Reed woodwind instruments pose great challenges in modeling because their functioning is based on a combination of hydrodynamics, acoustics, and mechanics. Reproducible measurements therefore remain crucial for further development of reeds and instrument mouthpieces. We present a method to measure reed behavior and acoustic response under realistic, well-defined playing conditions. A measurement setup based on constant phase stroboscopic digital imaging correlation (DIC) is proposed. A computer-controlled timer delay triggering system combined with high-power LEDs allows one to obtain clear images at different phases of the vibrational period. From these high-quality images, digital image correlation DIC allows one to analyze both displacement and strain over the full visible surface of the reed. The presented technique can also be applied to other nonfrequency-imposed vibrating structures. The method is demonstrated on a saxophone reed, and we show how it can be used to determine playability range of a mouthpiece and vibrational behavior of the reed. |
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Cited by 6 scholarly publications.
Laser induced plasma spectroscopy
Digital image correlation
Optical engineering
Light emitting diodes
Motion measurement