The solution of problems arising in fabrication of optical systems often requires the optimization of a process, design, test, or evaluation related to those systems. There are different optimization techniques that can be used to achieve this goal. In some problems, the parameters to be found have a linear dependence and may be subject to certain restrictions. We present the use of linear programming (LP) to solve optical devices’ fabrication problems. We first describe the LP concept, the standard form of an LP, and show how to give this form to an arbitrary problem. From there, fundamentals and steps of the simplex method and its use in finding an optimal solution are described. Next, we present its application to three different problems in the optical field, highlighting the advantages of modeling through LP: finding the shape of a surface, creating the optimal design of a polishing tool, and developing the analytical profile of a polishing tool. The objective is to exemplify the process of modeling an engineering problem in mathematical terms as an optimization problem of the LP type. We show the usefulness and easiness of implementing and potential for solving optimization problems through LP.
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