1 July 1997 High-resolution surface reconstruction using optically measured Gabor expansion coefficients
Michael Friedmann, Tuvia Kotzer, Joseph Shamir
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We describe a new optical inspection method based on the analysis of the combined space-frequency representation of the scattered field. Samples of the sliding window spectrum are measured optically and then the surface features are reconstructed by numerical methods. The methods investigated include reconstruction from the Gabor expansion coefficients, using the Zak transform, and phase recovery from amplitude only data, using projection onto constraint sets algorithm. Computer simulations and experimental results show that this method can reconstruct accurately shallow phase objects, even when their dimensions are smaller than the diffraction limit of the optical setup.
Michael Friedmann, Tuvia Kotzer, and Joseph Shamir "High-resolution surface reconstruction using optically measured Gabor expansion coefficients," Optical Engineering 36(7), (1 July 1997). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.601390
Published: 1 July 1997
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Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Reconstruction algorithms

Detection and tracking algorithms

Near field optics

Optical testing

Fourier transforms

Computer simulations



Use Of The Radon Transform In Surface Inspection
Proceedings of SPIE (January 16 1989)

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