Dr. Uwe J. Netz
at Laser- und Medizin-Technologie GmbH Berlin
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (17)

SPIE Journal Paper | 15 July 2013 Open Access
Ludguier Montejo, Jingfei Jia, Hyun Kim, Uwe Netz, Sabine Blaschke, Gerhard Mueller, Andreas Hielscher
JBO, Vol. 18, Issue 07, 076002, (July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.JBO.18.7.076002
KEYWORDS: Selenium, Scattering, Computer aided diagnosis and therapy, Image classification, Optical tomography, Data analysis, Neurons, Optimization (mathematics), Absorption, Magnetic resonance imaging

SPIE Journal Paper | 15 July 2013 Open Access
Ludguier Montejo, Jingfei Jia, Hyun Kim, Uwe Netz, Sabine Blaschke, Gerhard Mueller, Andreas Hielscher
JBO, Vol. 18, Issue 07, 076001, (July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.JBO.18.7.076001
KEYWORDS: Computer aided diagnosis and therapy, Feature extraction, Magnetic resonance imaging, Selenium, Optical tomography, Data modeling, Ultrasonography, Virtual colonoscopy, Scattering, Absorption

Proceedings Article | 16 June 2011 Paper
Uwe Netz, Ingo Gersonde, Jan Toelsner, Gerd Illing
Proceedings Volume 8088, 80881O (2011) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.889694
KEYWORDS: Luminescence, Modulation, Tomography, Monte Carlo methods, Phase shift keying, Tissues, Natural surfaces, Tissue optics, Backscatter, Fluorescence tomography

Proceedings Article | 22 February 2011 Paper
Ludguier Montejo, Hyun Kim, Yrjö Häme, Jingfei Jia, Julio Montejo, Uwe Netz, Sabine Blaschke, Paul Zwaka, Gerhard Müeller, Jürgen Beuthan, Andreas Hielscher
Proceedings Volume 7890, 78900L (2011) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.875977
KEYWORDS: Selenium, Image classification, Data analysis, Absorption, Scattering, Tissue optics, Tomography, Statistical analysis, Feature extraction, Computer aided diagnosis and therapy

SPIE Journal Paper | 1 November 2010 Open Access
Christian Klose, Alexander Klose, Uwe Netz, Alexander Scheel, Jurgen Beuthan, Andreas Hielscher
JBO, Vol. 15, Issue 06, 066020, (November 2010) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.3516705
KEYWORDS: Tomography, Magnetic resonance imaging, Neurons, Absorption, Biomedical optics, Image classification, Statistical analysis, Neural networks, Computer aided diagnosis and therapy, Optical inspection

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