases toward 1100nm . This reflects hemoglobin absorption. When 1100 to 1390nm was included, SECV increased from 21.6mgdL to 27.4mgdL .

Figure 2 shows loading vectors between 1100 and 2392nm . The first loading vector appears to represent a spectral profile of blood to some degree [Fig. 2a]. The second loading vector is similar to hemoglobin spectrum, but it is a mirror image [Fig. 2b]. A spectral pattern of glucose looks similar to that of the third loading vector although there is a mismatch at wavelengths shorter than 1390nm [Fig. 2c]. It is interesting to note that the exclusion of 1100 to 1390nm produced better glucose prediction. Figure 2d illustrates regression vectors. The high absolute value of the regression vector indicates high contribution to glucose calibration at that wavelength. No contribution of 1100- 1390nm is again observed in Fig. 2d. However, strong influences by two water absorption peaks (1440 and 1940nm ) are depicted in Fig. 2.

Applying scattering correction methods of MSC and SNV did not improve the prediction accuracy as can be seen in Table 2. Figure 3 shows preprocessed spectra by MSC, SNV, and second derivatives. In the case of the second derivative method that has been widely used for baseline correction, the results were the worst and produced higher numbers of factors. For the second derivatives, negative peaks appeared at 1420, 1458, 1690, 1742, 1782, 2056, 2170, 2290, and 2348nm . Peaks at 1420 and 1458nm belong to the water absorption band and the rest are close to the peaks in the second derivative spectra of hemoglobin (1690, 1740, 2056, 2170, 2290, and 2350nm ) given by Kuenstner and Norris.25 This indicates that whole blood spectra are dominated by hemoglobin spectra. Hemoglobin features appear to be more enhanced than glucose features during differentiation.

The influence of hemoglobin concentrations in the samples was summarized in Table 4. Calibration modeling using Hbcal had SECV of 27.5mgdL and VCCVal of 13.4%. When calibration models from the sets of high, medium, and low hemoglobin levels ( Hbhigh , Hbmid , and Hblow , respectively) were performed, SECV ranged between 29 and 38mgdL and VCCVal varied from 13.1 to 18.0%. Glucose concentrations were predicted and the results were summarized in Table 5. Based on the calibration model using 63 samples (Hbcal) , glucose values of the other 35 samples (Hbpre) were predicted. SEP was 25.5mgdL where the mean value of glucose was 228mgdL and VCpre was 11.2%. Cross predictions among the different groups of hemoglobin levels were made. SEPs varied a great deal depending on the groups. We observed SEPs of 23.1 to 74.2mgdL and VCpres of 10.8 to 22% (Table 5). The more difference in hemoglobin level between the sets, the higher prediction error appeared to be. For example, VCpre was 35.8% when Hbhigh was predicted based on the calibration model of Hblow . When the calibration model based on Hbhigh predicted glucose concentrations of Hblow , VCpre was 22%. The highest values were 35.8 and 22%. It is observed that hemoglobin distribution in the calibration or prediction model influenced the accuracy substantially. It is expected that the calibration model should use a sample set consisting of all physiological ranges for hemoglobin levels.



First overtone band or combination band alone was not a sufficient wavelength region in predicting glucose in whole blood. The region including both bands, but excluding a water absorption peak of 1940nm , gave better prediction. A simple mean centering as a data preprocessing method produced good results in the optimal wavelength region. However, we may have to limit our statement to our particular case of PLSR analysis and whole blood samples because the generalization about preprocessing may be dependent on a particular multivariate method and samples. When whole blood was dealt with, hemoglobin concentrations in the calibration model should represent an entire range of hemoglobin. We have not found previous investigations where the actual hemoglobin concentrations were analyzed either for blood analysis or for in vivo experiment. We obtained a SEP of 25.5mgdL where blood glucose ranged between 45 and 432mgdL . The coefficient of variation in prediction was 11.2%. For noninvasive glucose monitoring, person-to-person blood chemistry as well as tissue variations make situations more difficult. When individual calibration (i.e., personal use) is adapted, the problem of person-to-person variation can be avoided. The personal calibration is recommended as a first step toward a noninvasive glucose monitor.


This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Korea through the Cavendish-KAIST Cooperative Research Program. We thank Haemin Cho for spectrum measurements.



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©(2006) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Yoen-Joo Kim and Gilwon Yoon "Prediction of glucose in whole blood by near-infrared spectroscopy: Influence of wavelength region, preprocessing, and hemoglobin concentration," Journal of Biomedical Optics 11(4), 041128 (1 July 2006).
Published: 1 July 2006 Logo
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