Open Access
25 March 2024 Bichromatic tetraphasic full-field optical coherence microscopy
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Full-field optical coherence microscopy (FF-OCM) is a prevalent technique for backscattering and phase imaging with epi-detection. Traditional methods have two limitations: suboptimal utilization of functional information about the sample and complicated optical design with several moving parts for phase contrast.


We report an OCM setup capable of generating dynamic intensity, phase, and pseudo-spectroscopic contrast with single-shot full-field video-rate imaging called bichromatic tetraphasic (BiTe) full-field OCM with no moving parts.


BiTe OCM resourcefully uses the phase-shifting properties of anti-reflection (AR) coatings outside the rated bandwidths to create four unique phase shifts, which are detected with two emission filters for spectroscopic contrast.


BiTe OCM overcomes the disadvantages of previous FF-OCM setup techniques by capturing both the intensity and phase profiles without any artifacts or speckle noise for imaging scattering samples in three-dimensional (3D). BiTe OCM also utilizes the raw data effectively to generate three complementary contrasts: intensity, phase, and color. We demonstrate BiTe OCM to observe cellular dynamics, image live, and moving micro-animals in 3D, capture the spectroscopic hemodynamics of scattering tissues along with dynamic intensity and phase profiles, and image the microstructure of fall foliage with two different colors.


BiTe OCM can maximize the information efficiency of FF-OCM while maintaining overall simplicity in design for quantitative, dynamic, and spectroscopic characterization of biological samples.

CC BY: © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.
Rishyashring R. Iyer, Mantas Žurauskas, Yug Rao, Eric J. Chaney, and Stephen A. Boppart "Bichromatic tetraphasic full-field optical coherence microscopy," Journal of Biomedical Optics 29(S2), S22704 (25 March 2024).
Received: 3 October 2023; Accepted: 5 March 2024; Published: 25 March 2024
Biological samples

Phase reconstruction

Optical coherence tomography

Biological imaging


Optical coherence microscopy

Biomedical optics

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