Dr. Huizhong Cui
at Univ of Kansas
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (8)

Proceedings Article | 20 September 2013 Paper
Ti Zhang, Huizhong Cui, Chia-Yi Fang, Janggun Jo, Xinmai Yang, Huan-Cheng Chang, M. Laird Forrest
Proceedings Volume 8815, 881504 (2013) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2027253
KEYWORDS: Neodymium, Tumors, Breast cancer, Tissues, Particles, Biomedical optics, Photoacoustic imaging, Tissue optics, Absorption, Nanoparticles

SPIE Journal Paper | 12 February 2013 Open Access
Ti Zhang, Huizhong Cui, Chia-Yi Fang, Long-Jyun Su, Shenqiang Ren, Huan-Cheng Chang, Xinmai Yang, M. Laird Forrest
JBO, Vol. 18, Issue 02, 026018, (February 2013) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.JBO.18.2.026018
KEYWORDS: Tissues, Absorption, Photoacoustic spectroscopy, Tissue optics, Particles, Absorbance, Biomedical optics, Photoacoustic imaging, Gold, Single walled carbon nanotubes

Proceedings Article | 23 February 2012 Paper
Quihong Yang, Huizhong Cui, Shuang Cai, Xinmai Yang, M. Laird Forrest
Proceedings Volume 8223, 822306 (2012) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.908943
KEYWORDS: Tumors, Cell death, Photoacoustic imaging, Cancer, Tissues, Magnetic resonance imaging, Control systems, Computed tomography, Veins, In vitro testing

SPIE Journal Paper | 1 November 2011 Open Access
Qiuhong Yang, Shuang Cai, M. Laird Forrest, Huizhong Cui, Xinmai Yang
JBO, Vol. 16, Issue 11, 116026, (November 2011) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.3650240
KEYWORDS: Tumors, Cell death, Photoacoustic imaging, In vivo imaging, Cancer, Tissues, Control systems, Imaging systems, Veins, Luminescence

Proceedings Article | 23 February 2011 Paper
Proceedings Volume 7899, 78993L (2011) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.875505
KEYWORDS: Tumors, Transducers, Gold, In vivo imaging, Ultrasonography, Photoacoustic spectroscopy, Imaging systems, Tissues, Ultrasonics, Nanorods

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