The ESA mission Solar Orbiter was successfully launched in February 2020. The Photospheric and Helioseismic Imager (PHI) provides measurements of the photospheric solar magnetic field and line of sight velocities at high solar latitudes with high polarimetric accuracy. The required pointing precision is achieved by an image stabilisation system (ISS) that compensates for spacecraft jitter. The ISS consists of a high-speed correlation tracker camera (CTC) and a fast steerable tip-tilt mirror operated in closed loop. We will present the results of the calibration measurements and performance tests from ground measurements, during commissioning and science phase. In addition, the correlation tracker was used to directly measure the pointing stability of the satellite.
The ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter space mission has been successfully launched in February 2020. Onboard is the Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (SO/PHI), which has two telescopes, a High Resolution Telescope (HRT) and the Full Disc Telescope (FDT). The instrument is designed to infer the photospheric magnetic field and line-of-sight velocity through differential imaging of the polarised light emitted by the Sun. It calculates the full Stokes vector at 6 wavelength positions at the Fe I 617.3nm absorption line. Due to telemetry constraints, the instrument nominally processes these Stokes profiles onboard, however when telemetry is available, the raw images are downlinked and reduced on ground. Here the architecture of the on-ground pipeline for HRT is presented, which also offers additional corrections not currently available on board the instrument. The pipeline can reduce raw images to the full Stokes vector with a polarimetric sensitivity of 10−3 · Ic or better.
The High Resolution Telescope (HRT) of the Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (SO/PHI) on-board the Solar Orbiter mission (SO) provides near diffraction limited observations of the solar surface. The HRT Refocus Mechanism (HRM) allows for acquiring calibration data in flight which are used in post processing on ground to estimate the image quality of SO/PHI-HRT data products and its dependence on the SO-Sun distance. Our aim is to characterise the wavefront aberrations in the optical path of SO/PHI-HRT and consequently the image quality in the focal plane of the telescope. We use calibration data taken during the Near Earth Commissionning Phase (NECP) and the second Remote Sensing Check-out Window (RSCW2) of Solar Orbiter’s Cruise Phase (CP). In particular, we apply a Phase Diversity (PD) analysis to estimate the low-order wavefront aberrations. The restoration with the retrieved Point Spread Function (PSF) from the PD analysis increases the RMS contrast of the solar granulation in the visible continuum from 4 % to 10−11%.
The polarimetric and helioseismic imager instrument for the Solar Orbiter mission from the European Space Agency requires a high stability while capturing images, specially for the polarimetric ones. For this reason, an image stabilization system has been included in the instrument. It uses global motion estimation techniques to estimate the jitter in real time with subpixel resolution. Due to instrument requirements, the algorithm has to be implemented in a Xilinx Virtex-4QV field programmable gate array. The algorithm includes a 2-D paraboloid interpolation algorithm based on 2-D bisection. We describe the algorithm implementation and the tests that have been made to verify its performance. The jitter estimation has a mean error of 125 pixel of the correlation tracking camera. The paraboloid interpolation algorithm provides also better results in terms of resources and time required for the calculation (at least a 20% improvement in both cases) than those based on direct calculation.
The first large Fabry-Perot etalon (Ø35 cm) of the VTF instrument was coated successfully using IBS technique. The High Reflective (HR) coatings need to meet the reflectivity specifications (95 +/- 1%) over the entire wavelength range 520-870 nm and the entire aperture (Ø25 cm) and also preserve the plate's flatness and airgap uniformity between the two platesto be better than 3 nm RMS. The change of the figure error of the individual faces after HR coating was exceptionally small: For plate 1 (upper) it changed from 1.7nm RMS before coating to 2.12 nm after coating, no change at all for plate 2 (lower).
Construction of the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) is well underway on the Haleakalā summit on the Hawaiian island of Maui. Featuring a 4-m aperture and an off-axis Gregorian configuration, the DKIST will be the world’s largest solar telescope. It is designed to make high-precision measurements of fundamental astrophysical processes and produce large amounts of spectropolarimetric and imaging data. These data will support research on solar magnetism and its influence on solar wind, flares, coronal mass ejections, and solar irradiance variability. Because of its large aperture, the DKIST will be able to sense the corona’s magnetic field—a goal that has previously eluded scientists—enabling observations that will provide answers about the heating of stellar coronae and the origins of space weather and exo-weather. The telescope will cover a broad wavelength range (0.35 to 28 microns) and operate as a coronagraph at infrared (IR) wavelengths. Achieving the diffraction limit of the 4-m aperture, even at visible wavelengths, is paramount to these science goals. The DKIST’s state-of-the-art adaptive optics systems will provide diffraction-limited imaging, resolving features that are approximately 20 km in size on the Sun.
At the start of operations, five instruments will be deployed: a visible broadband imager (VTF), a visible spectropolarimeter (ViSP), a visible tunable filter (VTF), a diffraction-limited near-IR spectropolarimeter (DLNIRSP), and a cryogenic near-IR spectropolarimeter (cryo-NIRSP). At the end of 2017, the project finished its fifth year of construction and eighth year overall. Major milestones included delivery of the commissioning blank, the completed primary mirror (M1), and its cell. Commissioning and testing of the coudé rotator is complete and the installation of the coudé cleanroom is underway; likewise, commissioning of the telescope mount assembly (TMA) has also begun. Various other systems and equipment are also being installed and tested. Finally, the observatory integration, testing, and commissioning (IT&C) activities have begun, including the first coating of the M1 commissioning blank and its integration within its cell assembly. Science mirror coating and initial on-sky activities are both anticipated in 2018.
Solar Orbiter is a joint mission of ESA and NASA scheduled for launch in 2020. Solar Orbiter is a complete and unique heliophysics mission, combining remote sensing and in-situ analysis; its special elliptical orbit allows viewing the Sun from a distance of only 0.28 AU, and - leaving the ecliptic plane - to observe the solar poles from a hitherto unexplored vantage point. One of the key instruments for Solar Orbiter’s science is the "Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager" (PHI), which will provide maps of the solar surface magnetic fields and the gas flows on the visible solar surface. Two telescopes, a full disc imager, and a high resolution channel feed a common Fabry-Perot based tunable filter and thus allow sampling a single Fraunhofer line at 617.3 nm with high spectral resolution; a polarization modulation system makes the system sensitive to the full state of polarization. From the analysis of the Doppler shift and the magnetically induced Zeeman polarization in this line, the magnetic field and the line-of-sight gas motions can be detected for each point in the image. In this paper we describe the opto-mechanical system design of the high resolution telescope. It is based on a decentred Ritchey-Chrétien two-mirror telescope. The telescope includes a Barlow type magnifier lens group, which is used as in-orbit focus compensator, and a beam splitter, which sends a small fraction of the collected light onto a fast camera, which provides the error signals for the actively controlled secondary mirror compensating for spacecraft jitter and other disturbances. The elliptical orbit of the spacecraft poses high demands on the thermo-mechanical
stability. The varying size of the solar disk image requires a special false-light suppression architecture, which is briefly described. In combination with a heat-rejecting entrance window, the optical energy impinging on the polarimetric and spectral analysis system is efficiently reduced. We show how the design can preserve the diffraction-limited imaging performance over the design temperature range of -20°C to +60°C. The decentred hyperbolical mirrors require special measures for the inter-alignment and their alignment with respect to the mechanical structure. A system of alignment flats and mechanical references is used for this purpose. We will describe the steps of the alignment procedure, and the dedicated optical ground support equipment, which are needed to reach the diffraction limited performance of the telescope. We will also report on the verification of the telescope performance, both - in ambient condition - and in vacuum at different temperatures.
We provide an update on the construction status of the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope. This 4-m diameter facility is designed to enable detection and spatial/temporal resolution of the predicted, fundamental astrophysical processes driving solar magnetism at their intrinsic scales throughout the solar atmosphere. These data will drive key research on solar magnetism and its influence on solar winds, flares, coronal mass ejections and solar irradiance variability. The facility is developed to support a broad wavelength range (0.35 to 28 microns) and will employ state-of-the-art adaptive optics systems to provide diffraction limited imaging, resolving features approximately 20 km on the Sun. At the start of operations, there will be five instruments initially deployed: Visible Broadband Imager (VBI; National Solar Observatory), Visible SpectroPolarimeter (ViSP; NCAR High Altitude Observatory), Visible Tunable Filter (VTF (a Fabry-Perot tunable spectropolarimeter); Kiepenheuer Institute for Solarphysics), Diffraction Limited NIR Spectropolarimeter (DL-NIRSP; University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy) and the Cryogenic NIR Spectropolarimeter (Cryo-NIRSP; University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy).
As of mid-2016, the project construction is in its 4th year of site construction and 7th year overall. Major milestones in the off-site development include the conclusion of the polishing of the M1 mirror by University of Arizona, College of Optical Sciences, the delivery of the Top End Optical Assembly (L3), the acceptance of the Deformable Mirror System (Xinetics); all optical systems have been contracted and are either accepted or in fabrication. The Enclosure and Telescope Mount Assembly passed through their factory acceptance in 2014 and 2015, respectively. The enclosure site construction is currently concluding while the Telescope Mount Assembly site erection is underway. The facility buildings (Utility and Support and Operations) have been completed with ongoing work on the thermal systems to support the challenging imaging requirements needed for the solar research.
Finally, we present the construction phase performance (schedule, budget) with projections for the start of early operations.
The Visible Tunable Filter (VTF) is a narrowband tunable filter system for imaging spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry based. The instrument will be one of the first-light instruments of the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope that is currently under construction on Maui (Hawaii). The VTF is being developed by the Kiepenheuer Institut fuer Sonnenphysik in Freiburg as a German contribution to the DKIST. We perform end-to-end simulations of spectropolarimetric observations with the VTF to verify the science requirements of the instrument. The instrument is simulated with two Etalons, and with a single Etalon. The clear aperture of the Etalons is 250 mm, corresponding to a field of view with a diameter of 60 arcsec in the sky (42,000 km on the Sun). To model the large-scale figure errors we employ low-order Zernike polynomials (power and spherical aberration) with amplitudes of 2.5 nm RMS. We use an ideal polarization modulator with equal modulation coefficients of 3-1/2 for the polarization modulation We synthesize Stokes profiles of two iron lines (630.15 nm and 630.25 nm) and for the 854.2 nm line of calcium, for a range of magnetic field values and for several inclination angles. We estimated the photon noise on the basis of the DKIST and VTF transmission values, the atmospheric transmission and the spectral flux from the Sun. For the Fe 630.25 nm line, we obtain a sensitivity of 20 G for the longitudinal component and for 150 G for the transverse component, in agreement with the science requirements for the VTF.
The Visible Tunable Filter (VTF) is a narrowband tunable instrument for imaging spectropolarimetry in the wavelength range between 520 and 870 nm. It is based on large-format Fabry Perots with a free aperture of 250 mm. The instrument will be one of the first-light instruments of the 4 m aperture Daniel K. Inoue Solar Telescope (DKIST) that is currently under construction on Maui (Hawaii). To provide stable and repeatable spectral scanning by tuning the air gap distance of the Etalons, a metrology system with 20 pm resolution and drift stability of better 100 pm per hour is needed. The integration of the metrology system must preserve the tight optical specifications of the Etalon plates. The HEIDENHAIN LIP 382 linear encoder system has a selected linear scale for low noise high signal interpolation. The signal period is 128nm and the interpolated signal from the sensor can be read out at 128 nm/ 14 bit = 7.8125 pm. To qualify the LIP 382 system for the VTF, we investigated the resolution and stability under nominal VTF operation conditions and verified a mounting concept for the sensor heads. We present results that demonstrate that the LIP 382 system fulfills the requirements for the VTF Etalons. We also present a design for the sensor head mounts.
The Visible Tunable Filter (VTF) is a diffraction-limited narrowband tunable instrument for imaging spectropolarimetry in the wavelength range between 520 and 860 nm. It is based on large-format Fabry Perot. The instrument will be one of the first-light instruments of the 4m aperture Daniel K. Inoue Solar Telescope (DKIST). To provide a field of view of 1 arcmin and a spectral resolution λ/Δλ of about 100.000, the required free aperture of the Fabry Perot is 250mm. The high reflectivity coatings for the Etalon plates need to meet the specifications for the reflectivity over the entire wavelength range and preserve the plate figure specifications of better λ/300, and a micro roughness of < 0.4 nm rms. Coated surfaces with similar specifications have successfully been made for reflecting mirrors on thick substrates but not for larger format Fabry-Perot systems. Ion Beam Sputtering (IBS) based coatings provide stable, homogeneous, and smooth coatings. But IBS coatings also introduce stresses to the substrate that influence the plate figure in our case at the nm level. In a joint effort with an industry partner and a French CNRS research laboratory, we developed and tested processes on small and full size substrates, to provide coated Etalon plates to the required specifications. Zygo Extreme Precision Optics, Richmond, CA, USA, is polishing and figuring the substrates, doing the metrology and FE analysis. LMA (Laboratoire Matériaux Avancés, Lyon, France) is designing and making the IBS coatings and investigating the detailed behavior of the coatings and related processes. Both partners provide experience from manufacturing coated plane optics for gravitational wave detection experiments and EUV optics. The Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik, Freiburg, Germany is designing and building the VTF instrument and is leading the coating development. We present the characteristics of the coatings and the substrate processing concept, as well as results from tests on sample size and from full size substrate processing. We demonstrate that the tight specifications for a single Etalon can be reached.
The tip/tilt driver is part of the Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (PHI) instrument for the ESA Solar Orbiter (SO), which is scheduled to launch in 2017. PPHI captures polarimetric images from the Sun to better understand our nearest star, the Sun. The paper covers an analog amplifier design to drive capacitive solid state actuator such ass piezoelectric actuator. Due to their static and continuous operation, the actuator needs to be supplied by high-quality, low-frequency, high-voltage sinusoidal signals. The described circuit is an efficiency-improved Class-AB amplifier capable of recovering up to 60% of the charge stored in the actuator. The results obtained after the qualification model test demonstrate the feasibility of the circuit with the accomplishment of the requirements fixed by the scientific team.
The Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (PHI) instrument is part of the remote instruments for the ESA Solar Orbiter
(SO), which is scheduled to launch in 2017. PHI captures polarimetric images from the Sun to better understand our
nearest star, the Sun. A set of images is acquired with different polarizations, and afterwards is processed to extract the
Stokes parameters. As Stokes parameters require the subtraction of the image values, in order to get the desired quality it
is necessary to have good contrast in the image and very small displacements between them. As a result an Image
Stabilization System (ISS) is required. This paper is focused in the behavior and the main characteristics of this system.
This ISS is composed of a camera, a tip-tilt mirror and a control system. The camera is based on a STAR1000 sensor that
includes a 10 bits resolution high-speed Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). The control system includes a Correlation
Tracking (CT) algorithm that determines the necessary corrections. The tip-tilt mirror is moved based on this corrections
to minimize the effects of the spacecraft (S/C) drift and jitter with respect to the Sun. Due to its stringent requirements, a
system model has been developed in order to verify that the required parameters can be satisfied. The results show that
the ISS is feasible, although the margins are very small.
A very high precision Image Stabilization System has been designed for the Solar Orbiter mission. The different components that have been designed are the Correlation Tracking Camera (CTC), Tip-Tilt controller (TTC) and the system control in order to achieve the specified requirements. For the CTC, in order to achieve the required resolution of 12 bits and reduced power consumption, we used an external ADC. For the TTC, a special focus has been dedicated to a 55 V linear regulator in a QUASI-LDO configuration and a Tip-Tilt driver in a transconductance amplifier architecture. Results show that the full system reaches an attenuation of 1/10th of a pixel at 10Hz. The TTC provides a high voltage span, enough slew-rate and the needed stability levels.
The Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST, renamed in December 2013 from the Advanced Technology Solar
Telescope) will be the largest solar facility built when it begins operations in 2019. Designed and developed to meet the
needs of critical high resolution and high sensitivity spectral and polarimetric observations of the Sun, the observatory
will enable key research for the study of solar magnetism and its influence on the solar wind, flares, coronal mass
ejections and solar irradiance variations. The 4-meter class facility will operate over a broad wavelength range (0.38 to
28 microns, initially 0.38 to 5 microns), using a state-of-the-art adaptive optics system to provide diffraction-limited
imaging and the ability to resolve features approximately 25 km on the Sun. Five first-light instruments will be available
at the start of operations: Visible Broadband Imager (VBI; National Solar Observatory), Visible SpectroPolarimeter
(ViSP; NCAR High Altitude Observatory), Visible Tunable Filter (VTF; Kiepenheuer Institut für Sonnenphysik),
Diffraction Limited Near InfraRed SpectroPolarimeter (DL-NIRSP; University of Hawai’i, Institute for Astronomy) and
the Cryogenic Near InfraRed SpectroPolarimeter (Cryo-NIRSP; University of Hawai’i, Institute for Astronomy).
As of mid-2014, the key subsystems have been designed and fabrication is well underway, including the site
construction, which began in December 2012. We provide an update on the development of the facilities both on site at
the Haleakalā Observatories on Maui and the development of components around the world. We present the overall
construction and integration schedule leading to the handover to operations in mid 2019. In addition, we outline the
evolving challenges being met by the project, spanning the full spectrum of issues covering technical, fiscal, and
geographical, that are specific to this project, though with clear counterparts to other large astronomical construction
KEYWORDS: Control systems, Cameras, Optical proximity correction, Photonic integrated circuits, Modulators, Sensors, Fabry–Perot interferometers, Human-machine interfaces, Control systems design, OLE for process control
The Visible Tunable Filter (VTF) is a narrowband tunable filter system for imaging spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry based on large-format Fabry Perot interferometers that is currently built by the Kiepenheuer Institut fuer Sonnenphysik for the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST). The control software must handle around 30 motorised drives, 3 etalons, a polarizing modulator, a helium neon laser for system calibration, temperature controllers and a multitude of sensors. The VTF is foreseen as one of the DKISTs first-light instruments and should become operational in 2019.
In the design of the control software we strongly separate between the high-level part interfacing to the
DKIST common services framework (CSF) and the low-level control system software which guarantees real-time performance and synchronization to precision time protocol (PTP) based observatory time. For the latter we chose a programmable logic controller (PLC) from Beckhoff Automation GmbH which supports a wide set of input and output devices as well as distributed clocks for synchronizing signals down to the sub-microsecond level.
In this paper we present the design of the required control system software as well as our work on extending the DKIST CSF to use the OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) standard which provides a cross-platform communication standard for process control and automation as an interface between the high-level software and the real-time control system.
The Visible Tunable Filter (VTF) is a narrowband tunable filter system for imaging spectropolarimetry. The instrument
will be one of the first-light instruments of the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) that is currently under construction
on Maui (Hawaii). The DKIST has a clear aperture of 4 meters. The VTF is being developed by the Kiepenheuer
Institut für Sonnenphysik in Freiburg, as a German contribution to the DKIST.
The VTF is designed as a diffraction-limited narrowband tunable instrument for Stokes spectro-polarimetry in the
wavelength range between 520 and 860 nm. The instrument uses large-format Fabry-Perot interferometers (Etalons) as
tunable monochromators with clear apertures of about 240 mm. To minimize the influence of gravity on the interferometer
plates, the Fabry-Perots are placed horizontally. This implies a complex optical design and a three-dimensional support
structure instead of a horizontal optical bench.
The VTF has a field of view of one arc minute squared. With 4096x4096 pixel detectors, one pixel corresponds to an
angle of 0.014” on the sky (10 x 10 km on the Sun). The spectral resolution is 6 pm at a wavelength of 600 nm. One 2Dspectrum
with a polarimetric sensitivity of 5E-3 will be recorded within 13 seconds. The wavelength range of the VTF
includes a number of important spectral lines for the measurement flows and magnetic fields in the atmosphere of the
Sun. The VTF uses three identical large-format detectors, two for the polarimetric measurements, and one for broadband
The main scientific observables of the VTF are Stokes polarimetric images to retrieve the magnetic field configuration of
the observed area, Doppler images to measure the line-of-sight flow in the solar photosphere, and monochromatic
intensity filtergrams to study higher layers of the solar atmosphere.
KEYWORDS: Visible radiation, Calibration, Solar telescopes, Solar processes, Spatial resolution, Coronagraphy, Near infrared, Data centers, Telescopes, Adaptive optics
The Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope is a 4-meter-class all-reflecting telescope under construction on Haleakalā
mountain on the island of Maui, Hawai’i. When fully operational in 2019 it will be the world's largest solar telescope
with wavelength coverage of 380 nm to 28 microns and advanced Adaptive Optics enabling the highest spatial resolution
measurements of the solar atmosphere yet achieved. We review the first-generation DKIST instrument designs, select
critical science program topics, and the operations and data handling and processing strategies to accomplish them.
The Kiepenheuer-Institut will develop for the Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (ATST) a narrowband tunable
filter system (Visible Tunable Filter, VTF) for imaging spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry based on large-format
Fabry Perot interferometers. A major challenge for the realization of this instrument is the development of large-format
Fabry-Perots with a free aperture of about 250 mm. The instrument will operate in the spectral range between 500 and
900 nm with access to a host of magnetically sensitive lines. The instrument is designed to match the diffraction limit of
the 4m-aperture ATST and will be able to observe processes on the sun at spatial scales of 35 km. Its multi-line
capability, together with a field of view of one arc minute, and the ability to measure polarization states of the incoming
light allow to probe different layers of the solar atmosphere within a couple of seconds. The instrument is capable to
vary the spectral sampling, the integration time, and the temporal cadence over a wide range without changing or
compromising the opto-mechanical setup. This versatility gives unique possibilities to apply different measurement
schemes to a variety of science questions. The ATST is a fully funded US project, with the VTF as the only non-US
contribution, and is ready to start construction at the Haleakala summit. The VTF is foreseen as one of the ATST’s firstlight
instruments and should become operational in 2018.
KEYWORDS: Cameras, Mirrors, Sensors, Control systems, Imaging systems, Space operations, Field programmable gate arrays, Polarimetry, Optical filters, High speed cameras
The Photospheric and Helioseismic imager (PHI) on board of the ESA mission Solar Orbiter, to be launched in 2017,
will provide measurements with high polarimetric accuracy of the photospheric solar magnetic field at high solar
latitudes. The needed pointing precision requires an image stabilisation (ISS) to compensate for spacecraft jitter. The
image stabilisation system works as a correlation tracker with a high-speed camera and a fast steerable mirror. The optomechanical
and electronic design of the system will be presented.
Laser frequency combs (LFC) provide a direct link between the radio frequency (RF) and the optical frequency
regime. The comb-like spectrum of an LFC is formed by exact equidistant laser modes, whose absolute optical
frequencies are controlled by RF-references such as atomic clocks or GPS receivers. While nowadays LFCs
are routinely used in metrological and spectroscopic fields, their application in astronomy was delayed until
recently when systems became available with a mode spacing and wavelength coverage suitable for calibration
of astronomical spectrographs. We developed a LFC based calibration system for the high-resolution echelle
spectrograph at the German Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT), located at the Teide observatory, Tenerife, Canary
Islands. To characterize the calibration performance of the instrument, we use an all-fiber setup where sunlight
and calibration light are fed to the spectrograph by the same single-mode fiber, eliminating systematic effects
related to variable grating illumination.
With the integration of a 1-meter Cesic primary mirror the GREGOR telescope pre-commissioning started. This is the
first time, that the entire light path has seen sunlight.
The pre-commissioning period includes testing of the main optics, adaptive optics, cooling system, and pointing system.
This time was also used to install a near-infrared grating spectro-polarimeter and a 2D-spectropolarimeter for the visible
range as first-light science instruments. As soon as the final 1.5 meter primary mirror is installed, commissioning will be
completed, and an extended phase of science verification will follow. In the near future, GREGOR will be equipped with
a multi-conjugate adaptive optics system that is presently under development at KIS.
This paper describes the flight control software of the wave-front correction system that flew on the 2009 science
flight of the Sunrise balloon telescope. The software discussed here allowed fully automated operations of the
wave-front sensor, communications with the adaptive optics sub-system, the pointing system, the instrument
control unit and the main telescope controller. The software was developed using modern object oriented
analysis and design techniques, and consists of roughly 13.000 lines of C++ code not counting code written for
the on-board communication layer. The software operated error free during the 5.5 day flight.
The Chromospheric Telescope (ChroTel) is a 10 cm robotic telescope to observe the full solar disk with a 2k × 2k CCD
at high temporal cadence. It is located at the Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife, Spain, next to the 70 cm German Vacuum
Tower Telescope (VTT). ChroTel contains a turret system that relays a stabilized image of the solar disk into a
laboratory within the VTT building. The control design allows a fully robotic operation. Observations are carried out in
three chromospheric wavelengths (CaK: 393 nm, Ha: 652 nm, HeI 1083 nm).
The 1m balloon-borne solar telescope Sunrise will be equipped with a wave-front sensing system for automatic in-flight focusing and alignment of the telescope and for high-precision image tracking. A six-element wavefront sensor measures low order aberrations of the telescope, including defocus and coma. The correction is achieved by moving the focusing mirror and the telescope secondary, respectively, in a closed-loop circuit. The same system measures image motion. The instrument requirements for the tracking are a dynamical range of about 30 Hz and a precision of about 0.005 arcs in the sky. The image motion signal feeds a closed-loop control system that drives both the tip-tilt mirror assembly and the mirrors that are needed for focusing and alignment. The tip-tilt unit is a dual-stage system, built at the Kiepenheuer-Insitut, consisting of a slow component with a large range of about 60 arcs and a fast component with a short range and high bandwidth. A breadboard-version of the Correlating Wavefront Sensor has been successfully tested at the German Vacuum Tower Telescope on Tenerife in summer of 2005. A closed-loop bandwidth of 80 Hz was measured for the tracking system. The wave-front sensor detected image aberrations pre-set by the telescope's adaptive optics system with the required accuracy. Sunrise will be flown in long duration stratospheric balloon flights, with a first scientific flight in 2009.
SUNRISE is an international project for the development, construction, and operation of a balloon-borne solar telescope with an aperture of 1 m, working in the UV/VIS spectral domain. The main scientific goal of SUNRISE is to understand the structure and dynamics of the magnetic field in the atmosphere of the Sun. SUNRISE will provide near diffraction-limited images of the photosphere and chromosphere with an unpredecented resolution down to 35 km on the solar surface at wavelengths around 220 nm. The focal-plane instrumentation consists of a polarization sensitive spectrograph, a Fabry-Perot filter magnetograph, and a phase-diverse filter imager working in the near UV. The first stratospheric long-duration balloon flight of SUNRISE is planned in Summer 2009 from the swedish ESRANGE station. SUNRISE is a joint project of the german Max-Planck-Institut fur Sonnensystemforschung (MPS), Katlenburg-Lindau, with the Kiepenheuer-Institut fur Sonnenphysik (KIS), Freiburg, Germany, the High-Altitude Observatory (HAO), Boulder, USA, the Lockheed-Martin Solar and Astrophysics Lab. (LMSAL), Palo Alto, USA, and the spanish IMaX consortium. In this paper we will present an actual update on the mission and give a brief description of its scientific and technological aspects.
The integration of the three main silicon carbide mirrors into the new 1.5 m solar telescope GREGOR at Izana on Tenerife, Spain is planned during 2006. We expect first light at the end of 2006. A progress report about integration of the optics and mechanics and planning of the commissioning phase of the telescope and post focus instruments will be presented at the meeting. The GREGOR telescope is build by a consortium of the Kiepenheuer Institut fur Sonnenphysik in Freiburg, the Astrophysikalische Institut Potsdam, the Institut fur Astronomie Gottingen and additional national and international Partners.
The telescope structure including control system and the complete retractable dome of the new 1.5 m solar telescope GREGOR were assembled during 2004 at Izana on Tenerife, Spain. The GREGOR telescope is build by a consortium of the Kiepenheuer Institut fuer Sonnenphysik, the Astrophysikalische Institut Potsdam, the Institut fuer Astrophysik Goettingen and additional national and international Partners. Pointing, tracking and thermal tests were made to verify the proposed performance. The results of these tests and a progress report of the project will be presented.
SUNRISE is a 1m solar telescope for the visible and near UV wavelength range. It will be flown in long duration stratospheric
balloon flights in Antarctica, with a first scientific flight in 2007. In this paper, we describe the development of a wave-front sensing system that will be used for the automatic in-flight alignment of the SUNRISE telescope and for high-precision
tracking. The system is based on the principles of an adaptive optics system. A 19-element wavefront sensor is used to determine low order aberrations of the telescope, including defocus and spherical aberrations. The correction is achieved by controlling the position of the telescope secondary and a focusing mirror in closed-loop. In addition to these quasi-static aberrations, the system will also measure image motion with a dynamical range of at least 30 Hz and with a precision of about 0.005 arcs. To this end, the image displacement measured in all sub-apertures is averaged and used as
tip-tilt correction signal. This signal will feed a second closed-loop system that drives the tip-tilt mirror assembly. The
tip-tilt mirror unit is designed as a dual-stage system that consists of a slow component with a large range of 60 arcs and a fast component with high bandwidth.
GREGOR is the new 1.5 m solar telescope assembled on Tenerife, Spain, by the German consortium of the Kiepenheuer Institut fur Sonnenphysik, the Astronomischen Institut Potsdam, the Universitats-Sternwarte Gottingen and other national and international Partners. The refurbishment of the building is almost finished. The manufacturing of the telescope structure and the optics is still in progress. After the integration of the new complete retractable dome in July 2004 the telescope structure, optic and post focus instruments will be assembled during the rest of the year. First light is planned during May 2005.
SUNRISE is a balloon-borne solar telescope with an aperture of 1m, working in the UV/VIS optical domain. The main scientific goal of SUNRISE is to understand the structure and dynamics of the magnetic field in the atmosphere of the Sun. SUNRISE will provide diffraction-limited images of the photosphere and chromosphere with an unpredecented resolution down to 35km at wavelengths around 220nm. Focal-plane instruments are a spectrograph/polarimeter, a Fabry-Perot filter magnetograph, and a filter imager. The first stratospheric long-duration balloon flight of SUNRISE over Antarctica is planned in winter 2006/2007. SUNRISE is a joint project of the Max-Planck-Institut fur Sonnensystemforschung (MPS), Katlenburg-Lindau, with the
Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik (KIS), Freiburg, the High-Altitude Observatory (HAO), Boulder, the Lockheed-Martin Solar
and Astrophysics Lab. (LMSAL), Palo Alto, and the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, La Laguna, Tenerife.
In this paper we will present an overview on the mission and give a
description of the instrumentation, now, at the beginning of the
hardware construction phase.
Sunrise is a light-weight solar telescope with a 1 m aperture for spectro-polarimetric observations of the solar atmosphere. The telescope is planned to be operated during a series of long-duration balloon flights in order to obtain time series of spectra and images at the diffraction-limit and to study the UV spectral region down to ~200 nm, which is not accessible from the ground.
The central aim of Sunrise is to understand the structure and dynamics of the magnetic field in the solar atmosphere. Through its interaction with the convective flow field, the magnetic field in the solar photosphere develops intense field concentrations on scales below 100 km, which are crucial for the dynamics and energetics of the whole solar atmosphere. In addition, Sunrise aims to provide information on the structure and dynamics of the solar chromosphere and on the physics of solar irradiance changes.
Sunrise is a joint project of the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Aeronomie (MPAe), Katlenburg-Lindau, with the Kiepenheuer-Institut fuer Sonnenphysik (KIS), Freiburg, the High-Altitude Observatory (HAO), Boulder, the Lockheed-Martin Solar and Astrophysics Lab. (LMSAL), Palo Alto, and the Instituto de Astrofi sica de Canarias, La Laguna, Tenerife. In addition, there are close contacts with associated scientists from a variety of institutes.
The new 1.5 m high resolution telescope will be build up on the reused solar tower of the German 45 cm Gregory Coude Telescope at the Teide Observatory, Izana, Tenerife. The new telescope is a Gregory type with open telescope structure, alt-azimuth mount, complete retractable dome, and a pool of well established and new developed post focus instruments. An adaptive optics system provides the capability for diffraction limited observations at visible wavelengths and the polarimetry device in the secondary focus reduces the perturbation due to instrumental polarization in an efficient way. We describe the main optical characteristics and the focal plane instrumentation with respect to the latest status of the project.
Ceramics technologies were successfully applied to a series of lightweight mirrors with different sizes and requirements. Several joining and optical surface optimizations were applied. Besides the classical rib-structured mirrors also the application of sandwich mirrors with Cesic foam and/or honeycomb structures are going to be tested. For all processes relatively simple straightforward processes can be applied which keeps the products relatively cost-effective.
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