P.-E. Crouzet, B. Shortt, T. Beaufort, S. Blommaert, G. Van Duinkerken, J. ter Haar, R. Kohley, F. Lemmel, K. van der Luijt, M. Oosthoek, H. Smit, M. Tourneur-Silvain, I. Visser
For the MWIR channel of the spectrometer of the ESA Ariel mission, ESA has procured a dedicated MCT detector from TeledyneE2V with a cut-off of 8µm at 42K.A test bench has been designed, manufactured and commissioned to measure the performances of the detector at cryogenic temperature. The detector was tested before, during and after proton radiation performed at 42K up to a level of 2.50E+10 p+/cm2.The results of the impact of the proton radiation on the detector performances are presented as well as a description of the test bench.
We report on the impact of proton and gamma irradiation on an MCT detector. The main result is the proton irradiation prevents the increase of the dark current due to the later total ionizing dose.
In the framework of the ESA’s Science programme, the Euclid mission has the objective to map the geometry of the Dark Universe. For the Near Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer instrument (NISP), the state-of-the-art HAWAII-2RG detectors will be used, in association with the SIDECAR ASIC readout electronics. A dedicated test bench has been designed, developed and validated at ESTEC to perform tests on these detectors. This test bench is equipped with a spot projector system as well as a set of LEDs allowing to project the Euclid like beam and perform persistence measurements. The detector under test shows crosshatch patterns that may correspond to sub-pixel variations in Quantum Efficiency or charge redistribution. The goal of the tests was to evaluate the impact of crosshatches patterns on the Euclid photometric performance and centroid calculation after flat fielding correction. The second part of the publication discusses different persistence mitigation tests using the LEDs test set up.
In the context of PLATO | ESA's exo-Earth hunting mission due for launch in 2026 | the Science Payload Validation team at ESA/ESTEC have performed a cryogenic proton irradiation and testing campaign of the PLATO CCD radiation test vehicle the Teledyne-e2v CCD280. Following the irradiation in standard conditions (room temperature, unbiased) of one device, and the irradiation of another in close to flight conditions (at T=203K and operated), the devices performance (CTI, dark current, hot pixels, trap population) were concurrently monitored over a two month period, first at a constant temperature and then following several temperature cycles. The results of these investigations will be presented.
Euclid is an ESA mission to map the geometry of the dark Universe with a planned launch date in 2020. Euclid is optimised for two primary cosmological probes, weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering. They are implemented through two science instruments on-board Euclid, a visible imager (VIS) and a near-infrared spectro-photometer (NISP), which are being developed and built by the Euclid Consortium instrument development teams. The NISP instrument contains a large focal plane assembly of 16 Teledyne HgCdTe HAWAII-2RG detectors with 2.3μm cut-off wavelength and SIDECAR readout electronics. While most Euclid NISP detector system on-ground tests involve flat-field illumination, some performance tests require point-like sources to be projected onto the detector. For this purpose a dedicated test bench has been developed by ESA at ESTEC including a spot projector capable of generating a Euclid-like PSF. This paper describes the test setup and results from two characterisation tests involving the spot projector. One performance parameter to be addressed by Euclid is image (charge) persistence resulting from previous exposures in the science acquisition sequence. To correlate results from standard on-ground persistence tests from flat-field illumination to realistic scenes, the persistence effect from spot illumination has been evaluated and compared to the flat-field. Another important aspect is the photometric impact of intra-pixel response variations. Preliminary results of this measurement on a single pixel are presented.
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Near infrared, Liquid phase epitaxy, Astronomy, Readout integrated circuits, Interference (communication), Digital signal processing, Signal detection, Capacitance, Prototyping
The Payload Technology Validation section in the Future Missions office of ESA's Science directorate at ESTEC provides testing support to present and future missions at different stages in their lifetime, from early technology developments to mission operation validation. In this framework, a test setup to characterize near-infrared (NIR) detectors has been created. In the context of the Astronomy Large Format Array for the near-infrared ("ALFA-N") technology development program, detectors from different suppliers are tested. We report on the characterization progress of the ALFA-N detectors, for which a series of rigorous tests have been performed on two different detectors; one provided by CEA/Leti-CEA/IRFU-SOFRADIR, France and the other by SELEX- UK/ATC, UK. Experimental techniques, the test bench and methods are presented. The conversion gain of two different detectors is measured using the photon transfer curve method. For a Leti LPE detector the persistence effect has been probed across a range of illumination levels to reveal a sharp linear increase of persistence below full-well and a plateauing beyond saturation. The same detector has been proton irradiated which has resulted in no significant dark current increase.
PLATO { PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars { is the third medium-class mission to be selected in the European Space Agency (ESA) Science and Robotic Exploration Cosmic Vision programme. Due for launch in 2025, the payload makes use of a large format (8 cm x 8 cm) Charge-Coupled Devices (CCDs), the e2v CCD270 operated at 4 MHz and at -70 C. To de-risk the PLATO CCD qualification programme initiated in 2014 and support the mission definition process, ESA's Payload Technology Validation section from the Future Missions Office has developed a dedicated test bench.
PLATO – PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars – is the third medium-class mission (M3) to be selected in the European Space Agency (ESA) Science and Robotic Exploration Cosmic Vision programme. It is due for launch in 2025 with the main objective to find and study terrestrial planets in the habitable zone around solar-like stars. The payload consists of >20 cameras; with each camera comprising 4 Charge-Coupled Devices (CCDs), a large number of flight model devices procured by ESA shall ultimately be integrated on the spacecraft. The CCD270 – specially designed and manufactured by e2v for the PLATO mission – is a large format (8 cm x 8 cm) back-illuminated device operating at 4 MHz pixel rate and coming in two variants: full frame and frame transfer. In order to de-risk the PLATO CCD procurement and aid the mission definition process, ESA’s Payload Technology Validation section is currently validating the PLATO CCD270. This validation consists in demonstrating that the device achieves its specified electrooptical performance in the relevant environment: operated at 4 MHz, at cold and before and after proton irradiation. As part of this validation, CCD270 devices have been characterized in the dark as well as optically with respect to performance parameters directly relevant for the photometric application of the CCDs. Dark tests comprise the measurement of gain sensitivity to bias voltages, charge injection tests, and measurement of hot and variable pixels after irradiation. In addition, the results of measurements of Quantum Efficiency for a range of angles of incidence, intra– pixel response (non-)uniformity, and response to spot illumination, before and after proton irradiation. In particular, the effect of radiation induced degradation of the charge transfer efficiency on the measured charge in a star-like spot has been studied as a function of signal level and of position on the pixel grid, Also, the effect of various levels of background light on the amount of charge lost from a star image are described. These results can serve as a direct input to the PLATO consortium to study the mission performance and as a basis for further optimization of the CCD operation.
PLATO { PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars { is the third medium-class mission to be selected in the European Space Agency (ESA) Science and Robotic Exploration Cosmic Vision programme. Due for launch in 2025, the payload makes use of a large format (8 cm x 8 cm) Charge-Coupled Devices (CCDs) the e2v CCD270 operated at 4 MHz. The manufacture of such large device in large quantity constitutes an unprecedented effort. To de-risk the PLATO CCD procurement and aid the mission definition process, ESA's Payload Technology Validation team is characterizing the electro-optical performance of a number of PLATO devices before and after proton irradiation.
KEYWORDS: Charge-coupled devices, Diagnostics, Sensors, Space operations, Diagnostics, Solar energy, Atrial fibrillation, Staring arrays, Temperature metrology, Electrons, Solar processes
Since the launch of ESA's Gaia satellite in December 2013, the 106 large-format scientific CCDs onboard have been operating at L2. Due to a combination of the high-precision measurement requirements of the mission and the predicted proton environment at L2, the effect of non-ionizing radiation damage on the detectors was early identified pre-launch as potentially imposing a major limitation on the scientific value of the data. In this paper we compare pre-flight radiation-induced Charge Transfer Inefficiency (CTI) predictions against in-flight measurements, focusing especially on charge injection diagnostics, as well as correlating these CTI diagnostic results with solar proton event data. We show that L2-directed solar activity has been relatively low since launch, and radiation damage (so far) is less than originally expected. Despite this, there are clear cases of correlation between earth-directed solar coronal mass ejection events and abrupt changes in CTI diagnostics over time. These sudden jumps are lying on top of a rather constant increase in CTI which we show is primarily due to the continuous bombardment of the devices by high-energy Galactic Cosmic Rays. We examine the possible reasons for the lower than expected levels of CTI as well as examining the effect of controlled payload heating events on the CTI diagnostics. Radiation-induced CTI in the CCD serial registers and effects of ionizing radiation are also correspondingly lower than expected, however these topics are not examined here in detail.
Publisher's Note: This paper, originally published on 10/12/2015, was replaced with a corrected/revised version on 10/23/2015. If you downloaded the original PDF but are unable to access the revision, please contact SPIE Digital Library Customer Service for assistance.
The Payload Technology Validation Section (SRE-FV) at ESTEC has the goal to validate new technology for future or on-going mission. In this framework, a test set up to characterize the quantum efficiency of near-infrared (NIR) detectors has been created. In the context of the NIR European Large Format Array (“LFA”), 3 deliverables detectors coming from SELEX-UK/ATC (UK) on one side, and CEA/LETI- CEA/IRFU-SOFRADIR (FR) on the other side were characterized. The quantum efficiency of an HAWAII-2RG detector from Teledyne was as well measured. The capability to compare on the same setup detectors from different manufacturers is a unique asset for the future mission preparation office. This publication will present the quantum efficiency results of a HAWAII-2RG detector from Teledyne with a 2.5um cut off compared to the LFA European detectors prototypes developed independently by SELEX-UK/ATC (UK) on one side, and CEA/LETI- CEA/IRFU-SOFRADIR (FR) on the other side.
The Payload Technology Validation Section (Future mission preparation Office) at ESTEC is in charge of specific mission oriented validation activities, for science and robotic exploration missions, aiming at reducing development risks in the implementation phase. These activities take place during the early mission phases or during the implementation itself. In this framework, a test set up to characterize the quantum efficiency of near infrared detectors has been developed. The first detector to be tested will an HAWAII-2RG detector with a 2.5μm cut off, it will be used as commissioning device in preparation to the tests of prototypes European detectors developed under ESA funding. The capability to compare on the same setup detectors from different manufacturers will be a unique asset for the future mission preparation office. This publication presents the performances of the quantum efficiency test bench to prepare measurements on the HAWAII-2RG detector. A SOFRADIR Saturn detector has been used as a preliminary test vehicle for the bench. A test set up with a lamp, chopper, monochromator, pinhole and off axis mirrors allows to create a spot of 1mm diameter between 700nm and 2.5μm.The shape of the beam has been measured to match the rms voltage read by the Merlin Lock –in amplifier and the amplitude of the incoming signal. The reference detectors have been inter-calibrated with an uncertainty up to 3 %. For the measurement with HAWAII-2RG detector, the existing cryostat [1] has been modified to adapt cold black baffling, a cold filter wheel and a sapphire window. An statistic uncertainty of ±2.6% on the quantum efficiency on the detector under test measurement is expected.
In the frame work of the European Space Agency's Cosmic Vision program, the Euclid mission has the objective to map
the geometry of the Dark Universe. Galaxies and clusters of galaxies will be observed in the visible and near-infrared
wavelengths by an imaging and spectroscopic channel.
For the Near Infrared Spectrometer instrument (NISP), the state-of-the-art HAWAII-2RG detectors will be used,
associated with the SIDECAR ASIC readout electronic which will perform the image frame acquisitions.
To characterize and validate the performance of these detectors, a test bench has been designed, tested and validated.
This publication describes the pre-tests performed to build the set up dedicated to dark current measurements and tests
requiring reasonably uniform light levels (such as for conversion gain measurements). Successful cryogenic and vacuum
tests on commercial LEDs and photodiodes are shown. An optimized feed through in stainless steel with a V-groove to
pot the flex cable connecting the SIDECAR ASIC to the room temperature board (JADE2) has been designed and tested.
The test set up for quantum efficiency measurements consisting of a lamp, a monochromator, an integrating sphere and
set of cold filters, and which is currently under construction will ensure a uniform illumination across the detector with
variations lower than 2%.
A dedicated spot projector for intra-pixel measurements has been designed and built to reach a spot diameter of 5 μm at
920nm with 2nm of bandwidth [1].
In the frame work of the European Space Agency's Cosmic Vision program, the Euclid mission has the objective to map
the geometry of the Dark Universe. Galaxies and clusters of galaxies will be observed in the visible and near-infrared
wavelengths by an imaging and spectroscopic channel.
For the Near Infrared Spectrometer instrument (NISP), the state-of-the-art HAWAII-2RG detectors will be used,
associated with the SIDECAR ASIC readout electronic which will perform the image frame acquisitions.
To characterize and validate the performance of these detectors, a test bench has been designed, tested and validated.
This publication will present preliminary measurements on dark current, read noise, conversion gain and power
consumption, In summary, the following results have been obtained in our system: dark current of 0.014 e-/s/pixel at
82K; readout noise of 23 e- for a single CDS pair and 5.4e- for a Fowler(32); a total electric power consumption of 203
mW in LVDS (excluding I/O power) mode.
The SIDECAR ASIC has also been characterized separately at room temperature. Two references voltages,
VPreAmpRef1 and VrefMain, used to adjust the offset of the pre-amp DAC has been studied. The reset voltage, Vreset,
was measured to have a root mean square stability of 22μV over 15 minutes and a root mean square stability value of 24μV over a 15 hours measurement period. An offset between set value and measured value of around 60mV for low set
voltages has been noticed. The behavior of VPreAmpRef1 and VrefMain with a adjustable external input voltage has
been conducted in order to tune these two biases to cover the desired input range with the best linearity.
The visual imaging instrument VIS on board Euclid baselines 36 newly designed CCD273-84 devices from e2v.
While these new devices have a 4kx4k format with four readout nodes, the Euclid Imaging Consortium (EIC) has
performed extensive test campaigns on both irradiated and un-irradiated devices of the 4kx1k Euclid precursor variant
CCD204-22. In support of the CCD development and characterization, and to enable an independent assessment of the
Euclid CCDs (the procurement of which is ESA’s responsibility), ESA/ESTEC has built a test bench. This test bench
allows for a flexible operation and readout of the CCDs, originally for CCD204 and shortly also for CCD273-84. It
provides the basic tools for noise and gain calibration, and CTI, QE, MTF and PRNU measurements. In addition, the
bench provides scanning spot illumination with a spot size well below the pixel size, for measurement of the intra-pixel
response of the CCDs before and after radiation damage. Such measurements are of great importance for the
characterization and modeling of the VIS instrument’s PSF, in particular to enable the prediction of the evolution of the
PSF shape under the influence of the L2 radiation environment during the mission. This set-up will also allow for
simulation of typical Euclid sky images in the lab. The capabilities and validation of this bench at ESA are described in
this paper.
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Data acquisition, Clocks, Control systems, Staring arrays, Short wave infrared radiation, Signal detection, Analog electronics, LabVIEW, Temperature metrology
We report on the design, testing and characterization of a control and acquisition system developed for SWIR detectors
These detectors are MCT arrays developed for SWIR (Short Wavelength Infra Red) and hyperspectral applications;. The
ROIC (Readout integrated circuitry) of each FPA (Focal Plane Array) delivers multiple analog outputs buffered and
converted in the digital domain by dedicated board designed by SOFRADIR. These boards perform a time multiplexing
of the digitized signals, leading to high data throughputs. Each FPA has its own dedicated Stirling micro-cooler.
The control and acquisition system developed by our team is able to handle the high data throughput (up to 1.6 Gbit/s)
thanks to a high speed acquisition board from National Instruments embedded in a PXI system. A standard DAQ card is
used to acquire the house-keepings, control the different power supplies and clock generators while an SPI adapter
enables the configuration of the FPA. The overall system is managed under the Labview environment with a flexible and
comprehensive interface to the user with extensive logging of all operational parameters.
The purpose of this paper is to describe the architecture of the overall system and to detail its performances.
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