Raven is a Multi-Object Adaptive Optics (MOAO) scientific demonstrator which will be used on-sky at the Subaru
observatory. Raven is currently being built at the University of Victoria AO Lab. In this paper, we present an overview
of the final Raven design and then describe lab tests involving prototypes of Raven subsystems. The final design
includes three open loop wavefront sensors (WFSs), a laser guide star WFS and two figure/truth WFSs. Two science
channels, each containing a deformable mirror (DM), feed light to the Subaru IRCS spectrograph. Central to the Raven
MOAO system is a Calibration Unit (CU) which contains multiple sources, a telescope simulator including two rotating
phase screens and a ground layer DM that can be used to calibrate and test Raven. We are working with the Raven CU
and open loop WFSs to test and validate our open loop calibration and alignment techniques.
Raven is a Multi-Object Adaptive Optics (MOAO) technical and scientific demonstrator which will be used on
the Subaru telescope with the IRCS spectrograph. The optical and mechanical designs are finalised and the
system is now being integrated in the lab at UVic. Raven features three open-loop wavefront sensors (WFS)
patrolling a 3.5' field of regard, one on-axis LGS WFS, two science channels each equipped with a pick-off arm,
an 11x11 actuator deformable mirror, a closed-loop WFS for calibration and performance comparison and an
image rotator. This paper presents in detail the optical design and its performance, as well as the mechanical
The Subaru adaptive optics system (AO188) is a 188-element curvature sensor adaptive optics system that is operated in both natural and laser guide star modes. AO188 is installed at Nasmyth platform of the 8m Subaru telescope as a facility AO system. The laser guide star mode for AO188 has been commissioned and offered for use in science operation since 2011. The performance of AO188 in the laser guide star mode has been well verified from on-sky data obtained with the infrared camera and spectrograph (IRCS). In this paper, we describe the operation procedure and observing efficiency for the laser guide star mode. We also show the result of the on-sky performance evaluation of AO188 in the laser guide star mode and the characterization of the laser guide star, together with the obtained science results.
We are commissioning the Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics (LGS/AO188) system for Subaru Telescope at
Hawaii, Mauna Kea. This system utilizes a combination of an
all-solid-state mode-locked sum-frequency generation
(SFG) laser (1.7GHz-bandwidth, 0.7ns-pulse width) as a light source and single-mode optical fiber for beam
transference. However, optical fibers induce nonlinear scattering effects, such as stimulated Raman scattering
(SRS) and stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS), beyond certain threshold levels in high-power lasers. We measured
the laser transmission characteristics of a photonic crystal fiber (PCF) whose mode field diameter (MFD)
was 11 μ m, and a step index fiber (SIF) cable whose MFD was 4.2 μ m to evaluate the threshold levels for
non-linear effects. We observed SRS in the 200-m-long SIF when we input 1.3W. The material losses of them
were 10db/km and 6.4dB/km, respectively. However, SRS and SBS were not induced in the 200-m-long PCF,
even for an input power of 5.3W. As a result, we estimated the threshold of SRS to be 33W for the 35-m-long
PCF designed for the Subaru LGSAO system.
Other than SRS and SBS, we found self phase modulation (SPM) in our PCF. SPM makes the spectrum
of the laser beam broaden and it causes less efficiency of generating bright LGS. We measured width of the
spectrum by spectrum analyzer. As the result, we found it was 9.1GHz of full width half maximum (FWHM)
in comparison with the original FWHM of our laser spectrum, 2.1GHz. This shows 70% of the laser energy for
brightening the LGS was lost.
We also measured the brightness of the LGS and evaluated its relationship with wavelength of the laser.
The LGS's brightness showed a peculiar tendency that did not be extinguish even though the wavelength has
varied about 2pm. The tendency was not shown with the experiment using sodium gas cell. Therefore, it may
be concerned the environment of the sodium layer in the mesosphere.
The Subaru laser guide star adaptive optics system (AO188) was installed at the Nasmyth focus of the Subaru
Telescope on October 2006 and it is in operation with the natural guide star (NGS) mode. The operation of
the laser guide star (LGS) mode started on January 2010. A visible low-order wavefront sensor (LOWFS) was
built to measure tip-tilt and defocus terms of wavefront by using a single NGS within a 2.7 arcmin diameter field
when an LGS is used for high-order wavefront sensing with the 188-element curvature based wavefront sensor.
This LOWFS is a 2 × 2 sub-aperture Shack-Hartmann sensor with 16 photon-counting avalanche photodiode
(APD) modules. A 4×4-element lenslet array is located after the 2 × 2 sub-aperture Shack-Hartmann lenslet
array and it is coupled with the APD modules through optical fibers. The field of view of the LOWFS is 4 arcsec
in diameter. It has own guide star acquisition unit, acquisition and pupil cameras, and atmospheric dispersion
corrector. We describe the design, construction, and integration of this low-order wavefront sensor.
We are developing a laser guide star (LGS) system for the
188-elements Adaptive Optics system (AO188) of the
Subaru telescope. In this paper we describe the results of the performance tests of the LGS system. The beam
that excites sodium atoms at 90 km altitude of the LGS is generated by the following sequence. The source
of the beam is a quasi-CW mode locked sum-frequency generating 589 nm laser. This laser beam propagates
through a diagnostics system for measuring the wavelength and the beam quality. Then it couples into a solidcore
photonic crystal fiber cable for transmitting the beam to a telescope for launching the beam (LLT: Laser
Launching Telescope). The output beam from this fiber cable is collimated by the optics mounted on the
LLT. This collimated beam is expanded by the LLT and launched into the sky. We executed several engineering
observations of the LGS system from 2009 for confirming the performance of all the components in this sequence.
We also report the quality of the LGS.
Subaru adaptive optics system (AO188) is an 188-elements curvature sensor adaptive optics system that is operated
in both natural and laser guide star modes. AO188 was installed at Nasmyth platform of the Subaru
telescope and it has been successfully operating in the natural guide star mode since October 2008. The performance
of AO188 in the natural guide star mode has been well verified from on-sky data obtained with the infrared
camera and spectrograph (IRCS). Under normal seeing condition, AO188 achieves K-band Strehl ratio between
60% and 70% using R = 9.0 magnitude natural guide stars and it works well with faint guide stars down to
R = 16.5 magnitude. We measured the FWHM and Strehl ratio of stellar images in globular clusters and found
that the isoplanatic angle is approximately 30 arcsec. In this paper, we describe an overview of the operation
procedure for AO188, as well as its performance such as angular resolution, Strehl ration, and sensitivity gain
for detecting faint objects.
KEYWORDS: Telescopes, Mirrors, Adaptive optics, Telecommunications, Secondary tip-tilt mirrors, Infrared telescopes, Digital signal processing, Control systems, Infrared radiation, Data conversion
A tip/tilt off-load function from AO188 deformable mirror mount to Subaru telescope infrared secondary mirror
has been implemented and tested. The function is effective to reduce the influence of strong background pattern
at thermal infrared wavelengths. We describe the function and report the test results in this paper.
In this paper, we present the science path ADC unit (atmospheric dispersion corrector) for the AO188 Adaptive
Optics System of the Subaru Telescope. The AO188 instrument is a curvature-based Adaptive Optics system with
188 subapertures and achieves good correction down to shorter wavelengths like J-band. At these wavelengths, the
atmospheric dispersion within the band becomes significant and thus a correction of the atmospheric dispersion
is essential to reach diffraction-limited image quality. We give an overview of the requirements, the final optical
and mechanical design of the ADC unit, as well as the structure of its control software.
We report recent development in real time control system of Subaru adaptive optics system. The main topic is
modification of the real time control system for laser guide star operation. The primary change is appending lower order
wave-front sensor. And also, an auxiliary tip-tilt and focus control are appended before higher order waver-front sensor
to absorb the perturbation of the laser beam and height of sodium layer. Our implementations using the control gain
matrix are introduced thoroughly from the basis of the system design and down to the details. Also, other new function
and prospects in the near future will be presented for the cascaded average monitor and the time domain over sampling.
The current status of commissioning and recent results in performance of Subaru laser guide star adaptive optics
system is presented. After the first light using natural guide stars with limited configuration of the system in
October 2006, we concentrated to complete a final configuration for a natural guide star to serve AO188 to an
open use observation. On sky test with full configurations using natural guide star started in August 2008, and
opened to a public one month later. We continuously achieved around 0.6 to 0.7 of Strehl ratio at K band using
a bright guide star around 9th to 10th magnitude in R band. We found an unexpectedly large wavefront error
in our laser launching telescope. The modification to fix this large wavefront error was made and we resumed
the characterization of a laser guide star in February 2009. Finally we obtained a round-shaped laser guide star,
whose image size is about 1.2 to 1.6 arcsec under the typical seeing condition. We are in the final phase of
commissioning. A diffraction limited image by our AO system using a laser guide star will be obtained in the
end of 2010. An open use observation with laser guide star system will start in the middle of 2011.
The image derotator is an integral part of the AO188 System at Subaru Telescope. In this article software control,
characterization and integration issues of the image derotator for AO188 System presented. Physical limitations of the
current hardware reviewed. Image derotator synchronization, tracking accuracy, and problem solving strategies to
achieve requirements presented. It's use in different observation modes for various instruments and interaction with the
telescope control system provides status and control functionality. We describe available observation modes along with
integration issues. Technical solutions with results of the image derotator performance presented. Further improvements
and control software for on-sky observations discussed based on the results obtained during engineering observations.
An overview of the requirements, the final control method, and the structure of its control software is shown. Control
limitations and accepted solutions that might be useful for development of other instrument's image derotators presented.
HiCIAO is a near-infrared, high contrast instrument which is specifically designed for searches and studies for
extrasolar planets and proto-planetary/debris disks on the Subaru 8.2 m telescope. A coronagraph technique
and three differential observing modes, i.e., a dual-beam simultaneous polarimetric differential imaging mode,
quad-beam simultaneous spectral differential imaging mode, and angular differential imaging mode, are used
to extract faint objects from the sea of speckle around bright stars. We describe the instrument performances
verified in the laboratory and during the commissioning period. Readout noise with a correlated double sampling
method is 15 e- using the Sidecar ASIC controller with the HAWAII-2RG detector array, and it is as low as 5 e-
with a multiple sampling method. Strehl ratio obtained by HiCIAO on the sky combined with the 188-actuator
adaptive optics system (AO188) is 0.4 and 0.7 in the H and K-band, respectively, with natural guide stars that
have R ~ 5 and under median seeing conditions. Image distortion is correctable to 7 milli-arcsec level using
the ACS data as a reference image. Examples of contrast performances in the observing modes are presented
from data obtained during the commissioning period. An observation for HR 8799 in the angular differential
imaging mode shows a clear detection of three known planets, demonstrating the high contrast capability of
The Subaru laser guide star adaptive optics (AO) system was installed at the Nasmyth focus of the Subaru
Telescope, and had the first light with natural guide star on October 2006. The AO system has a 188-element
curvature based wavefront sensor with photon-counting avalanche photodiode (APD) modules. It measures high-order
terms of wavefront using either of a single laser (LGS) or natural guide star (NGS) within a 2' diameter
field. The AO system has also a source simulator. It simulates LGS and NGS beams, simultaneously, with and
without atmospheric turbulence by two turbulent layer at about 0 and 6 km altitudes, and reproduces the cone
effect for the LGS beam. We describe the design, construction, and integration of the curvature wavefront sensor
and calibration source unit.
We have developed a dichroic beam splitter for the Subaru AO188, which reflects optical light (0.4-0.9 &mgr;m) for
wavefront sensing and transmits near-infrared light (0.93-5.2 &mgr;m) for science observations. The beam splitter
is made of 145mm × 200mm calcium fluoride substrate coated by fluoride and metal chalcogen compound
multilayer, which should be a best way to realize high transmittance over wide wavelength range in the near
infrared. However, since typical fluoride soft coating is less resistant to the moisture in the air, the fluoride
coating become damaged as we use on the AO188 optical bench which is placed in the room temperature
condition. We have performed several accelerated endurance tests of the beam splitter under high-humidity
condition by changing the design of the coatings, and found an optimal solution with an oxide protection layer
which prevents the damage of the dichroic coating and keeps high transmittance at near-infrared wavelength. In
this paper, we report the results of the endurance tests and the performance of our dichroic beam splitter.
Actual measurement of vibrating shape of a bimorph deformable mirror is presented to discuss the characteristics
of resonance. Understanding the vibration properties of a bimorph deformable mirror is a key issue to overcome
resonance problem, a major drawback of this type of deformable mirror, and to make full use of its advantages.
Two-dimensional vibrating shape of the deformable mirror surface, not only at a point, is essential to figure out
the resonance behavior. The results are informative for improvement of mechanical design or control software.
The current status and recent results, since last SPIE conference at Orlando in 2006, for the laser guide star adaptive optics system for Subaru Telescope is presented. We had a first light using natural guide star and succeed to launch the sodium laser beam in October 2006. The achieved Strehl ratio on the 10th magnitude star was around 0.5 at K band. We confirmed that the full-width-half-maximum of the stellar point spread function is smaller than 0.1 arcsec even at the 0.9 micrometer wavelehgth. The size of the artificial guide star by the laser beam tuned at the wavelength of 589 nm was estimated to be 10 arcsec. The obtained blurred artificial guide star is caused by the wavefront error on the laser launching telescope. After the first light and first launch, we found that we need to modify and to fix the components, which are temporarily finished. Also components, which were postponed to fabricate after the first light, are required to build newly. All components used by the natural guide star adaptive optics system are finalized recently and we are ready to go on the sky. Next engineering observation is scheduled in August, 2008.
We report an all-solid-state coherent 589 nm light source in single-pass sum-frequency generation (SFG) with actively
mode-locked Nd:YAG lasers for the realization of sodium lidar and laser guide star adaptive optics. The Nd:YAG
lasers are constructed as a LD-side-pumped configuration and are operated at 1064 and 1319 nm for 589 nm light
generation in SFG. Output powers of 16.5 and 5.3 W at 1064 and 1319 nm are obtained with two pumping chambers.
Each chamber consisted of three 80-W-LD arrays. Single transverse mode TEM00; M2 ~1.1 is achieved with adjustment
of cavity length considering thermal lens effect with increase of input LD power. The cavity length is set to
approximately 1 m. Accordingly the mode-locked lasers are operated at a repetition rate of approximately 150 MHz.
Synchronization of two pulse trains at 1064 and 1319 nm is accomplished by control of phase difference between two
radio frequencies input in acousto-optic mode-lockers. Then temporal delay is controlled with a resolution of 37
ps/degree. Pump beams are mixed in periodically poled stoichiometric lithium tantalate (PPSLT) without an
antireflection coating. The effective aperture and length of the crystal are 0.5 × 2 mm2 and 15 mm. When input intensity
is set at 5.6 MW/cm , an average output power of 4.6 W is obtained at 589.159 nm. Precise tuning to the sodium D2
line is accomplished by thermal control of etalons set in the Nd:YAG lasers. The output power at 589.159 nm is stably maintained within ±1.2% for 8 hours.
We are developing Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics (LGSAO) system for Subaru Telescope at Hawaii, Mauna Kea. We achieved an all-solid-state 589.159 nm laser in sum-frequency generation. Output power at 589.159 nm reached 4W in quasi-continuous-wave operation. To relay the laser beam from laser location to laser launching telescope, we used an optical fiber because the optical fiber relay is more flexible and easier than mirror train. However, nonlinear scattering effect, especially stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) and stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS), will happen when the inputted laser power increases, i.e., intensity at the fiber core exceed each threshold. In order to raise the threshold levels of each nonlinear scattering, we adopt photonic crystal fiber (PCF). Because the PCF can be made larger core than usual step index fiber (SIF), one can reduce the intensity in the core. We inputted the high power laser into the PCF whose mode field diameter (MFD) is 14 μm and the SIF whose MFD is 5 μm, and measured the transmission characteristics of them. In the case of the SIF, the SRS was happen when we inputted 2 W. On the other hand, the SRS and the SBS were not induced in the PCF even for an input power of 4 W. We also investigated polarization of the laser beam transmitting through the PCF. Because of the fact that the backscattering efficiency of exciting the sodium layer with a narrowband laser is dependent on the polarization state of the incident beam, we tried to control the polarization of the laser beam transmitted the PCF. We constructed the system which can control the polarization of input laser and measure the output polarization. The PCF showed to be able to assume as a double refraction optical device, and we found that the output polarization is controllable by injecting beam with appropriate polarization through the PCF. However, the Laser Guide Star made by the beam passed through the PCF had same brightness as the state of the polarization.
The performance of a deformable mirror with 188 electrodes is reported in this paper. The deformable mirror has been manufactured by CILAS for a new adaptive optics system at Subaru Telescope equipped with laser-guide-star. The type of deformable mirror is bimorph PZT with the blank diameter of 130 mm (beam size 90 mm).
We developed a high power and high beam quality 589 nm coherent light source by sum-frequency generation in order to utilize it as a laser guide star at the Subaru telescope. The sum-frequency generation is a nonlinear frequency conversion in which two mode-locked Nd:YAG lasers oscillating at 1064 and 1319 nm mix in a nonlinear crystal to generate a wave at the sum frequency. We achieved the qualities required for the laser guide star. The power of laser is reached to 4.5 W mixing 15.65 W at 1064 nm and 4.99 W at 1319 nm when the wavelength is adjusted to 589.159 nm. The wavelength is controllable in accuracy of 0.1 pm from 589.060 and 589.170 nm. The stability of the power holds within 1.3% during seven hours operation. The transverse mode of the beam is the TEM00 and M2 of the beam is smaller than 1.2. We achieved these qualities by the following technical sources; (1) simple construction of the oscillator for high beam quality, (2) synchronization of mode-locked pulses at 1064 and 1319 nm by the control of phase difference between two radio frequencies fed to acousto-optic mode lockers, (3) precise tunability of wavelength and spectral band width, and (4) proper selection of nonlinear optical crystal. We report in this paper how we built up each technical source and how we combined those.
The purpose of this paper is to report on the current status of developing the new laser guide star (LGS) facility for the Subaru LGS adaptive optics (AO) system. Since two major R&D items, the 4W-class sum-frequency generating laser1 and the large-area-core photonic crystal fiber2, have been successfully cleared, we are almost ready to install the LGS facility to the Subaru Telescope. Also we report the result for LGS generation in Japan.
The laser guide star adaptive optics (AO188) system for Subaru Telescope is presented. The system will be installed at the IR Nasmyth platform of Subaru 8 m telescope, whereas the current AO system with 36 elements is operating at the Cassegrain focus. The new AO system has a 188 element wavefront curvature sensor with photon counting APD modules and 188 element bimorph mirror. The laser guide star system has a 4.5 W solid state sum-frequency laser on the Nasmyth platform. The laser launching telescope with 50 cm aperture will be installed at behind the secondary mirror. The laser beam will be transferred to the laser launching telescope using photonic crystal single mode fiber cable. The instrument with the AO system is IRCS, infrared camera and spectrograph which has been used for Cassegrain AO system and new instrument, HiCIAO, high dynamic range infrared camera for exsolar planet detection. The first light of the AO system is planned in 2006.
Subaru AO-188 is a curvature adaptive optics system with 188 elements. It has been developed by NAOJ (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) in recent years, as the upgrade from the existing 36-element AO system currently in operation at Subaru telescope. In this upgrade, the control scheme is also changed from zonal control to modal control. This paper presents development and implementation of the modal optimization system for this new AO-188. Also, we will introduce some special features and attempt in our implementation, such as consideration of resonance of deformable mirror at the lower order modes, and extension of the scheme for the optimization of the magnitude of membrane mirror in wave front sensor. Those are simple but shall be useful enhancement for the better performance to the conservative configuration with conventional modal control, and possibly useful in other extended operation modes or control schemes recently in research and development as well.
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