Over the last decade a growing demand for imaging solutions in the short wave infra-red (SWIR) regime has stimulated technological investments aimed for cost and size reduction. This resulted in the development of smaller pitch, lower power focal-plane arrays (FPAs), enabling the production of a very compact and low-cost electrooptical systems for the SWIR band. SCD has been on the forefront of this technological wave developing the SWIFT family of 10 μm pitch InGaAs SWIR digital infrared detectors.
Currently the SWIFT family consists of two products. The SWIFT 640 is a compact VGA version of the Cardinal1280 FPA embedded in a compact ceramic package. The module consists of dedicated proximity electronics boards providing power and timing to the readout circuit (ROIC) and enables communication and video to the system. It presents low noise imaging with very low dark current and excellent imaging under low light level conditions. In this work, we will elaborate on the electro-optical performance, low SWaP design considerations and the environmental endurance of this module.
The second product – SWIFT 640 EI – combines daylight and low light level imaging with event-based imaging and multi spot laser tracking. Recently we described the architecture, key features, and preliminary characterization results. In this article, we will present detailed results for the ALPD detection sensitivity and false alarm rate (FAR) as a function of laser pulse intensity and background flux. We will also present our capability to track and decode simultaneously several laser spots.
Event-based imagers are an emerging class of sensors with demonstrated advantages relative to traditional imagers. Event-based vision sensors have a limited number of output bits that are only responsive to image variations, thus overcoming the speed and power constraints of the conventional imagers based on image integration. The SWIFT EI the first event-based InGaAs sensor that is sensitive in the Visible to SWIR band (600–1700nm). The main novelty of this sensor is that the event channel outputs in parallel to a conventional fast imaging channel. Moreover, we can reconfigure the event channel to provide a fast laser pulse detection mode (3rd generation ALPD), which also outputs in parallel to the integrated image. In that context we described in detail the architecture, key features, and preliminary simulations of the ROIC. The SWIFT EI is a low SWaP product optimized for tactical wide distribution applications that incorporates the event based FPA. We will present measurement results of the high frame rate (HFR) imaging channel; the event channel that can reach up to 25 kHz of negative, null, or positive signal, and the laser detection channel providing a single bit detection frame up to 50 kHz. This feature is ideal for multi spot tracking and pulse repetition frequency (PRF).
Event-based imagers are an emerging class of sensors with demonstrated advantages relative to traditional imagers. Eventbased vision sensors have a limited number of output bits that are only responsive to image variations, thus overcoming the speed and power constraints of the conventional imagers based on image integration. So far, event-based vision has been implemented in visible CMOS sensors. SCD has developed a new event-based VGA/10µm InGaAs sensor that is sensitive in the Visible to SWIR band (600–1700nm) thus extending the standard imaging capabilities such as day light, low-light level, see-through fog and dust. Another novelty of this sensor is that the event channel outputs in parallel to a conventional integrating fast imaging channel. Moreover, the event channel can be reconfigured to provide a fast laser pulse detection mode, which also outputs in parallel to the integrated image. The new ROIC outputs standard video at 13 bit resolution with a high frame rate of 800 frames per second and can double this rate by lowering the resolution to 11 bit. The Event channel can reach up to 25 kHz of negative, null, or positive signal and the laser channel can double this output providing a single bit detection frame up to 50 kHz. In this work, we will elaborate on the architecture, key features, and preliminary simulations of the ROIC and sensor
This article describes new imaging capabilities and technologies developed for infrared focal plane arrays (FPAs) at SCD. One of the new technologies is the patterning of the back surface of the FPA, whose front surface is bonded to a silicon readout integrated circuit (ROIC). Another is the hybridization of a spectral filter to the same back surface.
Increased image resolution has been achieved by using an opaque mask on the backside of the FPA with small central apertures. The reduced fill factor of the sensor leads to lower crosstalk between neighboring pixels and a higher Nyquist frequency. A highly detailed multi-mega pixel image is obtained when the sensor is micro-scanned relative to the imaging optics.
Spectral filtering was achieved by hybridization of a designated filter to the backside of the FPA. The filter was glued to the FPA with high accuracy achieving single pixel resolution. System implementation of these SWIR sensor cameras has been demonstrated at imec and is reported in this paper.
First results are reported for a continuously varying monolithic filter deposited onto the FPA, which has a high spectral dispersion. We report electro-optical measurements on several different sensors and describe some of their key parameters.
There has been a growing demand over the past few years for infrared detectors with a smaller pixel dimension. On the one hand, this trend of pixel shrinkage enables the overall size of a given Focal Plan Array (FPA) to be reduced, allowing the production of more compact, lower power, and lower cost electro-optical (EO) systems. On the other hand, it enables a higher image resolution for a given FPA area, which is especially suitable in infrared systems with a large format that are used with a wide Field of View (FOV). In response to these market trends SCD has developed the Blackbird family of 10 μm pitch MWIR digital infrared detectors. The Blackbird family is based on three different Read- Out Integrated Circuit (ROIC) formats: 1920×1536, 1280×1024 and 640×512, which exploit advanced and mature 0.18 μm CMOS technology and exhibit high functionality with relatively low power consumption. Two types of 10 μm pixel sensing arrays are supported. The first is an InSb photodiode array based on SCD's mature planar implanted p-n junction technology, which covers the full MWIR band, and is designed to operate at 77K. The second type of sensing array covers the blue part of the MWIR band and uses the patented XBn-InAsSb barrier detector technology that provides electro-optical performance equivalent to planar InSb but at operating temperatures as high as 150 K. The XBn detector is therefore ideal for low Size, Weight and Power (SWaP) applications. Both sensing arrays, InSb and XBn, are Flip-chip bonded to the ROICs and assembled into custom designed Dewars that can withstand harsh environmental conditions while minimizing the detector heat load. A dedicated proximity electronics board provides power supplies and timing to the ROIC and enables communication and video output to the system. Together with a wide range of cryogenic coolers, a high flexibility of housing designs and various modes of operation, the Blackbird family of detectors presents solutions for EO systems which cover both the very high-end and the low SWaP types of application. In this work we present in detail the EO performance of the Blackbird detector family.
Yoram Karni, Eran Avnon, Michael Ben Ezra, Eyal Berkowitz, Omer Cohen, Yossef Cohen, Roman Dobromislin, Itay Hirsh, Olga Klin, Philip Klipstein, Inna Lukomsky, Michal Nitzani, Igor Pivnik, Omer Rozenberg, Itay Shtrichman, Michael Singer, Shay Sulimani, Avi Tuito, Eliezer Weiss
Over the past few years, a new type of High Operating Temperature (HOT) photon detector has been developed at SCD, which operates in the blue part of the MWIR atmospheric window (3.4 - 4.2 μm). This window is generally more transparent than the red part of the MWIR window (4.4 - 4.9 μm), and thus is especially useful for mid and long range applications. The detector has an InAsSb active layer and is based on the new "XBn" device concept, which eliminates Generation-Recombination dark current and enables operation at temperatures of 150K or higher, while maintaining excellent image quality. Such high operating temperatures reduce the cooling requirements of Focal Plane Array (FPA) detectors dramatically, and allow the use of a smaller closed-cycle Stirling cooler. As a result, the complete Integrated Detector Cooler Assembly (IDCA) has about 60% lower power consumption and a much longer lifetime compared with IDCAs based on standard InSb detectors and coolers operating at 77K. In this work we present a new large format IDCA designed for 150K operation. The 15 μm pitch 1280×1024 FPA is based on SCD's XBn technology and digital Hercules ROIC. The FPA is housed in a robust Dewar and is integrated with Ricor's K508N Stirling cryo-cooler. The IDCA has a weight of ~750 gram and its power consumption is ~ 5.5 W at a frame rate of 100Hz. The Mean Time to Failure (MTTF) of the IDCA is more than 20,000 hours, greatly facilitating 24/7 operation.
Reliable single emitters delivering >10W in the 9xx nm spectral range, are common building blocks for fiber laser pumps. As facet passivation techniques can suppress or delay catastrophic optical mirror damage (COMD) extending emitter reliability into hundreds of thousands of hours, other, less dominant, failure modes such as intra-chip catastrophic optical bulk damage (COBD) become apparent. Based on our failure statistics in high current operation, only ~52% of all failures can be attributed to COMD. Imaging through a window opened in the metallization on the substrate (n) side of a p-side down mounted emitter provides valuable insight into both COMD and COBD failure mechanisms. We developed a laser ablation process to define a window on the n-side of an InGaAs/AlGaAs 980nm single emitter that is overlaid on the pumped 90μm stripe on the p-side. The ablation process is compatible with the chip wire-bonding, enabling the device to be operated at high currents with high injection uniformity. We analyzed both COMD and COBD failed emitters in the electroluminescence and mid-IR domains supported by FIB/SEM observation. The ablated devices revealed branching dark line patterns, with a line origin either at the facet center (COMD case) or near the stripe edge away from the facet (COBD case). In both cases, the branching direction is always toward the rear facet (against the photon density gradient), with SEM images revealing a disordered active layer structure. Absorption levels between 0.22eV – 0.55eV were observed in disordered regions by FT-IR spectroscopy. Temperature mapping of a single emitter in the MWIR domain was performed using an InSb detector. We also report an electroluminescence study of a single emitter just before and after failure.
KEYWORDS: Reliability, Semiconductor lasers, Fiber lasers, Temperature metrology, Near field optics, Data modeling, Resistance, Failure analysis, Multimode fibers
Fiber lasers require diode laser pumps of ever increasing power and brightness delivered via low-NA multimode fiber.
The preferred fiber pump construction is based on the combination of the outputs of several diode lasers (single
emitters) in single-strand multimode delivery fiber with NA ≤ 0.15. We report on the recent advances in the reliability
and output power of single emitters at several wavelengths from 800 nm to 980 nm, with an emitting aperture optimized
for coupling into 105 μm core fiber. By the use of long laser cavities and low-loss epitaxal design, we have achieved
single emitter powers close to 20 W. Lifetest data from these emitters under high optical load are presented and
analyzed using a reliability model.
Advanced solid state laser architectures place increasingly demanding requirements on high-brightness, low-cost QCW
laser diode pump sources, with custom apertures both for side and end rod pumping configurations. To meet this need, a
new series of scalable QCW pump sources at 808nm and 940nm was developed. The stacks, available in multiple output
formats, allow for custom aperture filling by varying both the length and quantity of stacked laser bars. For these
products, we developed next-generation laser bars based on improved epitaxial wafer designs delivering power densities
of 20W/mm of emission aperture. With >200W of peak QCW power available from a full-length 1cm bar, we have
demonstrated power scaling to over 2kW in 10-bar stacks with 55% wall plug efficiency. We also present the design and
performance of several stack configurations using full-length and reduced-length (mini) bars that demonstrate the
versatility of both the bar and packaging designs. We illustrate how the ROBUST HEAD packaging technology
developed at SCD is capable of accommodating variable bar length, pitch and quantity for custom rod pumping
geometries. The excellent all-around performance of the stacks is supported by reliability data in line with the previously
reported 20 Gshot space-grade qualification of SCD's stacks.
The ever increasing demand for high-power, high-reliability operation of single emitters at 9xx nm wavelengths requires
the development of laser diodes with improved facet regions immune to both catastrophic and wear-out failure modes. In
our study, we have evaluated several laser facet definition technologies in application to 90 micron aperture single
emitters in asymmetric design (In)GaAs/AlGaAs based material emitting at 915, 925 and 980nm. A common epitaxy and
emitter design makes for a straightforward comparison of the facet technologies investigated.
Our study corroborates a clear trend of increasing difficulty in obtaining reliable laser operation from 980nm down to
915nm. At 980nm, one can employ dielectric facet passivation with a pre-clean cycle delivering a device lifetime in
excess of 3,000 hours at increasing current steps. At 925nm, quantum-well intermixing can be used to define non-absorbing
mirrors giving good device reliability, albeit with a large efficiency penalty. Vacuum cleaved emitters have
delivered excellent reliability at 915nm, and can be expected to perform just as well at 925 and 980nm. Epitaxial
regrowth of laser facets is under development and has yet to demonstrate an appreciable reliability improvement. Only a
weak correlation between start-of-life catastrophic optical mirror damage (COMD) levels and reliability was established.
The optimized facet design has delivered maximum powers in excess of 19 MW/sq.cm (rollover limited) and product-grade
980nm single emitters with a slope efficiency of >1 W/A and a peak efficiency of >60%. The devices have
accumulated over 1,500 hours of CW operation at 11W. A fiber-coupled device emits 10W ex-fiber with 47% efficiency.
System designers and end users of diode pumped solid state lasers often require knowledge of the operability limits of
QCW laser diode pump sources and their predicted reliability performance as a function of operating conditions.
Accelerated ageing at elevated temperatures, duty cycles and/or currents allows extended lifetime testing of diode stacks
to be executed on compressed timescales with high confidence.
We present a novel, time-efficient technique for the determination of accelerated lifetime test conditions using
degradation rate data, rather than the traditionally used failures against time data.
To assess the effect of thermally accelerated ageing, 4 groups of 4 stacks each were operated for 60 million pulses at
different temperature stress levels by varying the pulse repetition rate from 100Hz to 250Hz. The measured power
degradation rates fitted to an Arrhenius type model, result in activation energy of 0.47- 0.74eV, apparently indicating
two thermally activated degradation modes with different activation energies.
Similarly, for current accelerated ageing, another 4 groups of 4 stacks were tested at operation currents from 120A to
150A. The optical power degradation rates due to current stress follow a power law behavior with a current acceleration
factor of 1.7.
The obtained acceleration parameters allowed considerable reduction of the lifetime test duration, which would have
otherwise taken an unacceptably long time under nominal operating conditions.
The successful results of the accelerated lifetime have been a major milestone enabling qualification of SCD stacks as
pump sources for the laser altimeter in ESA Bepi-Colombo space mission.
The presented reliability analysis allows life test qualification programs to be accelerated for generic QCW stacks and
their lifetime to be predicted in various operating environments.
Advanced solid state laser architectures place increasingly demanding requirements on high-brightness, low-cost QCW
laser diode pump sources, with custom apertures both for side and end rod pumping configurations. To meet this need, a
new series of scaleable pump sources at 808nm and 940nm was developed. The stacks, available in multiple output
formats, allow for custom aperture filling by varying both the length and quantity of stacked laser bars. For these
products, we developed next-generation laser bars based on improved epitaxial wafer designs delivering power densities
of 20W/mm of emission aperture. With >200W of peak QCW power available from a full-length 1cm bar, we have
demonstrated power scaling to over 2kW in 10-bar stacks with 55% wall plug efficiency. We also present the design and
performance of several stack configurations using full-length and reduced-length (mini) bars that demonstrate the
versatility of both the bar and packaging designs. We illustrate how the ROBUST HEAD packaging technology
developed at SCD is capable of accommodating variable bar length, pitch and quantity for custom rod pumping
geometries. The excellent all-around performance of the stacks is supported by reliability data in line with the previously
reported 20 Gshot space-grade qualification of SCD's stacks.
KEYWORDS: Collimation, Semiconductor lasers, Reliability, Optics manufacturing, Laser welding, High power lasers, Manufacturing, Active optics, Temperature metrology, Defense and security
High brightness laser diode arrays are increasingly found in defense applications either as efficient optical pumps or as
direct energy sources. In many instances, duty cycles of 10- 20 % are required, together with precise optical
collimation. System requirements are not always compatible with the use of microchannel based cooling,
notwithstanding their remarkable efficiency. Simpler but effective solutions, which will not involve high fluid pressure
drops as well as deionized water, are needed. The designer is faced with a number of challenges: effective heat
removal, minimization of the built- in and operational stresses as well as precise and accurate fast axis collimation. In
this article, we report on a novel laser diode array which includes an integral tap water cooling system. Robustness is
achieved by all around hard solder bonding of passivated 940nm laser bars. Far field mapping of the beam, after
accurate fast axis collimation will be presented. It will be shown that the design of water cooling channels , proper
selection of package materials, careful design of fatigue sensitive parts and active collimation technique allow for
long life time and reliability, while not compromising the laser diode array efficiency, optical power density
,brightness and compactness. Main performance characteristics are 150W/bar peak optical power, 10% duty cycle and
more than 50% wall plug efficiency with less than 1° fast axis divergence. Lifetime of 0.5 Gshots with less than 10%
power degradation has been proved. Additionally, the devices have successfully survived harsh environmental
conditions such as thermal cycling of the coolant temperature and mechanical shocks.
High-power single emitters have recently become a viable alternative to laser diode bars for fiber pumping applications.
Single emitters offer a tenfold increase in brightness over bars, and can be optically combined to scale the power
towards 100 W with high brightness. Wall-plug efficiencies >60% are needed to warrant the use of fiber-coupled single
emitters in fiber laser systems, which requires careful minimization of the optical loss, electrical resistance and
operating voltage of the emitters. Epitaxial wafer design necessarily involves multiple trade-offs, since doping
concentrations have opposing effects on the electrical resistance and optical losses. In this paper, we report asymmetric
epitaxial waveguide designs for high-efficiency laser operation at 9xx nm. We present a simulation study of the
influence of design parameters such as the number of quantum wells, doping profiles, and overlap integral of each
epilayer. We also show that by introducing an auxiliary waveguide into the lower cladding, we can control the overlap
of the optical mode with the doping profiles - as well as the vertical far-field - without compromising the electrical
resistance. The optimized structures were grown and devices fabricated, with optical losses reduced to 0.5 cm-1, and
resistivity to 6.5 Ohm×sq.cm. An optical power of 10 W with >60% efficiency was achieved from 100 μm stripe
High-brightness laser diode arrays operating at a duty cycle of 10% - 20% are in ever-increasing demand for the
optical pumping of solid state lasers and directed energy applications. Under high duty-cycle operation at 10% - 20%,
passive (conductive) cooling is of limited use, while micro-coolers using de-ionized cooling water can considerably
degrade device reliability.
When designing and developing actively-cooled collimated laser diode arrays for high duty cycle operation, three
main problems should be carefully addressed: an effective local and total heat removal, a minimization of
packaging-induced and operational stresses, and high-precision fast axis collimation.
In this paper, we present a novel laser diode array incorporating a built-in tap water cooling system, all-hard-solder
bonded assembly, facet-passivated high-power 940 nm laser bars and tight fast axis collimation. By employing an
appropriate layout of water cooling channels, careful choice of packaging materials, proper design of critical parts, and
active optics alignment, we have demonstrated actively-cooled collimated laser diode arrays with extended lifetime
and reliability, without compromising their efficiency, optical power density, brightness or compactness.
Among the key performance benchmarks achieved are: 150 W/bar optical peak power at 10% duty cycle, >50% wallplug
efficiency and <1° collimated fast axis divergence. A lifetime of >0.5 Ghots with <2% degradation has been
experimentally proven. The laser diode arrays have also been successfully tested under harsh environmental
conditions, including thermal cycling between -20°C and 40°C and mechanical shocks at 500g acceleration. The
results of both performance and reliability testing bear out the effectiveness and robustness of the manufacturing
technology for high duty-cycle laser arrays.
KEYWORDS: Single crystal X-ray diffraction, Reliability, Semiconductor lasers, Diodes, Packaging, Manufacturing, Semiconducting wafers, High power lasers, Head, Defense and security
High Power Laser Diode Arrays developed and produced at SCD-SemiConductor Devices support a number of
advanced defence and space programs. High efficiency and unsurpassed reliability at high operating temperatures are
mandatory features for those applications. We report lifetime results of high power bar stacks, operating in QCW mode
that rely on a field-proven design comprising Al-free wafer material technology and hard soldering robust packaging. A
variety of packaging platforms have been implemented and tested at very harsh environmental conditions.
Results include a long operational lifetime study totaling 20 billion pulses monitored in the course of several years for
808 nm QCW bar stacks.. Additionally, we report results of demanding lifetime tests for space qualification performed
on these stacks at different levels of current load in a unique combination with operational temperature cycles in the
range of -10 ÷60 °C.
Novel solutions for highly reliable water cooled devices designed for operation in long pulses at different levels of PRF,
are also discussed. The cooling efficiency of microchannel coolers is preserved while reliability is improved.
Space missions are probably the most demanding environment for laser diodes. A comprehensive study on the reliability
of commercially available laser diodes arrays (LDA), with the objective of bar stacks for ESA's BepiColombo Laser
Altimeter mission to the planet Mercury was performed. We report the best results of lifetime tests performed on SCD
808 nm QCW stacks at different levels of current load in a unique combination with operational temperature cycles in
the range of -10°C to 60 °C. Based on a field-proven design that includes Al-free wafer material and a robust packaging
solution, these arrays exhibit long operational lifetime of up to 20 billion pulses monitored in the course of several years.
Zero failures and stable performance of these QCW arrays were demonstrated in severe environmental conditions
reflecting both, military and space applications. In order to achieve maximum device efficiency at different operational
conditions of the base temperature and current, an optimum combination of the wafer structure and bar design is
required. We demonstrate different types of QCW stacks delivering peak power of up to 1 kW with a usable range of
50-55% wall plug efficiency at base temperatures up to 60 °C.
High power water cooled diode lasers find increasing demand in biomedical, cosmetic and industrial applications, where
very high brightness and power are required. The high brightness is achieved either by increasing the power of each bar or by reducing the emitting area of the stacks. Two new products will be presented: Horizontal CW stacks with output power as high as 1kW using 80 W bars with emitting area width as low as 50 μm; Vertical QCW stacks with output power as high as 1.2kW using 120 W bars. Heat removal from high power laser stacks often requires microchannel coolers operated with finely filtered deionized (DI) water. However, for certain industrial applications the reliability of this cooling method is widely considered insufficient due to leakage failures caused the highly corrosive DI water. Two solutions to the above problem will be discussed. A microchannel cooler-based package, which vastly reduces the corrosion problem, and a novel high-power laser diode stack that completely eliminates it. The latter solution is especially effective for pulsed applications in high duty cycle range.
808 nm, QCW laser bars delivering peak power higher than 150 Watts were developed. The optimization of the tensile
strain in the QW structure, the design configuration of the laser cavity together with an improved packaging technology
lead to more than 55% wall plug efficiency when assembled as stacks. Due to the high characteristic temperature (T0,
T1) values and high efficiency, the output power of these devices is almost insensitive to elevated heat sink
temperatures. In addition, a collimation technique which significantly improves the beam quality of the laser stacks was
developed. The active collimation method is flexible and control over the level of collimation is achievable. The use of
this collimation technique alongside with high quality micro lenses allows for a reduction of the fast axis divergence to
values as low as 3 mrad with minimal power losses. An automatic process control was developed allowing for the
efficient attachment of the collimating micro lenses in a highly reproducible fashion. The combination of the collimation
technique with a reliable mounting and stacking technology supports the serial manufacturing of devices delivering 1
kW peak power in QCW operation. These QCW collimated diode laser stacks demonstrate stable operation and high
reliability in the course of more than 6*108shots at 2% duty cycle. Another important advantage of the collimated
stacks is their capability to withstand severe environmental conditions, maintaining high beam quality and performance.
The effect of compressive and tensile strain of Quantum Wells (QWs) on the gain and transparency current density of high power laser diodes was studied. Material composition of InGaAlAs/AlGaAs and InGaAsP/InGaP was utilized for the study of compressive and tensile strain QWs, respectively. Variation in the strain degree was achieved by changing the In and P mole fraction accordingly. We found that the transparency current densities of compressively strained QWs decrease from 117 to 100 A/cm2 as a function of strain. The transparency current in tensile strained QWs decrease from 140 to 130 A/cm2 as the strain is increased. The material gain of compressively strained QWs is almost insensitive to the variation of strain degree (~1000 cm-1), while for tensile strained QWs the material gain increases from 1000 cm-1 to 1250 cm-1 when the tensile strain is increased. In spite of the higher transparency densities the gain achieved at maximum strain is larger for tensile strained QW laser. This result is explained by the strain influence on the electron-hole recombination strengths.
Consequently the effect of strain on the performance of High Power QCW and CW laser bars was also investigated. The threshold current of bars with compressively strained QWs is decreased to 8.5 A and the external differential efficiency is increased to 1.0 W/A as a function of strain. On the other hand, as the tensile strain in the QW is increased the threshold current reduces to 10 A and the slope efficiency increases to 1.2 W/A. As a result, tensile strain QWs bars are more efficient at high power operation.
High power water-cooled diode lasers are finding increasing demand in biomedical, cosmetic and industrial applications, where repetitive cw (continuous wave) and pulsed cw operation modes are required. When operating in such modes, the lasers experience numerous complete thermal cycles between "cold" heat sink temperature and the "hot" temperature typical of thermally equilibrated cw operation. It is clearly demonstrated that the main failure mechanism directly linked to repetitive cw operation is thermo-mechanical fatigue of the solder joints adjacent to the laser bars, especially when "soft" solders are used. Analyses of the bonding interfaces were carried out using scanning electron microscopy. It was observed that intermetallic compounds, formed already during the bonding process, lead to the solders fatigue both on the p- and n-side of the laser bar. Fatigue failure of solder joints in repetitive cw operation reduces useful lifetime of the stacks to hundreds hours, in comparison with more than 10,000 hours lifetime typically demonstrated in commonly adopted non-stop cw reliability testing programs. It is shown, that proper selection of package materials and solders, careful design of fatigue sensitive parts and burn-in screening in the hard pulse operation mode allow considerable increase of lifetime and reliability, without compromising the device efficiency, optical power density and compactness.
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