The use of strain gauges is foundational to structural health monitoring, allowing infrastructure to continuously observe strain, infer stress, and potentially detect fatigue/fracture cracks. However, traditional strain gauges have drawbacks. In addition to being costly, a single-element strain gauge will only detect strain in a single direction and must be mounted on smooth surfaces to ensure good adhesion. Soft Elastomeric Capacitors (SECs) have been proposed as a low-cost alternative to traditional strain gauges while allowing for a broader range of applications. They are flexible and can be modeled with different dimensions based on the monitored structure. Each SEC consists of three layers; the two outer layers act as electrodes and are made of a styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene polymer in a matrix with carbon black. The inner (dielectric) layer comprises titanium oxide in a matrix with SEBS. The use of the SECs is not limited by the geometry of the surface being monitored, and it can, therefore, be adhered to a variety of surfaces as its flexibility allows it to conform to the irregularity and complexity of the monitored structure. The change experienced by a structure will correlate directly to the change in capacitance observed across the sensor, which can be used to predict the monitored structure’s state. While SECs have been studied for applications on various materials, experiments have been limited to adhering the sensor to smooth surfaces. However, concrete structures have various surface finishes that are not uniform, often deriving from an architect’s aesthetic desire. This work tests a corrugated SEC through compression tests on concrete samples with different surface finishing to investigate the effect of surface finishing on the SEC-measured strain. Each concrete sample is subjected to loading by a dynamic testing system, and the data collected from the SEC are compared to off-the-shelf resistive strain gauges. The results show that the performance of the cSEC on the different surfaces is not hindered by different concrete finishes, where a high signal-to-noise ratio of 21 dB and low mean absolute error of 22 μϵ is seen on the concrete specimen with a rough concrete surface. The strain metrics and surface effect on SEC performance are discussed.
KEYWORDS: Wireless sensors, Energy efficiency, System identification, Batteries, Sensor networks, Sensors, Structural health monitoring, Mode shapes, Machine learning, Solar energy, Bridges, Power consumption
The battery-powered wireless sensor network (WSN) is a promising solution for structural health monitoring (SHM) applications because of its low cost and easy installation capability. However, the long-term WSN operation suffers from various concerns related to uneven battery degradation of wireless sensors, associated battery management, and replacement requirement, and ensuring desired quality of service (QoS) of the WSN in practice. The battery life is one of the biggest limiting factors for long-term WSN operation. Considering the costly maintenance trips for battery replacement, a lack of effective battery degradation management at the system level can lead to a failure in WSN operation. Moreover, the QoS needs to be ensured under various practical uncertainties. Optimal selection with a maximal number of nodes in WSN under uncertainties is a critical task to ensure the desired QoS. This study proposes a reinforcement learning (RL) based framework for active control of the battery degradation at the WSN system level with the aim of the battery group replacement while extending the service life and ensuring the QoS of WSN. A comprehensive simulation environment was developed in a real-life WSN setup, i.e. WSN for a cable-stayed bridge SHM, considering various practical uncertainties. The RL agent was trained under a developed RL environment to learn optimal nodes and duty cycles, meanwhile managing battery health at the network level. In this study, a mode shape-based quality index is proposed for the demonstration. The training and test results showed the prominence of the proposed framework in achieving effective battery health management of the WSN for SHM.
Surface strain sensors, such as linear variable differential transformers, fiber Bragg gratings, and resistive strain gauges, have seen significant use for monitoring concrete infrastructure. However, spatial monitoring of concrete structures using these sensor systems is limited by challenges in the surface coverage provided by a specific sensor or issues related to mounting and maintaining numerous mechanical sensors on the structure. A potential solution to this challenge is the deployment of large-area electronics in the form of a sensing skin to provide complete coverage of a monitored area while being simple to apply and maintain. Along this line of effort, networks constituted of soft elastomeric capacitors have been deployed to monitor strain on steel and composite structures. However, using soft elastomeric capacitors on concrete surfaces has been challenging due to the electrical coupling between the sensors and concrete, which amplifies transduced strain signals obtained from the soft elastomeric capacitors. In this work, the authors investigate the isolation of the soft elastomeric capacitors from the concrete by extending the styrene-block-ethylene-co-butylene-block-styrene matrix of the soft elastomeric capacitors to include a decoupling layer between the electrode and the concrete. Experimental investigations are carried out on concrete specimens for which the soft elastomeric capacitor is adhered to with a thin layer of off-the-shelf epoxy and then loaded on the dynamic testing system to monitor strain provoked on the concrete samples. The results presented here demonstrate the viability of the electrically isolated soft elastomeric capacitors for monitoring strain on concrete structures. Initial comparisons between un-isolated and electrically isolated soft elastomeric capacitors showed that the nominal capacitance of the soft elastomeric capacitor is significantly lowered by adding an isolation layer of SEBS. Furthermore, strain results for the soft elastomeric capacitors are compared to ones from a resistive strain gauge and digital image correlation. The data obtained is significant for modifying soft elastomeric capacitors with the anticipation for future use on concrete structures.
Steel bridges are susceptible to fatigue damage under traffic loading, and many bridges operate with existing cracks. The discovery and long-term monitoring of those fatigue cracks are critical for safety evaluations. In previous studies, the ability of the soft elastomeric capacitor (SEC) sensor that measures large-area strain was validated for detecting and monitoring fatigue crack growth in a laboratory environment. In this study, the performance of the technology is evaluated for field applications, for which an approach for long-term monitoring of fatigue cracks is developed. The approach consists of an integrated system, termed the wireless large-area strain sensors (WLASS), for wireless data collection and storage and a signal processing algorithm for monitoring fatigue cracks with bridge response induced by traffic loading. In particular, the WLASS consists of soft elastomeric capacitors (SECs) combined with sensor boards to convert capacitance to a measurable change in voltage and a wireless sensing platform equipped with event-triggered sensing, wireless data collection, cloud storage, and remote data retrieval. A modified crack growth index (CGI) is developed through detection of peak-to-peak amplitudes of the wavelet transform. Using the measurements from the WLASS, the modified CGI is able to obtain the crack status under various loading events due to random traffic loads. The performance of the developed approach is validated using a steel highway bridge.
The effect of low energy impacts can seriously impair the operational life span of composites in the field. These low-energy impacts can induce a permanent loss in the toughness of the composite without any visible indication of the material’s compromise. The detection of this damage utilizing nondestructive inspection requires dense measurements over much of the surface and has been traditionally achieved by removing the part from service for advanced imaging techniques. While these methods can accurately diagnose the damage inflicted internally by the impacts, they accrue non-trivial opportunity costs while the structure is inspected. To enable the capabilities of in-service monitoring of the composite, the novel soft elastomeric capacitor was investigated as a sensing solution. The sensor is made of three layers comprised of a styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene (SEBS) matrix, a commercially available elastomer. These layers consist of a titania filled center layer that forms the dielectric of the capacitor and two highly conductive outer layers doped with carbon black. This simple formation allows for a capacitor that has extremely robust mechanical properties. The soft elastomeric capacitor functions by taking up deformations on the surface of the composite that is transduced into a measurable change in capacitance. This study provides an electro-mechanical model for impact damage and experimentally investigates the efficacy of these sensors for use in damage detection given their promising characteristics; that being that the sensor geometry can be arbitrarily large allowing for much fewer sensors than traditional sensor networks employed for this task at a much lower cost than installing traditional in-situ sensing solutions. To investigate these properties a set of impact trials were undertaken on a drop tower using small samples of glass fiber reinforced plate, of random orient and short fiber, with a soft elastomeric capacitor mounted directly opposite the impact site. The impactor head was only allowed one contact with the sample before being intercepted. The testing range for the samples ranged from well below the yield strength of the glass fiber reinforced plate to the ultimate strength of the plate. Experimental results reported a square root relation between the impact energy given to the plate when inducing plastic deformations and the sensor’s measured change in capacitance.
Automatic fatigue crack detection using commercial sensing technologies is difficult due to the highly localized nature of crack monitoring sensors and the randomness of crack initiation and propagation. The authors have previously proposed and demonstrated a novel sensing skin capable of fatigue crack detection, localization, and quantification. The technology is based on soft elastomeric capacitors (SECs) that constitute thin-film flexible strain sensors transducing strain into a measurable change in capacitance. Deployed in an array configuration, the SECs mimic biological skin, where local damage can be diagnosed over large surfaces. Recently, the authors have proposed a significantly improved version of the SEC, whereby the top surface of the sensor is corrugated in diverse non-auxetic and auxetic patterns. Laboratory investigations of non-auxetic patterns have shown that the use of corrugation can increase the sensor’s gauge factor, linearity, and signal stability when compared to untextured sensors, while numerical analyses of auxetic patterns have shown their superiority over non-auxetic corrugations. In this paper, we experimentally study the use of corrugated SECs, in particular with grid, diagrid, reinforced diagrid, and re-entrant hexagonal honeycomb-type (auxetic) patterns as a significant improvement to the untextured SEC in monitoring fatigue cracks in steel specimens. Results show that the use of corrugation significantly improves sensing performance, with both the reinforced diagrid and auxetic patterns yielding best results in terms of signal linearity, sensitivity, and resolution, with the reinforced diagrid having the added advantage of a symmetric pattern that could facilitate field deployments.
Civil engineering structures can undergo serious damage due to impact forces. But accurate and rapid identification of impact force is quite challenging because its measurement is difficult and location is unpredictable. This study proposes a novel approach for the complete identification of impact force including its location and time history. The proposed method combines an augmented Kalman filter (AKF) and Genetic algorithm (GA) for accurate identification of impact force. In AKF unknow force is included in the state vector and estimated in conjunction with the states. First, the location of impact force is statistically determined in the way to minimize the AKF response estimate error at measured locations, assumed co-variance values are used in AKF at this stage. These values are assumed based on a few analyses in which force location is assumed to be known. Then, GA is applied to optimize the error co-variances by minimizing the error between measured and estimated structural response. Once optimized co-variances are obtained, the exact time history of impact force can be constructed using AKF. Numerical example of a truss is considered to validate the efficacy of proposed approach. Strain and acceleration measurements are used as input for the AKF. Both modelling error and measurement noise are considered in the analysis to simulate the actual field conditions.
Distortion-induced fatigue cracks caused by differential deflections between adjacent girders are common issues for steel girder bridges built prior to the mid-1980s in the United States. Monitoring these fatigue cracks is essential to ensure bridge structural integrity. Despite various level of success of crack monitoring methods over the past decades, monitoring distortion-induced fatigue cracks is still challenging due to the complex structural joint layout and unpredictable crack propagation paths. Previously, the authors proposed soft elastomeric capacitor (SEC), a large-size flexible capacitive strain sensor, for monitoring in-plane fatigue cracks. The crack growth can be robustly identified by extracting the crack growth index (CGI) from the measured capacitance signals. In this study, the SECs are investigated for monitoring distortion-induced fatigue cracks. A dense array of SECs is proposed to monitor a large structural surface with fatigue-susceptible details. The effectiveness of this strategy has been verified through a fatigue test of a large-scale bridge girder to cross-frame connection model. By extracting CGIs from the SEC arrays, distortion-induced fatigue crack growth can be successfully monitored.
Flood scour is one of the major causes of bridge failures in the United States. Flood fragility curves can be used as an objective tool to assess the risk of a bridge to exceed some limit-states for a given flood. Despite the method’s extensive use in seismic reliability analysis for civil infrastructures, the approach has rarely been utilized in evaluation of scour critical bridges. Flood fragility analysis of a instream bridge structure has been analyzed using first order reliability method. A MATLAB-based code has been developed to perform the analysis combining the first order reliability analysis tool of FERUM (Finite Element Reliability Analysis using MATLAB) and finite element structural analysis code ABAQUS. The developed code passes information back and forth between FERUM and ABAQUS in the iterative process to progress the analysis. Moreover, the code is capable of simulating scour depth, corresponding change in foundation parameter, variable limit-state for given inputs, which are realized by generating new finite element structural model each time FERUM calls ABAQUS. The proposed automated procedure has been demonstrated by deriving fragility curves, due to flood induced scour and stream water pressure, for a real bridge.
A capacitance based large-area electronics strain sensor, termed soft elastomeric capacitor (SEC) has shown various advantages in infrastructure sensing. The ability to cover large area enables to reflect mesoscale structural deformation, highly stretchable, easy to fabricate and low-cost feature allow full-scale field application for civil structure. As continuing efforts to realize full-scale civil infrastructure monitoring, in this study, new sensor board has been developed to implement the capacitive strain sensing capability into wireless sensor networks. The SEC has extremely low-level capacitance changes as responses to structural deformation; hence it requires high-gain and low-noise performance. For these requirements, AC (alternating current) based Wheatstone bridge circuit has been developed in combination a bridge balancer, two-step amplifiers, AM-demodulation, and series of filtering circuits to convert low-level capacitance changes to readable analog voltages. The new sensor board has been designed to work with the wireless platform that uses Illinois Structural Health Monitoring Project (ISHMP) wireless sensing software Toolsuite and allow 16bit lownoise data acquisition. The performances of new wireless capacitive strain sensor have been validated series of laboratory calibration tests. An example application for fatigue crack monitoring is also presented.
A large-area electronics (LAE) strain sensor, termed soft elastomeric capacitor (SEC), has shown great promise in fatigue crack monitoring. The SEC is able to monitor strain changes over a mesoscale structural surface and endure large deformations without being damaged under cracking. Previous tests verified that the SEC is able to detect, localize, and monitor fatigue crack activities under low-cycle fatigue loading. In this paper, to examine the SEC’s capability of monitoring high-cycle fatigue cracks, a compact specimen is tested under cyclic tension, designed to ensure realistic crack opening sizes representative of those in real steel bridges. To overcome the difficulty of low signal amplitude and relatively high noise level under high-cycle fatigue loading, a robust signal processing method is proposed to convert the measured capacitance time history from the SEC sensor to power spectral densities (PSD) in the frequency domain, such that signal’s peak-to-peak amplitude can be extracted at the dominant loading frequency. A crack damage indicator is proposed as the ratio between the square root of the amplitude of PSD and load range. Results show that the crack damage indicator offers consistent indication of crack growth.
The newly developed smartphone application, named RINO, in this study allows measuring absolute dynamic
displacements and processing them in real time using state-of-the-art smartphone technologies, such as high-performance
graphics processing unit (GPU), in addition to already powerful CPU and memories, embedded high-speed/
resolution camera, and open-source computer vision libraries. A carefully designed color-patterned target and
user-adjustable crop filter enable accurate and fast image processing, allowing up to 240fps for complete displacement
calculation and real-time display. The performances of the developed smartphone application are experimentally
validated, showing comparable accuracy with those of conventional laser displacement sensor.
Visualizing mechanical strain/stress changes is an emerging area in structural health monitoring. Several ways are
available for strain change visualization through the color/brightness change of the materials subjected to the mechanical
stresses, for example, using mechanoluminescence (ML) materials and mechanoresponsive polymers (MRP). However,
these approaches were not effectively applicable for civil engineering system yet, due to insufficient sensitivity to low-level
strain of typical civil structures and limitation in measuring both static and dynamic strain. In this study, design and
validation for high-sensitivity strain visualization using electroluminescence technologies are presented. A high-sensitivity
Wheatstone bridge, of which bridge balance is precisely controllable circuits, is used with a gain-adjustable
amplifier. The monochrome electroluminescence (EL) technology is employed to convert both static and dynamic strain
change into brightness/color change of the EL materials, through either brightness change mode (BCM) or color
alternation mode (CAM). A prototype has been made and calibrated in lab, the linearity between strain and brightness
change has been investigated.
KEYWORDS: Wind measurement, Structural health monitoring, Sensors, Visual optics, Sensor performance, Cameras, Image processing, Position sensors, Imaging systems, Video acceleration, Bridges, Optical filters, Information operations, Aerodynamics, Data modeling, Data acquisition
Dynamic displacement is one of the most important measurands in wind tunnel tests of structures. Laser sensors or optical sensors are usually used in wind tunnel tests to measure displacements. However, these commercial sensors have limitations in its use, cost and installation despite of their good performance in accuracy. RINO (Real-time Image- processing for Non-contact monitoring), an iOS software application for dynamic displacement monitoring, has been developed in the previous study. In this study, feasibility of RINO in practical use for wind tunnel tests is explored. Series of wind tunnel tests show that performances of RINO are comparable with those of conventional displacement sensors.
A gusset plate is a structural element that is commonly used to provide moment connections between steel members. Despite their importance, the performance of gusset plates in field structures can be poorly understood making them susceptible to failure. A well-known example is the catastrophic collapse of the I-35W Bridge in Minneapolis, MN on August 1, 2007 caused by a gusset plate failure. To prevent this type of failure, it is necessary to better predict and understand the stress and strain distribution in a plate element during field conditions. This work approaches the problem by using a numerical model combined with a linear recursive state estimation algorithm, known as the Kalman Filter, to update the model-based prediction with real time measurements taken on the structure. The finite element model was developed using the Mindlin plate theory which incorporates bending and shear deformations of the plate in the out-of-plane direction. The strain responses at arbitrary locations are estimated throughout the plate, including unmeasured locations, using limited sensor information and in the presence of noise and model errors. The results show how the different combinations of sensor data impact strain estimation accuracy under various loading conditions. The different combinations considered are: strain only, acceleration only, and acceleration and strain. The numerical studies demonstrate that the most accurate estimations are provided with the multi-metric combination of acceleration and strain. This opens future paths of development for force estimation, finding stress concentrations and buckling prediction in plate elements and potential expansion to shell elements.
The inspection and maintenance of bridges of all types is critical to the public safety and often critical to the economy of
a region. Recent advanced sensor technologies provide accurate and easy-to-deploy means for structural health
monitoring and, if the critical locations are known a priori, can be monitored by direct measurements. However, for
today’s complex civil infrastructure, the critical locations are numerous and often difficult to identify. This paper
presents an innovative framework for structural monitoring at arbitrary locations on the structure combining
computational models and limited physical sensor information. The use of multi-metric measurements is advocated to
improve the accuracy of the approach. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the proposed hybrid monitoring
framework, particularly focusing on fatigue life assessment of steel structures.
KEYWORDS: Bridges, Sensors, Smart sensors, Sensor networks, Structural health monitoring, Antennas, Data processing, Solar cells, Connectors, Data transmission
Cables are critical load carrying members of cable-stayed bridges; monitoring tension forces of the cables provides valuable information for SHM of the cable-stayed bridges. Monitoring systems for the cable tension can be efficiently realized using wireless smart sensors in conjunction with vibration-based cable tension estimation approaches. This study develops an automated cable tension monitoring system using MEMSIC’s Imote2 smart sensors. An embedded data processing strategy is implemented on the Imote2-based wireless sensor network to calculate cable tensions using a vibration-based method, significantly reducing the wireless data transmission and associated power consumption. The autonomous operation of the monitoring system is achieved by AutoMonitor, a high-level coordinator application provided by the Illinois SHM Project Services Toolsuite. The monitoring system also features power harvesting enabled by solar panels attached to each sensor node and AutoMonitor for charging control. The proposed wireless system has been deployed on the Jindo Bridge, a cable-stayed bridge located in South Korea. Tension forces are autonomously monitored for 12 cables in the east, land side of the bridge, proving the validity and potential of the presented tension monitoring system for real-world applications.
Growing public concern regarding the health of the aging civil infrastructure has spurred research in structural health
monitoring (SHM). Recent advances in wireless smart sensor (WSS) technology has significantly lowered the cost of
SHM systems and resulted in WSS being successfully implemented at full-scale. However, assuring accurate timesynchronized
WSS nodes in a network is still a challenging problem. Generally, WSS synchronization is realized by
communicating a sensors' CPU clock information over the network. However, such a synchronization approach
becomes more challenging as the network size increases. Reliable communication is not easily achieved due to longer
communication distance, larger numbers of sensors, and complexity of a distributed sensor network. Moreover, CPU
clocks may not be sufficiently reliable for accurate
time-synchronization due to substantial tolerance errors in crystal
and/or temperature effects. In this study, the use of low-cost GPS receivers for time synchronizing WSSs is explored to
resolve these issues. GPS sensors offer the potential to provide high-accuracy synchronization --- nano-second level
even with low-cost GPS receivers. The GPS-assisted time synchronization approach overcomes network communication
limitations to realize time-synchronization in large-scale networks of WSS.
Due to their cost-effectiveness and ease of installation, smart wireless sensors have received considerable recent attention
for structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure. Though various wireless smart sensor networks (WSSN) have
been successfully implemented for full-scale structural health monitoring (SHM) applications, monitoring of low-level
ambient strain still remains a challenging problem for wireless smart sensors (WSS) due to A/D converter resolution,
inherent circuit noise, and the need for automatic operation. In this paper, the design and validation of high-precision
strain sensor board for Imote2 WSS platform and its application to SHM of a cable-stayed bridge are presented. By
accurate and automated balancing the Wheatstone bridge, signal amplification of up to 2507-times can be obtained.
Temperature compensation and shunt calibration are implemented. In addition to traditional foil-type strain gages, the
sensor board has been designed to accommodate a friction-type magnet strain sensor, facilitating fast and easy
deployment. The sensor board has been calibrated using lab-scale tests, and then deployed on a full-scale cable-stayed
bridge to verify its performance.
Wireless Smart Sensor Networks (WSSN) facilitates a new paradigm to structural health monitoring (SHM) for civil
infrastructure. Conventionally, SHM systems employing wired sensors and central data acquisition have been used to
characterize the state of a structure; however, wide-spread implementation has been limited due to difficulties in cabling
and data management, high equipment cost, and long setup time. WSSNs offer a unique opportunity to overcome such
difficulties. Recent advances in sensor technology have realized low-cost, smart sensors with on-board computation and
wireless communication capabilities, making deployment of a dense array of sensors on large civil structures both
feasible and economical. Wireless smart sensors have shown their tremendous potential for SHM in recent full-scale
bridge monitoring examples. However, structural damage identification in WSSNs, a primary objective of SHM, has yet
to reach its full potential. This paper presents a full-scale validation of the decentralized damage identification
application on the Imote2 sensor platform on a historic steel truss bridge. The SHM application for WSSN developed in the previous research is further combined with continuous and autonomous monitoring application. In total, 144 sensor channels and one base station have been deployed on the bridge for damage localization. The efficacy of the developed application has been demonstrated to compare the damage identification results with the traditional centralized processing.
Rapid advancement of sensor technology has been changing the paradigm of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)
toward a wireless smart sensor network (WSSN). While smart sensors have the potential to be a breakthrough to current
SHM research and practice, the smart sensors also have several important issues to be resolved that may include robust
power supply, stable communication, sensing capability, and in-network data processing algorithms. This study is a
hybrid WSSN that addresses those issues to realize a full-scale SHM system for civil infrastructure monitoring. The
developed hybrid WSSN is deployed on the Jindo Bridge, a cable-stayed bridge located in South Korea as a continued
effort from the previous year's deployment. Unique features of the new deployment encompass: (1) the world's largest
WSSN for SHM to date, (2) power harvesting enabled for all sensor nodes, (3) an improved sensing application that
provides reliable data acquisition with optimized power consumption, (4) decentralized data aggregation that makes the
WSSN scalable to a large, densely deployed sensor network, (5) decentralized cable tension monitoring specially
designed for cable-stayed bridges, (6) environmental monitoring. The WSSN implementing all these features are
experimentally verified through a long-term monitoring of the Jindo Bridge.
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Bridges, Solar energy, Structural health monitoring, Wind energy, Solar cells, Energy harvesting, Wind measurement, Resistance, Wind turbine technology
Long-term structural health monitoring (SHM) systems using wireless smart sensors for civil infrastructures such as
cable-stayed bridges has been researched due to its cost-effectiveness and ease of installation. Wireless smart sensors are
usually powered by high capacity batteries because they consume low power. However, theses batteries require regular
replacements for long-term continuous and stable operation. To overcome this limitation of wireless smart sensor-based
SHM, considerable attention has been recently paid to alternative power sources such as solar power and vibration-based
energy harvesting. Another promising alternative ambient energy source might be a wind-generated power; in particular,
it can be very useful for structures in windy area such as coastal and mountainous area. In this study, the feasibility of the
wind-powered generation for wireless smart senor nodes is investigated by through experimental and analytical
approaches, and the possibility of practical application to actual SHM system of a cable-stayed bridge is discussed.
KEYWORDS: Structural health monitoring, Sensors, Smart sensors, Damage detection, Bridges, System identification, Correlation function, Data processing, Matrices, Head
Wireless Smart Sensor Networks (WSSN) facilitates a new paradigm to structural health monitoring (SHM) for civil
infrastructure. Conventionally, SHM systems employing wired sensors and central data acquisition have been used to
characterize the state of a structure; however, wide-spread implementation has been limited due to difficulties in cabling,
high equipment cost, and long setup time. WSSNs offer a unique opportunity to overcome such difficulties. Recent
advances in sensor technology have realized low-cost, smart sensors with on-board computation and wireless
communication capabilities, making deployment of a dense array of sensors on large civil structures both feasible and
economical. Wireless smart sensors have shown their tremendous potential for SHM in recent full-scale bridge
monitoring examples. However, structural damage identification in WSSNs, a primary objective of SHM, has yet to
reach its full potential. This paper presents an implementation of the stochastic dynamic damage locating vector
(SDDLV) method on the Imote2 sensor platform and experimental validation in a laboratory environment. The WSSN
application is developed based on the Illinois SHM Project (ISHMP) Services Toolsuite (,
combining decentralized data aggregation, system identification, receptance-based damage detection, and global damage
assessment. The laboratory experiment uses a three-dimensional truss structure with a network of Imote2 sensors for
decentralized damage identification. Future efforts to deploy a long-term structural health monitoring system for a fullscale
steel truss bridge are also described.
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Structural health monitoring, Smart sensors, Interference (communication), Sensor networks, Magnesium, Analog electronics, Power supplies, Microelectromechanical systems, Signal to noise ratio
State-of-the-art wireless smart sensor technology enables a dense array of sensors to be distributed through a
structure to provide an abundance of structural information. However, the relatively low resolution of the
MEMS sensors that are generally adopted for wireless smart sensors limits the network's ability to measure lowlevel
vibration often found in the ambient vibration response of building structures. To address this problem,
development of a high-sensitivity acceleration board for the Imote2 platform using a low-noise accelerometer is
presented. The performance of this new sensor board is validated through extensive laboratory testing. In
addition, the use of the high-sensitivity accelerometer board as a reference sensor to improve the capability to
capture structural behavior in the smart sensor network is discussed.
KEYWORDS: Bridges, Smart sensors, Structural health monitoring, Sensors, Sensor networks, Wind measurement, Data communications, Energy harvesting, Solar cells, Head
This paper presents a structural health monitoring (SHM) system using a dense array of scalable smart wireless sensor
network on a cable-stayed bridge (Jindo Bridge) in Korea. The hardware and software for the SHM system and its
components are developed for low-cost, efficient, and autonomous monitoring of the bridge. 70 sensors and two base
station computers have been deployed to monitor the bridge using an autonomous SHM application with consideration of
harsh outdoor surroundings. The performance of the system has been evaluated in terms of hardware durability, software
reliability, and power consumption. 3-D modal properties were extracted from the measured 3-axis vibration data using
output-only modal identification methods. Tension forces of 4 different lengths of stay-cables were derived from the
ambient vibration data on the cables. For the integrity assessment of the structure, multi-scale subspace system
identification method is now under development using a neural network technique based on the local mode shapes and
the cable tensions.
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