The Vrancea zone in Romania located at the bending of the South-Eastern Carpathians is one of the high-risk seismic zones in Europe, characterized by high occurrence of intermediate-depth earthquakes, confined in a 60–200 km depth lithospheric volume. For continuously surveillance of Vrancea seismic active area in Romania, this study developed and implemented an advanced integrated methodology of multi-field time series satellite- and ground-based observational data of seismic precursors and lithosphere-atmosphere coupling modelling, for new seismic increased activity indicators design. Based on the seismic records in synergy with atmospheric and land surface pre-seismic anomalies detection from Land Surface Temperature (LST) from the time series MODIS Terra/Aqua and NOAA AVHRR along with Air Temperature (AT), this study found significant correlations with moderate seismic events of moment magnitude Mw ≥ 5 on Richter scale for 2012-2023 period. The findings of this study aim to improve, by cross-validating, the methodologies for seismic hazard assessment in Romania due to Vrancea source and detect preparatory seismic phases and precursors. Early detection and monitoring of induced geophysical anomalies can help the decision makers in mitigating the impact and improve disaster response efforts. By this, will contribute at promoting an EOS for Romania in frame of ESA Copernicus. The investigation of the seismo-associated phenomena from space is a challenge for Earth Observation and earthquake forecasting, having a high impact on the seismicity monitoring for SDGs as well for Natural Hazard Directive in the EU.
Rapid urbanization exacerbates spatiotemporal changes of urban surface albedo, an essential biophysical variable in surface energy balance and the health risks of climate warming. Through statistical and spatial regression analysis of the time series MODIS Terra/Aqua and in-situ monitoring data of climate variables for both central city and metropolitan area, this study identified the impact of urban built in Bucharest metropolitan area on spatiotemporal variation of land surface albedo (LSA) during 2002- 2023 period, and quantified its relationship with urban thermal environment (land surface temperature-LST and air temperature at 2m height AT) and associated vegetation (normalized vegetation index– NDVI, leaf area index-LAI, evapotranspiration-ET) and other climate factors. During summer hot periods, this study found a strong inverse correlation between LSA and LST (r= -0.85; p<0.01) in all city sectors explaining high negative impact on the urban thermal environment. Also, as a measure of urban surface thermal properties, land surface albedo depends on the atmospheric conditions. At the pixel-scale, during the summer season (June-August) air temperature at 2m height AT is positively correlated with LST (r= 0.86%, p<0.01). For summer periods (June – August), LST shows an inverse correlation with NDVI for both central Bucharest city (r= -0.29, p< 0.01) and for metropolitan area (r= -0.67, p<0.01). Because urban climate system is highly sensitive to land surface albedo changes, urban/periurban vegetation land covers may have strong feedback to the anticipated climate warming. Future climate adaptation strategies must consider albedo cooling benefits and urban greening that can reduce the heat exposure of urban populations.
In frame of global warming context impact arid regions are affected by increases in temperature and decreases in precipitation, that will trigger water shortages, drought, and further aridification. This paper addresses a number of issues related to current and future climatic change and drought impacts on vegetation land cover, focusing on the Constanta County in Dobrogea region placed in the South Eastern part of Romania near North Western Black Sea coastal area. Remotely sensed monitoring and assessing of drought effects in long term change could provide sound understanding to guide arid agricultural areas ecological restoration and local ecosystem sustainability. This study examined the applicability of MODIS Terra/Aqua time series satellite-based together MERRA -2 reanalysis data in synergy with insitu monitoring of climate observables for aridity assessment. Time series of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - NDVI, evapotranspiration-ET, land surface albedo-LSA, land surface temperature-LST and air surface temperature-AT at different time scales and other climate parameters (precipitation rate, relative humidity and surface solar irradiance-SI were computed for the period 2000 to 2023. The trend analysis of the time series for ET, NDVI and LST in the Constanta Cunty was conducted using a simple linear regression analysis method. During summer periods (June – August) of 2021-2023 period, LST and NDVI appeared to be linear and negatively correlated in each year ranged from r = - 0.85 with p<0.05 in 2022 year, r = - 0.77 with p<0.05 in 2021 year, and r = - 0.40 with p<0.05 in 2023 year. A high decrease of NDVI values ranged (0.2-0.3) was recorded during summer-autumn droughts periods of years 2022 and 2023 associated with strong heat waves. The results in this study show that large area of Constanta County is highly controlled by drought during summer to autumn seasons. This work demonstrates the importance of satellite remote sensing data conjugated with in-situ data for changes monitoring of dryland vegetation in their response to climate-drying conditions.
KEYWORDS: Vegetation, Air contamination, Climatology, MODIS, Air temperature, Climate change, Land cover, Environmental monitoring, Satellites, Temperature metrology
In frame of the global warming and urban growth, Bucharest residents and its ecosystem will be more vulnerable to increased levels of air pollution and heat stress related to urban heat island (UHI) effect and the increased frequency and duration of heat waves (HWs) during summer June-August months. The response of air quality to climate change is an increasing concern at both the local and global levels. This study examined the response of urban thermal environment to air pollution and climate variability in Bucharest, Romania, from a spatiotemporal perspective during the 2020-2023 period. Through synergy use of time series of geospatial and in-situ air pollution (particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10, O3, NO2, SO2, CO), and climate data in relation with derived vegetation biophysical variables, this study developed a complex statistical and spatial regression analysis. Was quantified air pollution relationship with urban thermal environment defined by land surface temperature-LST and air temperature at 2m height AT. Green space was measured with MODIS Terra satellite-derived normalized vegetation index- NDVI, which captures the combined availability of urban parks, street trees, forest, and periurban agricultural areas. A distinct spatiotemporal difference across the urban/periurban gradient, air temperature -TA and land surface temperature -LST anomalies is associated with urbanization-induced climate warming, especially during summer UHIs and HWs. The findings of this study contribute to developing advanced models to predict air pollution impacts on urban heat under future urbanization, and also in urban planning for better mitigation and optimizing air quality in future green cities.
Urban vegetation and its carbon storage capacity are critical factors for terrestrial carbon cycling and global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Scientific research for a better managing of urban green land cover is an essential issue of the sustainable urban development initiative promoted by the EU governments. Owing to a crucial role that urban vegetation performs in an urban ecosystem, being effective in mitigating the air pollution and urban heat island effect by canopy shade and evapotranspiration, studying the vegetation dynamics in terms of its derived satellite biogeophysical variables becomes inevitable in the context of climate-smart city planning and design. However, in order to explain the urban-rural gradient in vegetation greenness trends and its responses to climate and antropogenic drivers of land-cover changes this study used time-series of derived satellite data (normalized difference vegetation index-NDVI, enhanced vegetation index- EVI, land surface temperature- LST, leaf area index LAI, and fraction of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by vegetation- FPAR). Satellite datasets of MODIS Terra, and Landsat TM/ETM+ have been used for urban vegetation analysis over 2002-2022 period of Bucharest metropolitan area in Romania. It was found that the average decrease in vegetation land cover was 0.1 to 0.3. The correlation analyses revealed that, at the pixel-scale, LST possessed a strong positive correlation with NDVI, EVI, FPAR and LAI during the entire investigated period. Only during summer period NDNI/EVI are inversely correlated with LST (r= -0.67; p<0.01) The spatio-temporal pattern of urban/periurban vegetation dynamics trends and their association with other atmospheric, biological, and soil indicators need to be studied with different satellite sensors and resolutions over the long-term periods of time.
KEYWORDS: MODIS, Climatology, Vegetation, Land cover, Climate change, Satellites, Temperature metrology, Surface air temperature, Near infrared, Ecosystems
Spatial change in the urban landscape related to land cover conversion due to urbanization is recognized as the critical factor affecting the formation and intensity of Urban Heat Island (UHI), which under summer Heat Waves (HWs) substantially modifies the land surface-aerodynamic properties, the energy and water balances and urban thermal environment. One of the most important goals of satellite-based urban thermal environment investigations is the better understanding of the physical content of different satellite-derived biophysical parameters. The specific object of this study is to use time-series Landsat TM/ETM+ and MODIS Terra/Aqua satellite data for assessing of urban land cover– air and land surface temperature interactions during period between 2000 and 2022 years over Bucharest metropolitan area. The air (TA) and Land Surface Temperature (LST), key parameters in urban climate research are analyzed in relation with land surface albedo and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) variables and quantified the spatiotemporal cooling effects of urban green landscape characteristics impacts on urban thermal environment dynamic at city level. The rank correlation analyses revealed that, at the pixel-scale, during summer season (June-August) TA and LST presents a strong positive correlation (r= 0.86%, p⪅0.01). During summer periods (June – August), LST-NDVI shows a negative correlation (for central city areal r= -0.23, p⪅ 0.05; and for metropolis areal r= -0.67, p⪅;0.01). Also, the monthly mean UHI intensity belongs to the range of (1.3 oC to 6.5 oC), and the most intense UHI occurs during the day-time in the summer season in synergy with heat waves periods. Several urban/periurban zones and landscapes bring diurnally and seasonally different contributions to the local and regional thermal environment.
Urban/periurban forest, sensitive to climatic factors with different vulnerability thresholds according to the species, amplitude, and rate of climatic stressors plays a critical function in the urban microclimate, mitigating air pollution. Use of urban forest-derived satellite variables is essential for understanding its spatiotemporal changes. To address this issue, we applied time series analysis of MODIS Terra, Landsat TM/ETM+/OLI, and Sentinel-2 data, to assess spatiotemporal changes of the periurban forest Cernica-Branesti system, located in the Eastern part of Bucharest city in Romania, from the perspective of vegetation phenology and its relation with climate changes and extreme climate events during 2002- 2022 period. To evaluate the impacts of climate and anthropogenic stressors on the forest properties, a set of biophysical variables have been estimated and several classifications of forest vegetation over the tested areas have been done. Time series of MODIS satellite-derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Land Surface Temperature (LST), Leaf Area Index (LAI), and Evapotranspiration (ET), together in-situ climate variables were analyzed through anomaly detection techniques, and correlations between them were computed. Temperature, rainfall and solar irradiance were significantly correlated with land-cover classes. Annual change detection rates across the investigated forest area over the study period were estimated at 0.82 % per annum in the range of 0.47% (2002) to 0.93% (2022). This study found that vegetation indices NDVI/EVI in Cernica-Branesti periurban forest are inversely correlated with LST during summer season and positively correlated with LST during autumn, winter and spring seasons. Also, NDVI/EVI are positively correlated with LAI and ET during entire investigated period.
KEYWORDS: COVID 19, Climatology, Air contamination, Meteorology, Carbon monoxide, Diseases and disorders, Climate change, Air temperature, Air quality, Aerosols
As a global public health concern for almost three years, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by different strains of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus two (SARS-CoV-2), and the transmission characteristics vary among counties, regions and virus variants. This paper investigates the synergy between the changes in the exposure to the main outdoor air pollutants (particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10, NO2, SO2, CO, and O3), and meteorological-related factors, which may exacerbate the SARS-CoV-2 viral effect on human health and the COVID-19 incidence and lethality in Bucharest. Through applied statistical analyses of average daily in-situ and satellite time series data recorded during several seasons and over a long time period (1 March 2020-1 April 2022), during five COVID-19 pandemic waves, this study provides an accurate estimation of the local and regional mutual seasonality of the air quality and epidemiologic conditions impacts of the COVID-19 disease evolution in Bucharest metropolitan city. This study found a positive correlation between the main air pollutants (PM2.5, PM10; NO2, CO and SO2) and confirmed cases of COVID-19 caused by different SARS-CoV-2 strains. An opposite correlation was found for at the ground level ozone-O3. In spite of spring 2020 total lockdown, or other restriction periods associated with the COVID-19 waves, aerosol loading over Bucharest metropolis did not record significant reduction in comparison with the pre-pandemic period. This study could provide valuable information into epidemic viral diseases control strategies to limit urban air pollution, especially during synoptic anticyclonic active systems.
This paper aims to investigate the influences of urban growth and green land cover decrease on land surface radiative properties and metropolitan climate of Bucharest in Romania. Remote sensing data from Landsat TM/ETM/OLI, Sentinel 2 and time series MODIS Terra/Aqua thermal infrared sensors as well as in-situ meteorological data have been used to assess urban land cover– air and land surface temperature interactions over period between 2000 and 2019 years. The air (Ta) and land surface temperature (Ts), key parameters for urban climate research, were analyzed in relation with variables land surface albedo and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) at city level. Based on these parameters, the urban growth, Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect and the relationships of Ts to other biogeophysical parameters have been analyzed. The correlation analyses revealed that, at the pixel-scale, Ta and Ts possessed a strong positive correlation with percent impervious surfaces and negative correlation with vegetation abundances at the regional scale, respectively. Was also analyzed UHI phenomenon during extreme heat waves events. Our results suggest that monthly mean UHI intensity is between 1°C and 6°C, and the most intense UHI occurs in day-time in the summer period during heat waves periods. The analysis shows that different urban/periurban zones and landscapes bring diurnally and seasonally different contributions to the local and regional thermal environment. City land cover was the most important contributor to increases in regional Ts. Vegetation had a clear cooling effect as the normalized vegetation difference index (NDVI) increased during summer periods.
This paper investigated the influences of urban growth on thermal environment in relationship with other biophysical variables for Bucharest and Timisoara cities in Romania. Satellite remote sensing provides a cost-effective and time-saving methodology for spatio-temporal analyses of land surface temperature (Ts) distribution and urban thermal environment monitoring. Time series satellite remote sensing data from Landsat TM/ETM+/OLI, MODIS Terra/Aqua and NOAA AVHRR were used to assess urban vegetation land cover– temperature interactions over period between 2000 and 2018 years. Vegetation abundances and percent impervious surfaces were derived by means of linear spectral mixture model, and a method for effectively enhancing impervious surface has been developed to accurately examine the urban growth. For this purpose, a set of meteorological and climatic data recorded in synoptic stations were used. The land surface temperature (Ts), a key parameter for urban thermal characteristics analysis, was also analyzed in relation with the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) at city level. Based on these parameters, the urban growth, and urban heat island effect (UHI) and the relationships of Ts to other biophysical parameters have been analyzed. Results show that the city area ratio of impervious surface in both towns Bucharest and Timisoara increased significantly during investigated period, the intensity of urban heat island and heat wave events being most significant. The correlation analyses revealed that, at the pixel-scale, Ts possessed a strong positive correlation with percent impervious surfaces and negative correlation with vegetation abundances at the regional scale, respectively.
This paper investigated urban growth and green land cover decrease impacts on Bucharest metropolitan climate. Time series of Landsat TM/ETM/OLI, MODIS Terra/Aqua and NOAA AVHRR thermal infrared data as well as in-situ meteorological data have been used to assess urban land cover– air and land surface temperature interactions over 2000- 2018 period. The air (Ta) and land surface temperature (Ts), key parameters for urban climate study were analyzed in relation with the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and surface latent heat flux (SLHF) at city level. Based on these parameters, the urban growth, Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect and the relationships of Ts to other biogeophysical parameters have been investigated. Correlation analysis revealed that, at the pixel-scale, Ta and Ts possessed a strong positive correlation with percent impervious surfaces and negative correlation with vegetation abundances at the regional scale, respectively. Was also analyzed UHI phenomenon during extreme heat waves events. Our results suggest that the most intense UHI occurs in day-time in the summer period during heat waves periods. Satellite data in synergy with insitu data revealed a clear land surface temperature contrast between the central, median and peripheral zones of Bucharest metropolitan zone in Romania. The analysis shows that different urban/periurban zones and landscapes bring diurnally and seasonally different contributions to the local and regional thermal environment. Urban land cover was the most important contributor to increases in regional Ts. Vegetation had a clear cooling effect as the normalized vegetation difference index (NDVI) increased during summer periods.
Due to anthropogenic and climatic changes, Carpathian Mountains forests in Romania experience environmental degradation. As a result of global climate change, there is growing evidence that some of the most severe weather events could become more frequent in Romania over the next 50 to 100 years. In the case of Carpathian mountain forests, winter storms and heat waves are considered key climate risks, particularly in prealpine and alpine areas. Effects of climate extremes on forests can have both short-term and long-term implications for standing biomass, tree health and species composition. The preservation and enhancement of mountain forest vegetation cover in natural, semi-natural forestry ecosystems is an essential factor in sustaining environmental health and averting natural hazards. This paper aims to: (i) describe observed trends and scenarios for summer heat waves, windstorms and heavy precipitation, based on results from satellite time series NOAA AVHRR, MODIS Terra/Aqua and Landsat TM/ETM+/OLI NDVI and LAI data recorded during 2000-2016 period correlated with meteorological parameters, regional climate models, and other downscaling procedures, and (ii) discuss potential impacts of climate changes and extreme events on Carpathian mountain forest system in Romania. The response of forest land cover vegetation in Carpathian Mountains, Romania to climatic factors varies in different seasons of the years, the diverse vegetation feedbacks to climate changes being related to different vegetation characteristics and meteorological conditions. Based on integrated analysis of satellite and field data was concluded that forest ecosystem functions are responsible of the relationships between mountain specific vegetation and climate.
Understanding spatio-temporal changes of urban environments is essential for regional and local planning and environmental management. With the rapid changes of Bucharest city in Romania during past decades, green spaces have been fragmented and dispersed causing impairment and dysfunction of these urban elements. The main goal of this study is to address these tasks in synergy with in-situ data and new analytical methods. Spatio- temporal monitoring of urban vegetation land cover changes is important for policy decisions, regulatory actions and subsequent land use activities. This study explored the use of time-series MODIS Terra/Aqua Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Leaf Area Index (LAI), Land Surface Temperature (LST) and evapotranspiration (ET) data to provide vegetation change detection information for metropolitan area of Bucharest. Training and validation are based on a reference dataset collected from IKONOS high resolution remote sensing data. The mean detection accuracy for period 2002- 2014 was assessed to be of 87%, with a reasonable balance between change commission errors (20.24%), change omission errors (25.65%), and Kappa coefficient of 0.72. Annual change detection rates across the urban/periurban areas over the study period (2002–2014) were estimated at 0.79% per annum in the range of 0.46% (2002) to 0.77% (2014).Vegetation dynamics in urban areas at seasonal and longer timescales reflect large-scale interactions between the terrestrial biosphere and the climate system. Extracted green space areas were further analyzed quantitatively in relation with air quality data and extreme climate events. The results have been analyzed in terms of environmental impacts and future climate trends.
Cities are exposed more and more to climate change from greenhouse gas induced radiative forcing, and localized effects from urbanization such as the urban heat island. Urban land covers as the biophysical state of the earth’s surface and immediate subsurface are sources and sinks for most of the material and energy movements and interactions between the geosphere and biosphere. Climate change is considered to be the biggest environmental threat in the future in the South- Eastern part of Europe. The aim of this paper is to investigate the influences of urban growth on urban thermal environment as well as the relationships of thermal characteristics to other biophysical parameters in Bucharest metropolitan area of Romania based on time series MODIS Terra/Aqua and IKONOS data acquired during 2000-2014 periods. Land Surface Temperature (LST) is a key variable for studying urban land surface processes and surface atmosphere interactions, being a crucial component in the study of the surface energy and water budgets. Urbanization created an evolved inverse relationship between impervious and vegetation coverage, and brought about new LST patterns because of LST’s correlations with both impervious and vegetation coverage. City thermal environment risk management strategies for mitigating and adapting to climate change must propose efficient plans to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and cool the city through changes in the built environment, land use, and transportation.
In frame of global warming, the field of urbanization and urban thermal environment are important issues among
scientists all over the world. This paper investigated the influences of urbanization on urban thermal environment as well
as the relationships of thermal characteristics to other biophysical variables in Bucharest metropolitan area of Romania
based on satellite remote sensing imagery Landsat TM/ETM+, time series MODIS Terra/Aqua data and IKONOS
acquired during 1990 - 2012 period. Vegetation abundances and percent impervious surfaces were derived by means of
linear spectral mixture model, and a method for effectively enhancing impervious surface has been developed to
accurately examine the urban growth. The land surface temperature (Ts), a key parameter for urban thermal
characteristics analysis, was also retrieved from thermal infrared band of Landsat TM/ETM+, from MODIS Terra/Aqua
datasets. Based on these parameters, the urban growth, urban heat island effect (UHI) and the relationships of Ts to other
biophysical parameters have been analyzed. Results indicated that the metropolitan area ratio of impervious surface in
Bucharest increased significantly during two decades investigated period, the intensity of urban heat island and heat
wave events being most significant. The correlation analyses revealed that, at the pixel-scale, Ts possessed a strong
positive correlation with percent impervious surfaces and negative correlation with vegetation abundances at the regional scale, respectively. This analysis provided an integrated research scheme and the findings can be very useful for urban ecosystem modeling.
To preserve urban vegetation land cover quality and mitigate its degradation is an important task for urban planning and
environmental management of Bucharest metropolitan area in Romania. Since vegetation land cover dynamics directly
affect the urban landscape characteristics and air quality, remote sensing represents an effective tool for vegetation land
cover quality assessment at regional scale. In particular, the use of satellite-based vegetation indices, like the NDVI
(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), can provide important information when evaluating Urban Vegetation Cover
Quality (UVCQ) patterns in urban areas, which represents one of the most sensitive landscape components to urban
environmental degradation. This paper proposes an approach for the regional-scale assessment of UVCQ by means of an
NDVI-based (functional) indicator using freely available time series MODIS Terra/Aqua (Moderate Resolution Imaging
Spectroradiometer) satellite data. As a case study, Bucharest metropolitan area landscape experiencing climate and
anthropogenic changes, increasing human pressure and high vulnerability to degradation was chosen. As UVCQ
indicator, the NDVI-based vegetation cover classification was produced by means of unsupervised multivariate statistical
techniques and compared with spatio-temporal changes during 2002-2012 period, statistical indicators, and field data
related to land cover management observed in the study area. Results demonstrate that the obtained remotely sensed
vegetation land cover characterization can be effectively considered as a proxy of the UVCQ status of the examined area.
Due to the large availability over time and low cost of satellite images, the proposed approach can be applied to wider
urban/periurban regions, to monitor vegetation quality and indirectly control vegetation land degradation.
Spectral patterns of different forest land cover can identify certain pollution compounds, and water stress conditions
based on the interaction of photons with the molecular structure of the forest target structure. Based on such methods, the objective of this research was to evaluate and characterize selected forest test area Baneasa- Tunari located in the Northern part of Bucharest metropolitan region, Romania, where the climate and anthropogenic stressors endanger natural and economical values of environment. Based on time-series Landsat TM, ETM, MODIS Terra/Aqua and IKONOS satellite data have been investigated urban forest land cover and forest biophysical parameters (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index- NDVI and Leaf Area Index- LAI) changes over 1990- 2011 period of time. Accuracy of image processing results (spectral classification) was confirmed through in-situ spectroradiometrical analysis of reflectance spectra with portable GER 2600 spectroradiometer.
Climate variability and change are risk factors for climate sensitive activities such as forestry. Managing these risks requires “climate knowledge”, i.e. a sound understanding of causes and consequences of climate variability and knowledge of potential management options that are suitable in light of the climatic risks posed. Thresholding based on biophysical variables derived from time series satellite data is a new approach to classifying forest land cover via remote sensing through use of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index –NDVI and Enhanced vegetation Index- EVI. This paper aims to assess spatio-temporal forest changes through applied time-series Landsat TM, ETM, MODIS Terra/Aqua and IKONOS satellite remote sensing data of Cernica forest area near Bucharest, Romania, during 1990-2011 period. Additional forest biophysical parameter Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity - LST was considered in this paper. This information is complemented by in-situ monitoring data (field measurements, data collection) together with modeling tools (theoretical developments, mathematical and bio-geophysical parameterization, statistics of the main urban structures in their interdependency) and spatial analysis methods.
The main environmental issues affecting the broad acceptability of NPP (Nuclear Power Plant) are the emission of
radioactive materials, the generation of radioactive and heat waste, and the potential for nuclear accidents. Satellite
remote sensing is an important tool for spatio-temporal analysis and surveillance of environment, thermal heat waste of waters being a major concern in many coastal ecosystems involving nuclear power plants, as sharp changes in water
temperature can significantly affect the distribution and physiology of aquatic biota and contribute to global warming. The thermal plume signature in the NPP hydrological system in TIR (Thermal Infrared) spectral bands of Landsat TM and ETM TIR band 6, ASTER, and MODIS TIR bands time series satellite have been used for WST (Water Surface Temperature) detection, mapping and monitoring. As a test case the methodology was applied for NPP Cernavoda, Romania during period of 1990-2011 years. Thermal discharge from two nuclear reactors cooling is dissipated as waste heat in Danube-Black -Sea Channel and Danube River. If during the winter thermal plume is localized to an area of a few km of NPP, the temperature difference between the plume and non-plume areas being about 1.5 oC, during summer and fall, is a larger thermal plume up to 5- 6 km far along Danube Black Sea Channel, the temperature change being of about 1.0 oC.
As climatic variability and anthropogenic stressors are growing up continuously, must be defined the proper criteria for
forest vegetation assessment. In order to characterize current and future state of forest vegetation satellite imagery is a
very useful tool. Vegetation can be distinguished using remote sensing data from most other (mainly inorganic) materials
by virtue of its notable absorption in the red and blue segments of the visible spectrum, its higher green reflectance and,
especially, its very strong reflectance in the near-IR. Vegetation reflectance has variations with sun zenith angle, view
zenith angle, and terrain slope angle. To provide corrections of these effects, for visible and near-infrared light, was used
a developed a simple physical model of vegetation reflectance, by assuming homogeneous and closed vegetation canopy
with randomly oriented leaves. A simple physical model of forest vegetation reflectance was applied and validated for
Cernica forested area, near Bucharest town through two ASTER satellite data , acquired within minutes from one
another ,a nadir and off-nadir for band 3 lying in the near infra red, most radiance differences between the two scenes can
be attributed to the BRDF effect. Other satellite data MODIS, Landsat TM and ETM as well as, IKONOS have been
used for different NDVI and classification analysis.
Due to significant anthropogenic changes that have occurred in the last several decades in Bucharest city's landscape,
urbanization has become an important factor affecting urban surface parameters, hence in the surface-atmosphere
interaction processes, with a great potential to alter the local climate. Land use and land cover (LULC) influence a
variety of processes important in characterizing urban /periurban biophysical parameters' quality, including aerosol
deposition rates, biogenic emissions, albedo, surface temperatures, climatic parameters and other.
Analysis of surface biophysical parameters changes in urban/periurban areas of Bucharest town based on multi-spectral
and multi-temporal satellite imagery (Landsat TM, ETM and IKONOS) for 1989 - 2009 period provides the most
reliable technique of environmental monitoring regarding the net radiation and heat fluxes associated with urbanization
at the regional scale. Investigation of radiation properties, energy balance and heat fluxes is based on information derived
from various satellite sensors and in-situ monitoring data, linked to numerical models and quantitative biophysical
information extracted from spatially distributed NDVI-data and net radiation. This study attempts to provide
environmental awareness to urban planners suggesting that future changes in urban land cover could substantially affect
climate by altering biophysical land-atmosphere interactions.
Urban areas are currently among the most rapidly changing types of land cover on the planet. Remote sensing imagery
can provide a timely and synoptic view of urban land cover, as well as a means to monitor change in urbanizing
landscapes and to compare urban environments globally. To understand the ecology of urban systems, it is necessary to
quantify the spatial and temporal patterns of urbanization, which often requires dynamic modeling and spatial analysis.
Based on Spectral Mixture Analysis, this paper aims to provide a spatio-temporal analysis of urban structure for
Bucharest urban area based on multi-spectral and multi-temporal satellite imagery (LANDSAT TM, ETM; MODIS,
IKONOS) over 1989 - 2007 period. Accurate maps of urban tree and other surface cover types can provide critical
information to better understand urban ecosystems and help improve environmental quality and human health in urban
Environmental monitoring is essential information routinely required by the mining industry and regulators to
demonstrate that the environment is not adversely impacted by exploration and mining. New mining technologies can
not only exploit low-grade ores but also produce high volumes of tailings as mining wastes. Satellite remote sensing
imagery provided by Landsat TM and ETM sensors is an important investigation tool of mining waste cover screening,
mapping and monitoring at local and regional scales of areas containing multiple sources of mining-related heavy metals.
By this, satellite remote sensing data can help to rapidly assess the dimension of mining waste risk and therefore better
manage such a geohazard as well as for remediation programs.
Based on Landsat TM, ETM satellite data over 1989-2007 period, was possible to be achieved a discrimination between
weathered materials and other prone to acidification as well as to perform a spatio temporal landcover change detection
analysis in some mining waste areas in Maramures County, Romania. Accuracy of image processing results
(mineralogical classification) was confirmed through ground sampling and analysis of reflectance spectra with portable
GER 2600 spectroradiometer.
Light transport is currently used clinically both as a therapeutic tool and as a diagnostic tool. A concern in all these cases
is the difficulty of knowing which regions of the tissues are sufficiently illuminated for therapeutic results, or from which
regions the collected fluorescence was emitted. Development of optical models that explain the observed scattering
properties of soft biological tissues is of considerable interest. Such modeling can give how the scattering properties are
influenced by the numbers, sizes and arrangements of the tissue structure. In this article we give a brief overview of the
laser light transport in tissue and also discuss some representative applications of tissue optics for biomedical
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