1 December 1996 Variation analysis of single-mode graded-index fibers based on a novel approximation of the fundamental modal field
Gautam Das, Somenath N. Sarkar
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A novel and extremely accurate near Gaussian approximation for the fundamental mode in single-mode fibers having arbitrary index profiles is proposed and verified by the variational method. The spot size calculated from our approximation matches closely the analytical and exact numerical results for step and parabolic index fibers over a large range of values of the normalized frequency V. For the low V region where the Gaussian approximation is not accurate, our results are suitable to accurately predict the propagation characteristics of devices such as directional couplers involving evanescent field coupling.
Gautam Das and Somenath N. Sarkar "Variation analysis of single-mode graded-index fibers based on a novel approximation of the fundamental modal field," Optical Engineering 35(12), (1 December 1996). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.601100
Published: 1 December 1996
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Cited by 8 scholarly publications.
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Optical fibers

Step index fibers

Graded index fibers

Single mode fibers


Refractive index

Analytical research


The OAM transmission fiber based on step index and graded...
Proceedings of SPIE (February 14 2019)

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