18 November 2019 Multifunctional image processor based on rank differences signals weighing-selection processing method and their simulation
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A new iterative process for sorting array of signals, which differs from the known structures by uniformity and versatility, and allows direct and inverse sorting of analog or digital signal arrays was proposed in this paper. Simple relational nodes are basic elements of the proposed sorting structures. Such elements can be implemented on a different element basis, for example, on devices of selecting a maximum or minimum of two analog or digital signals, which can be implemented on CMOS current mirrors and carry out the continuous logic limited difference function. The homogeneous sorting structure on such elements implementation, consisting of two layers and a multichannel sampling and holding device was offered. Nine signals corresponding to a selection window of a matrix sensor are fed to this structure, and are sorted by five iterative steps, and at the output we receive the signals sorted by the rank, which, using the code controlled programmable multiplexer, generates an output signal, that corresponds to the selected rank. Technical parameters of such relational preprocessor were evaluated. The paper considers results of design and modeling of CL BC based on current mirrors (CM) for creating picture type image processors (IP) with matrix parallel inputsoutputs. Such sorting nodes have a number of advantages: high speed and reliability, simplicity, small power consumption, high integration level. The inclusion of an iterative node for sorting signals into a modified nonlinear IP structure makes possible to significantly simplify its design and increase the functional capabilities of such processor. The simulation results confirm the proposed approaches to the design of sorting nodes of analog signals of the iterative type. The power consumption of the processors does not exceed 2mW, the response and processing times are 10μs and can be less by an order of magnitude, the supply voltage is 1.8÷3.3V, and the operating currents are optimally in the range of 10÷20μA. The energy efficiency of the proposed preprocessor with the iterative sorting node is 25x109 operations per second per watt, which corresponds to the best technical solutions. In the work we show, that after sorting or comparative analysis of signals by levels, a promising opportunity appears to implement image processors with enhanced functionality using the new method of weighting-selecting rank differences of signals. The essence of the method is that by composing the differences of the signals ordered by rank and the upper level of their range, we can simultaneously form several resulting output signals, choosing the necessary difference signals from their set according to the control commands and weighing them additionally before the summation. We show that using this approach and the method of processing we can significantly expands the set of operations and functions for image filtering, simplifying hardware implementation of IP, especially for analog and mixed technologies. We determined set of basic executable instruction-functions of the processors, presenting the simulation results in Mathcad, PSpice OrCad and other environments. We discussed the comparative evaluation of various modifications and options for implementing processor. We analyzed the new approach for the programmable selecting function or set of functions, including the selecting the required differences between the ranks of signals and their weights. We show the results of design and modeling the proposed new FPGA-implementations of MIP. Simulation results show that processing time in such circuits does not exceed 25 nanoseconds. Circuits are simple, have low supply voltage (2.5 V), low power consumption (50mW), digital accuracy. Calculations show that in the case of using an Altera FPGA chip EP3C16F484 Cyclone III family, it is possible to implement MIP with register memory for image size of 64*64 and window 3*3 in the one chip. For the chip for 2.5V and clock frequency 200MHz the power consumption will be at the level of 200mW, and the calculation time for pixel of filters will be at the level of 25ns.
© (2019) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Vladimir G. Krasilenko, Alexander A. Lazarev, and Diana V. Nikitovich "Multifunctional image processor based on rank differences signals weighing-selection processing method and their simulation", Proc. SPIE 11187, Optoelectronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology VI, 111871Q (18 November 2019);
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Image processing

Signal processing

Image filtering

Image enhancement

Analog electronics

Binary data

Electronic filtering

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