Open Access
8 June 2016 Grueneisen relaxation photoacoustic microscopy in vivo
Author Affiliations +
Funded by: National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institutes of Health, NIH, National Institute of Health, National Academies Keck Futures Initiative grant IS 13, and National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Health (NIH), US National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Health or Wellcome Trust, NIH Director’s Pioneer Award, (NIH Director’s Pioneer Award), NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award, (NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award), BRAIN Initiative, National Institutes of Health grants
Grueneisen relaxation photoacoustic microscopy (GR-PAM) can achieve optically defined axial resolution, but it has been limited to ex vivo demonstrations so far. Here, we present the first in vivo image of a mouse brain acquired with GR-PAM. To induce the GR effect, an intensity-modulated continuous-wave laser was employed to heat absorbing objects. In phantom experiments, an axial resolution of 12.5  μm was achieved, which is sixfold better than the value achieved by conventional optical-resolution PAM. This axial-resolution improvement was further demonstrated by imaging a mouse brain in vivo, where significantly narrower axial profiles of blood vessels were observed. The in vivo demonstration of GR-PAM shows the potential of this modality for label-free and high-resolution anatomical and functional imaging of biological tissues.
© 2016 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 1083-3668/2016/$25.00 © 2016 SPIE
Jun Ma, Junhui Shi, Pengfei Hai, Yong Zhou, and Lihong V. Wang "Grueneisen relaxation photoacoustic microscopy in vivo," Journal of Biomedical Optics 21(6), 066005 (8 June 2016).
Published: 8 June 2016 Logo
Cited by 17 scholarly publications and 1 patent.
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Pulsed laser operation

In vivo imaging

Continuous wave operation

Photoacoustic microscopy

3D image processing


Image resolution

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