Dr. Paul A. Jaanimagi
Scientist at Univ of Rochester
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (13)

Proceedings Article | 20 February 2017 Paper
J. Howorth, J. Milnes, Y. Fisher, A. Jadwin, R. Boni, P. Jaanimagi
Proceedings Volume 10328, 103280Q (2017) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2270599
KEYWORDS: Spatial resolution, Cameras, Picosecond phenomena, Diagnostics, Electrodes, Streak cameras, Laser energy, Modeling, Optical recording, Optical resolution

Proceedings Article | 17 March 2005 Paper
Paul Jaanimagi, Robert Boni, D. Butler, S. Ghosh, William Donaldson, Robert Keck
Proceedings Volume 5580, (2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.602565
KEYWORDS: Cameras, Calibration, Streak cameras, Imaging systems, Charge-coupled devices, Signal to noise ratio, Fiber optics, Mirrors, CCD cameras, Control systems

Proceedings Article | 28 January 2004 Paper
Proceedings Volume 5194, (2004) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.512747
KEYWORDS: Picosecond phenomena, Mirrors, Streak cameras, X-rays, Electrodes, Gold, Fusion energy, Spatial resolution, Point spread functions, Imaging systems

Proceedings Article | 21 December 2001 Paper
Olivier Delage, Tao Le, Nicolas Dague, Henri Arsenault, Richard Lerche, Thomas Sangster, Nobuhiko Izumi, Paul Jaanimagi, Ray Fisher
Proceedings Volume 4510, (2001) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.451262
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Scintillators, Spatial resolution, Imaging systems, Image fusion, Image resolution, Image segmentation, Signal to noise ratio, Image processing, Liquids

Proceedings Article | 23 April 2001 Paper
Stanley Skupsky, Robert McCrory, R. Bahr, Thomas Boehly, T. Collins, Robert Craxton, J. Delettrez, William Donaldson, R. Epstein, V. Goncharov, R. Gram, D. Harding, Paul Jaanimagi, Robert Keck, James Knauer, S. Loucks, Frederic Marshall, P. McKenty, David Meyerhofer, Samuel Morse, O. Gotchev, P. Radha, Sean Regan, Wolf Seka, V. Smalyuk, John Soures, Christian Stoeckl, R. Town, M. Whitman, Barukh Yaakobi, Jonathan Zuegel, Richard Petrasso, J. Frenje, D. Hicks, C. Li, Frederick Seguin
Proceedings Volume 4424, (2001) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.425607
KEYWORDS: National Ignition Facility, Plasma, Pulsed laser operation, Cryogenics, Electrons, Laser welding, Solids, Data modeling, Terahertz radiation, Laser energy

Showing 5 of 13 publications
Proceedings Volume Editor (2)

Conference Committee Involvement (5)
Ultrafast X-Ray Sources and Detectors
26 August 2007 | San Diego, California, United States
Ultrafast X-Ray Detectors and Applications II
31 July 2005 | San Diego, California, United States
Ultrafast X-Ray Detectors and Applications
6 August 2003 | San Diego, California, United States
Ultrahigh- and High-Speed Photography, Videography, and Photonics '91
24 July 1991 | San Diego, CA, United States
Ultrahigh- and High-Speed Photography, Videography, Photonics, and Velocimetry '90
10 July 1990 | San Diego, CA, United States
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