Proceedings Article | 17 October 2023
KEYWORDS: Water, Data transmission, Data communications, Oceanography, Environmental sensing, Environmental monitoring, Sensors, Water quality, Transmitters, Antennas
Increased industrialization, urbanization, and population pose problems of wastewater disposal and pollution of oceanic and inland waters. The main contaminants in water include bacteria, viruses, parasites, fertilizers, pesticides, drugs, nitrates, phosphates, plastics, fecal waste, and even radioactive substances. Due to these contaminants, sensors have been implemented to monitor the physical, biological and chemical properties of water, in order to guarantee the protection of water resources and the health of the population in a given territory. However, this monitoring of the water is carried out with wired sensors or the use of acoustic communication that affects the marine fauna that inhabits the monitoring area. Therefore, the interest of this article is to monitor water quality from the implementation of a network architecture of mobile and static sensors, which use LoRa technology and radio frequency identification (RFID) at a frequency of 125 kHz, to be implemented in salt water. Said architecture implements mobile nodes that, when moving in the study area, monitor the water. When they are within a meter of the static nodes, they send the data to the static nodes for further analysis. In this way, data is obtained regarding the quality of the water, without affecting the fauna of the place. Likewise, the distance for data reception of the proposed architecture may be greater in marine environments if the characteristics of the RFID technology to be used are modified.