16 December 2022 Investigation of modal electromagnetic propagation across magnetic chiral interfaces without and with dielectric loss
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Fresnel coefficients (FCs) corresponding to a lossless magnetic achiral/chiral (ACC) interface under variable angles of incidence (of s-polarized light) and permittivity/permeability ratios are derived including the nonmagnetic-magnetic case, examining possible anomalous Brewster and critical angle conditions. Bimodal and single-mode propagation (including also cases where both characteristic modes (right- and left-circular) in the chiral region enter evanescence) across a magnetic chiral/achiral (CAC) interface are then examined for possible anomalies. Simulation results are presented along with interpretations, supported extensively by verified tabular data. Finally, the concepts behind examining magnetic chiral interfaces in the presence of realistic dielectric loss are introduced for the ACC interface, indicating how the Snell’s laws are modified for each mode, and the decay behavior of the fields has to be rederived to accommodate the effect of loss. To introduce possible application areas, the characteristics of lossy, magnetic, and chiral slab resonators are presented, specifically relative to transverse resonances. Finally, a magnetic, chiral Fresnel zone plate is introduced via a methodology for examining its imaging and tuning properties relative to the two circular modes.

© 2022 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Monish R. Chatterjee and Nagi Buaossa "Investigation of modal electromagnetic propagation across magnetic chiral interfaces without and with dielectric loss," Optical Engineering 61(12), 127104 (16 December 2022). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.OE.61.12.127104
Received: 27 August 2022; Accepted: 29 November 2022; Published: 16 December 2022
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