Open Access Paper
26 September 2024 Development of activated carbon for carbon dioxide capture using cocoa pod waste in the tropic
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Proceedings Volume 13279, Fifth International Conference on Green Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Development (GEESD 2024) ; 1327934 (2024)
Event: Fifth International Conference on Green Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Development, 2024, Mianyang, China
Finding creative methods to reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment is necessary since the ongoing release of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere continues to represent a major environmental challenge, particularly to aquatic and human life. Among the different de-carbonisation technologies existing for carbon emission control and climate change mitigation, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) has been identified as highly viable for carbon sequestration, technologically ready and cost effective. This study developed Activated Carbon (AC) from cocoa pod waste by activating it with KOH and H3PO4. Cocoa pod waste was carbonized using an electric furnace at 632°C for one hour and 30 minutes. This was done to remove volatile matter, ash and other organic content to enrich the fixed carbon content. Adsorption experiment on the adsorption efficiency of the developed AC was then performed using two different particle sizes of 325 μm and 600 μm, respectively. The results showed that AC of size 325 μm exhibited the highest CO2 adsorption capacity of 3.1845 mmol/g at a temperature of 26 °C and pressure of 25 psi showing the highest CO2 adsorption capacity in 45 minutes retention time at post combustion conditions (temperatures of 26°C, 40°C and pressures of 5, 10, and 15 psi) compared to size 600 μm; the maximum CO2 adsorption capacity was recorded at 1.5362 mmol/g for AC at 26°C and 15 psi. For KOH, the CO2 adsorption capacity of activated carbon from a combination of cocoa pod and corn cobs that models natural composition should be investigated; cocoa pod has been shown to be more suitable as a precursor for the formulation of activated carbon for CO2 adsorption with KOH.



There are environmental difficulties in our ecosystem due to the constant emission of carbon (IV) oxide (CO2) into the atmosphere through the use of fossil fuels in various process systems1,2. The Paris Agreement of 2015 and the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change’s objective of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 ℃ above pre-industrial levels present a challenge to the global carbon footprint growth3,4. As a result, new solutions are needed to reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) has been highlighted as a highly viable carbon sequestration technology that is technologically ready and cost-effective among the various several de-carbonisation technologies available for controlling carbon emissions and mitigating climate change.

Most climate models include carbon capture and storage (CCS) as a means of mitigating global warming in the next decades. The amount of carbon capture and storage would increase if CCS was not used according to References4-7. Coal-fired power stations, natural gas treating plants, fertilizer, steel and cement production plants are all examples of process systems where carbon capture storage can be used to reduce carbon emissions7. This technology is based on three distinct methods: pre-combustion, oxy-combustion, and post-combustion. Post combustion carbon capture is the most established and popular methods, as well as the most process efficient and easily adaptable process among these technologies8.The Alberta Carbon Trunk Line Project, the world’s most recent CCS project that went live on June 4th, 2020, has the ability to capture 14.6 million tonnes of CO2 annually from a fertilizer plant and refinery for enhanced oil recovery. This is equivalent to the CO2 emissions from 2.5 million cars in Calgary, Canada. More than a billion tons of CO2 have been absorbed and stored by 19 commercial CCS plants worldwide, according to the Global CCS Institute4. Post-combustion CCS is proving to be an effective tool for environmental sustainability.


Adsorption technology

It has previously been shown that several adsorbents such as activated carbon, metal-organic frameworks, and polymers9,10 can be used for post-combustion CO2 capture. These adsorbents include activated carbon, which has been reported to have promising structural properties, such as high adsorption capacity, selectivity, hydrophobicity, good thermal and chemical stability, and good reusability. Additionally, activated carbon has low production costs due to the availability of precursors. Researchers are looking to overcome the shortcomings of CCS technology, such as high energy consumption, solvent vaporisation, corrosion and degradation of amine solutions, by employing the usage of adsorption technology, which indicates great potential for improvement. The low heat of regeneration is due to the weak forces responsible for adsorption. Another advantage that adsorption technology has for CCS is the basicity of some adsorbents, which provides a good surface for the adhesion of weak acidic CO2. These adsorbent surfaces can also be modified to increase their basicity. According to Reference10, activated carbon is superior to alternative physical and chemical procedures for wastewater treatment due to its inherent limitations, such as the creation of toxic by-products, high cost, and intensive energy requirements of other techniques. However, commercially available activated carbons are still considered a premium product. This is a result of the use of coal, a non-renewable and expensive source of energy, in pollution control applications. The development of cheaper and renewable sources for activated carbons, primarily derived from industrial and agricultural byproducts, has sparked new studies in recent times.


Environmental challenges

Our country and the rest of the globe are facing major human and environmental challenges due to the continued production of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere. Waste agricultural commodities such as cocoa pods, which pollute the environment can be converted into usable products for the oil and gas industry. Hence, there is a need to develop an optimum adsorbent for the storage of carbon capture for industrial deployment in process systems. This will entail carbonising the agricultural wastes as precursors for the production of activated carbon. The adsorption possibility of the activated carbon is defined by the adsorption rate of CO2 from the developed activated carbon.

This paper presents the production of activated carbon to resolve CO2 capture by using cocoa pod waste, which was activated with phosphoric acid (H3PO4) and potassium hydroxide (KOH) in ratios of 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and 2:1, 3:1 at temperatures of 100°C, 200°C and 300°C, respectively. This was also evaluated in post-combustion conditions. This study devised a novel way to ameliorate emissions of CO2 from industrial source points of carbon emission in order to safeguard the environment.





Experiments on the generation of Activated Carbon (AC) from cocoa pods and the evaluation of its CO2 adsorption capacity at post combustion conditions were conducted in this research. These tests used the following materials and equipment:

  • (1) Cocoa pod waste

  • (2) Pipette, beakers, glass funnel and desiccator

  • (3) Electric Stirrer

  • (4) Electric furnace

  • (5) Weighing balance

  • (6) Reagents [Hydrochloric Acid, distilled water, Sodium Thiosulfate, Sodium Carbonate, Potassium Iodide, Potassium Iodate, Starch Solution, potassium hydroxide (KOH), Phosphoric Acid (H3PO4), 250 mL wide mouthed Erlenmeyer flask]

  • (7) Laboratory accessories (laboratory coat, face masks, hand gloves, masking tapes, and filter paper)

  • (8) Fabricated CO2 Flow Loop (vacuum pump, water bath, CO2 cylinder, vacuum pressure gauge, valves and flow lines)


Preparation of precursor

Figure 1 shows cocoa pods obtained from local vendors at Eku market in Ethiope East Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria. They were washed using distilled water to remove dust and debris. The washed samples were then dried under sunlight for 3 days until the mass of samples became constant. This was done to remove surface moisture. The dried cocoa pod samples were then crushed to smaller sizes using a blender in order to increase their surface area for the carbonization process. To improve the carbonisation surface area, the dried cocoa pod samples were crushed in a blender to smaller sizes.

Figure 1.

Cocoa pod obtained from vendor.



Carbonisation of precursor

An electric furnace as shown in Figure 2 was used to carbonize 126 pieces of crushed cocoa pod waste for 1 hour and 30 minutes to allow for the removal of volatile materials and ash in order to increase the carbon content of the fixed carbon. In addition, the carbonization of the samples allowed CO2 to penetrate the sample pores. Additionally, the carbonisation of the samples allowed CO2 to penetrate the sample pores. The carbonised samples (CS) shown in Figures 3 and 4 were allowed to cool and further crushed to increase surface area after the carbonization process was completed. To obtain finer samples for activation, the samples were filtered again. CS was used to represent the carbonized materials.

Figure 2.

Electric furnace.


Figure 3.

Carbonized sample of cocoa pod at 600 μm.


Figure 4.

Carbonized Sample of cocoa pod at 325 μm.



Activation of precursor

It was shown that activating five grams of CS with H3PO4 and KOH in the ratios of 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, as well as 2:1 and 3:1 at 100°C, 200°C, and 300°C for both 325 μm and 600 μm (CS: KOH) was the most efficient way to activate the CS. As indicated in Figure 2, the mixture was agitated until both components were homogeneous before being allowed to react for 72 hours at room temperature. Activated samples are in Figures 3 and 4. Subsequently, distilled water was used to wash the ASC until the pH was balanced (6-7). presented. After that, distilled water was used to wash AS until the pH was balanced (6-7). Once the mass change became consistent, washed CS was placed in a desiccator and dried at 200°C. This is illustrated in Figures 5 and 6.

Figure 5.

Homogenous samples of carbonized activating agent for 600 μm.


Figure 6.

Homogenous sample of carbonised activating agent for 325 μm.



Experimental design procedure

The experimental design for the CO2 adsorption loop used in this work is similar to that detailed by Aimikhe & Eyankware11 in terms of design details as illustrated in Figure 7 and testing techniques used.

Figure 7.

Schematics of experimental loop (Source: Aimikhe & Eyankware11).


An airtight apparatus was sealed using a vacuum pump (VP) to ensure that no gases were present before the adsorption process began. After that, the Dosing valve (DV) and Bleeding valve (BV) were closed, and the Inlet valve (IV) was opened to allow CO2 gas to pass. It was then determined that the specific quantity of AC (AC-1.08 g) needed to fill half the volume of the Reactor (V2) had been measured using a weighing scale.

Staging Manifold (V1) was then filled with CO2 gas from the CO2 gas cylinder (CGC) while the DV and BV were closed to allow the pressure in V1 to build up to a certain pressure of interest (P1-5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0 and 25.0, psi). As a result, the IV was swiftly shut down to keep the pressure in V1 constant, and the Staging Manifold was closed for 15 minutes to check for leaks using the Pressure Gauge to detect any noteworthy pressure drop (PD). Adsorption was initiated after 30 minutes of equilibration in which CO2 gas flowed through the DV and into a water bath (WB) maintained at a constant temperature, allowing the adsorbents to come into contact with the CO2 gas.



In this paper, the results and data generated during the experimentation are presented. CO2 adsorption pressures, adsorption capacities, and commercial activated carbon are all included in this report. This data wasanalysed and evaluated in light of its interpretation.


Iodine value of AC for 325 μm and 600 μm

The iodine value of activated carbon was used to determine its capacity to absorb a radioactive isotope. The iodine values for activated carbon of sizes 325 μm and 600 μm are shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Table 1 shows that the iodine value (mg of iodine adsorbed/g in activated carbon) indicates that the initial volume of iodine solution of sodium thiosulfate for size 325 μm was 100 mL throughout the experiment, while the final volume of iodine solution for ratio 1:1 at 100°C, 200°C, and 300°C was 34.9 mL, 39.0 mL, and 43.2 mL, respectively. Table 1. Iodine values for 325 μm sample of activated carbon before adsorption. At temperature ranges of 100°C, 200°C, and 300°C, the final volume of the iodine solution was 39.8 mL, 40.8 mL, and 41.3 mL for the ratio of 1:2, and 37.4 mL, 37.8 mL, and 39.0 mL for the ratio of 1:3.

Table 1.

Iodine values for 325 μm sample of activated carbon before adsorption.

Activated carbon (ratio)1:11:11:11:21:21:21:31:31:3
Temperature (oC)100200300100200300100200300
Initial volume of iodine solution of sodium Thiosulfate (mL)100100100100100100100100100
Final volume of iodine solution of sodium Thiosulfate (mL)34.939.043.239.840.841.337.437.839.0
Iodine values (mg/g)294.73180.2463.96157.90129.98116.01224.92213.75180.24

Table 2.

Iodine value for 600 μm sample activated carbon before adsorption.

Activated carbon (ratio)1:11:11:11:21:21:21:31:31:3
Temperature (oC)100200300100200300100200300
Initial Volume of sodium Thiosulfate (mL)100100100100100100100100100
Final volume of sodium Thiosulfate (mL)38.240.941.739.940.541.437.041.343.9
Iodine values (mg/g)202.58127.18104.84155.11138.35113.22236.09116.0143.41

Table 2 shows the iodine value for 600 μm. The iodine solution of sodium thiosulfate as the first sample had an initial volume of 100 mL, while the end volume of iodine was 38.2 mL, 40.9 mL and 41.7 mL for the ratio 1:1 at 100°C, 200°C and 300°C, respectively. There were 39.9 mL of iodine solution in a ratio of 1:2 at 100°C, 41.3 mL in a ratio of 1:3 at 200°C, and a final volume of 43.9 mL in a ratio of 1:3 at 300°C. It was observed that iodine solution containing sodium thiosulfate increased as the temperature rose. However, the iodine levels decreased with the rise in temperature. Researchers2-15 indicated that the qualities of activated carbon were evaluated based on the iodine number. The iodine number adsorption is a simple and quick way to determine the adsorption quality of an activated carbon sample.


CO2 Adsorption of activated carbon of 325 μm and 600 μm

Using the highest iodine values from both samples, researchers were able to determine the CO2 adsorption capacity of each adsorbent, regardless of the adsorption temperature. This finding shows that a 45-minute retention time increases CO2 gas pressure, which in turn increases CO2 adsorption capacity for each adsorbent. In Table 3, using H3PO4, it was observed that the adsorption capacities of size 325 μm for AC at final pressures of 21.0 psi and 4.2 psi were found to be 1.2204 mmol/g and 0.0901 mmol/g, respectively at a temperature of 26°C, implying that the adsorption capacity decreases with decreasing initial pressure. A similar trend was observed for a temperature of 40°C, as depicted in Figure 8. The same situation was observed in Table 4 when KOH was used for temperatures of 26°C and 40°C.

Figure 8.

Adsorption capacity for 325 μm at 26°C and 40°C using H3PO4.


Table 3.

CO2 adsorption capacity for 325 μm sample activated carbon (AC) using H3PO4.

S/NTemperature (°C)Initial pressure, P1 (psi)Final pressure, P2 (psi)Adsorption capacity (mmol/g)Cumulative adsorption capacity (mmol/g)

Table 4.

CO2 adsorption capacity for 325 μm sample activated carbon (AC) using KOH.

S/NTemperature (°C)Initial pressure, P1 (psi)Final pressure, P2 (psi)Adsorption capacity (mmol/g)Cumulative adsorption capacity (mmol/g)

In Table 5, when H3PO4 was used, it was observed that the cumulative adsorption capacities were 0.8196 mmol/g and 0.0787 mmol/g at ultimate pressures of 22.4 psi and 4.3 psi, respectively, at temperature 26°C. The same trend was seen for a temperature of 40°C, as shown in Figure 9. The working principle is that CO2 molecules can enter the pore spaces in adsorbents due to the large impact forces they use to penetrate the porous structure, resulting in a high adsorption capacity. A similar situation was observed in Table 6 when KOH was used at temperatures of 26°C and 40°C. Figure 10 shows the CO2 adsorption capacity of activated carbon for sizes 325 μm and 600 μm at 26°C using H3PO4.

Figure 9.

Adsorption capacity for 600 μm at 26°C and 40°C using H3PO4.


Figure 10.

CO2 adsorption capacity of activated carbon with particle sizes of 325 μm and 600 μm at 26°C using H3PO4.


Table 5.

CO2 adsorption capacity of 600 μm sample activated carbon (AC) using H3PO4.

S/NTemperature (°C)Initial pressure, P1 (psi)Final pressure, P2 (psi)Adsorption capacity (mmol/g)Cumulative adsorption capacity (mmol/g)

Table 6.

CO2 adsorption capacity of 600 μm sample activated carbon (AC) using KOH.

S/NTemperature (°C)Initial pressure, P1 (psi)Final pressure, P2 (psi)Adsorption capacity (mmol/g)Cumulative adsorption capacity (mmol/g)

It was also observed that adsorption capacity decreased as the temperature of adsorption increased, as seen in Tables 3-6. When compared with AC of size 600 μm, AC of size 325 μm showed the highest capacity of 3.1845 mmol/g when heated at 26°C, while AC of size 325 μm showed the highest capacity of 2.0494 mmol/g when heated at 40°C. This is a significant difference. According to literature, this trend can be related to the fact that the porous structure of adsorbents collapses at higher temperatures, which reduces the adsorption capacity of the adsorbent11-13.

In Table 6, at 26°C and 40°C, the activated samples showed less adsorption capacity than AS of 325 μm in Table 4, despite being impregnated with potassium hydroxide for 72 hours, as revealed by the study’s results. The adsorption capacity of a porous material is a function of its porosity, therefore activating agents may have blocked pores that could be used for CO2 absorption, thereby limiting the substance’s storage capacity. This can be explained by its larger porosity, which results in more activated carbon porosity, as shown in Figure 11, as opposed to AC of size 600 μm, which has more restricted access to its pore spaces and hence lower CO2 adsorption capacity. Additionally, the highest CO2 adsorption capacity was found for AC of 325 μm at 26°C and pressure of 25 psi, with a value of 1.5362 mmol/g (activated carbon of 325 μm had a value of 1.1230 mmol/g at 40°C and pressure of 25 psi as the second-best performing adsorbent); this is because activated carbon of 325 μm 26°C has an adsorption capacity. The findings of this study demonstrate that 600 is too small for CO2 adsorbents because it clogs the pore spaces and reduces CO2 absorption capacity under post-combustion conditions.

Figure 11.

Effect on particle sizes on CO2 adsorption capacity at 40°C using H3PO4.


It was shown that carbon activated with H3PO4, KOH and commercial AC at 26°C and 40°C had adsorption capacities of 5, 10, 15.0, 20.0 and 25.0 psi at these temperatures as shown in Tables 3-6.


Comparison of CO2 adsorption of commercial AC (CAC) and laboratory prepared AC (size 325 μm)

CO2 adsorption capabilities at 26°C were studied between CAC and AC and indicated that AC had a much higher adsorption capacity at P1 pressure of 15 psi than CAC (1.0311 mmol/g), as depicted in Table 7. As Reference6 noted, AC produced from coconut shell outperformed a commercial AC in CO2 adsorption at post-combustion circumstances; this is consistent with the findings of this study. Using cocoa pod waste as a precursor, laboratory-prepared AC has an enhanced capacity for CO2 adsorption because of its low micro-porosity; this is due to the fibrous and cellulose-based material that is used to make AC.

Table 7.

CO2 adsorption capacity for commercial AC (CAC).

S/NTemperature (°C)Initial pressure, P1 (psi)Final pressure, P2 (psi)Adsorption capacity (mmol/g)Cumulative adsorption capacity (mmol/g)

Figures 12 and 13 depict the CO2 adsorption capacity (CAC) versus initial pressure (P1) for H3PO4 and KOH activating agents (formulated) and commercial AC. As seen, the CAC of the formulated exhibits similarity. Similar observations were reported elsewhere16-17.

Figure 12.

Comparison of CO2 adsorption capacity of H3PO4 and KOH activating agent of size 325 μm at 26°C.


Figure 13.

Comparison of CO2 adsorption capacity of commercial activated carbon (CAC) and laboratory prepared AC of size 325 μm at 26°C using KOH activating agent.



Comparison of AC with other prepared AC in literature

For the sake of comparison, the CO2 adsorption capability of the activated carbon (AC) generated from agricultural waste at 15 psi and 26°C under similar post-combustion conditions is shown in Table 8. The AC produced in this study was the most promising precursor for adsorption under post-combustion circumstances compared to other works.

Table 8.

Comparison of AC synthesized by other authors for CO2 capture and storage.

S/NActivated carbonTemp. (°C)Pressure (psi)CO2 adsorption capacity (mmol/g)Refs.
1Cu impregnated AC derived from coconut2614.70.37Yi et al.18
2Pre-oxidized NH3-modified AC2614.71.60Shafeeyan et al.19
3AC with KOH derived from cocoa pod waste26151.54This work



The conclusions of the work are highlighted below:

  • It is possible to synthesize activated carbon from cocoa pod waste precursors with high porosity using KOH as an activating agent. Although H3PO4 has low porosity when employed as an activating agent, it also outperforms commercially available activated carbon when both are compared.

  • The adsorption capacity of the sorbent increases as the pressure of adsorption rises, while the adsorption capacity of the sorbent decreases as the temperature rises.

  • For 45 minutes of retention time at post combustion conditions (26°C, 40°C and pressures of 5, 10, and 15 psi), activated carbon (AC) prepared from cocoa pod with a size of 325 μm using H3PO4 and KOH shows the highest CO2 adsorption capacity when compared to size 600 μm of activated carbon; the highest CO2 adsorption capacity was recorded at 3.1845 mmol/g for AC of KOH at 25 psi.

  • Cocoa pod activated carbon prepared with H3PO4 is not an effective activating agent for increasing CO2 adsorption capacity because it clogs the pore spaces in the porous adsorbent material, thus decreasing the adsorption capacity of the adsorbent, even though its affinity for CO2 was increased for size 600 μm.

  • KOH-activated cocoa pod activated carbon with a particle size of 325 μm was used for CO2 adsorption at postcombustion condition (0.2798 mmol/g to 1.5362 mmol/g) (26°C and 15 psi), which is promising over CAC.



The following recommendations are proposed in the study:

  • Increase the carbon adsorption capacity of activated carbon made from cocoa pods by investigating more CO2-philic materials as activating agents.

  • Increase the carbon adsorption capacity of activated carbon made from cocoa pods by investigating more CO2-philic materials as activating agents.

  • Study the CO2 adsorption capacity of activated carbon made from cocoa pods and corn cobs. In post-combustion circumstances, the mechanical, thermal, and chemical stability of cocoa pod activated carbon in post-combustion circumstances.


AC: Activated Carbon

BV: Bleeding Valve

CCS: Carbon Capture and Storage

CO2: Carbon (IV) Oxide

CS: Carbonized Samples

DV: Dosing Valve

IV: Inlet Valve

KOH: Potassium Hydroxide

H3PO4: Phosphoric Acid

PD: Pressure Drop

VP: Vacuum Pump

WB: Water Bath



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(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Splendour Uduefe Esidje, Joseph Victor Aimikhe, Dulu Appah, Olusegun David Samuel, Collins Neku Nwaokocha, and Ekundayo Noah Adewuyi "Development of activated carbon for carbon dioxide capture using cocoa pod waste in the tropic", Proc. SPIE 13279, Fifth International Conference on Green Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Development (GEESD 2024) , 1327934 (26 September 2024);
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