25 April 2017 Pigments for natural dye-sensitized solar cells from in vitro grown shoot cultures
Chiara Di Bari, Cinzia Forni, Aldo Di Carlo, Enrique Barrajón-Catalán, Vicente Micol, Federico Teoli, Paolo Nota, Fabio Matteocci, Andrea Frattarelli, Emilia Caboni, Simona Lucioli
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In vitro grown shoots cultures (Prunus salicina × Prunus persica), elicited by methyl jasmonate (MJ), are reported here for the first time to prepare a natural dye for dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). Redox properties of the dye, its photostability, and light absorption properties suggested it as a candidate as natural photosensitizers for TiO2 photoelectrodes. Redox properties of the dye influence the DSSC production of photocurrent, thus three antioxidant assays were performed in order to characterize the antioxidant potential of this dye. The dye exhibited a high antioxidant activity in all the assays performed. Photostability assay revealed that the dye was quite stable to light. The power conversion efficiency that we obtained (0.53%) was comparable to the data by other authors with anthocyanins-based dyes from in vivo grown plants. Finally, we compared the dye with the partially purified one as photosensitizer in DSSC. The results indicated that the raw pigment from in vitro shoot cultures of P. salicina × P. persica elicited with MJ can be proposed without the needing of any other chemicals, thermal or purification process, or pH adjustments, as a dye for natural sensitized solar cells.
© 2017 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 1947-7988/2017/$25.00 © 2017 SPIE
Chiara Di Bari, Cinzia Forni, Aldo Di Carlo, Enrique Barrajón-Catalán, Vicente Micol, Federico Teoli, Paolo Nota, Fabio Matteocci, Andrea Frattarelli, Emilia Caboni, and Simona Lucioli "Pigments for natural dye-sensitized solar cells from in vitro grown shoot cultures," Journal of Photonics for Energy 7(2), 025503 (25 April 2017). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JPE.7.025503
Received: 17 February 2017; Accepted: 5 April 2017; Published: 25 April 2017
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Dye sensitized solar cells

In vitro testing


Solar cells



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