1 January 1989 Active Layer Thickness Measurement System For Double Heterostructure Laser Wafers
Yoshinori Nakano, Nobuyori Tsuzuki
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A novel noncontact, nondestructive method for measuring the active layer thickness of InP/InGaAsP double heterostructure laser materials has been developed. This method is principally based on the evaluation of the net absorption through the active layer by measuring the transmission light power. It is proposed that troublesome effects such as reflection, scattering, and unnecessary absorption through the other layers can be canceled out by using a pair of light sources with wavelengths slightly longer and shorter than the peak wavelength in photoluminescence. A prototype system including a personal computer and an auto-moving X-Y stage can evaluate the distribution of the active layer thickness over the entire wafer with an accuracy of better than 10 nm.
Yoshinori Nakano and Nobuyori Tsuzuki "Active Layer Thickness Measurement System For Double Heterostructure Laser Wafers," Optical Engineering 28(1), 280142 (1 January 1989). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.7976899
Published: 1 January 1989
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Cited by 2 scholarly publications and 1 patent.
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Semiconducting wafers


Laser development

Laser scattering

Light scattering

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