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Thus, for the needs of PEGASE mission – a possible DARWIN in flight demonstration- SAGEIS-CSO has been asked by CNES to design a fine longitudinal sensor able to work at 120 K while performing displacement measurements at a working distance range of 25 to 250 m. Its required performances are a resolution and a precision of 25 nm.
This activity succeeds to the MOUSE II system development, which has demonstrated the ability to obtain the required laser metrology using a frequency stabilised laser, a compact and totally passive Michelson type sensor head plus a detection unit for data processing. Optical signals are routed using fibres, allowing the sensor head to be alone in a cryogenic environment.
Now, the goal is to obtain a validated prototype at a MQ level by the end of 2007.
For that, the laser source will be an update of the flight models made for IASI, using a more powerful DFB diode, pin-to-pin compatible with the previous design, and then giving minor changes. The current regulation was optimized in order not to degrade the narrow diode spectral width.
The opto-thermo-mechanical design of the sensor head, in collaboration with AAS, is also under progress, and constitutes the major evolution of the MOUSE II.
The retained concept is a six free-flyer-telescope interferometer, with a variable baseline ranging from 50 to 500 m. The collected wavefronts are combined on a 7th free-flying hub satellite at the centre of the array, and the observations are performed in the thermal Infra-Red spectral band. The latter choice is made for two reasons : firstly, the wavelength providing optimal contrast between the planetary and stellar (background) signals is approximately 10μm; secondly, the spectral features of interest for the detection of life as we know it (CO2, H2O, O3 , CH4 ... ) lie in the band between 6 and 18 μm.
The system requirements for such an instrument are very severe, owing to the physical nature of the mission concept; i.e. that of a coronographic stellar interferometer: in order to achieve satisfactory extinction of the unwanted flux generated by the central star, such a concept will impose the control of optical pathlength differences between telescopes to within a small fraction of a wavelength, milli-arcsec pointing stabilities, 10-3 amplitude equalisation, achromatic check-shifts of some beams with respect to the others, and the use of passively cooled cryogenic telescopes.
The proposed way to tune the output beam is to use the diffraction effect with the so-called PMDG (Programmable Micro Diffraction Gratings ) diffractive MEMS. In that case, small moving structures can form programmable gratings, diffracting or not the incoming light.
In the proposed concept, the MOEMS is placed in the focal plane of a first diffracting stage (using a grating for instance). With such implementation, the MOEMS component can be used to select some wavelengths (for instance by reflecting them) and to switch-off the others (for instance by diffracting them). A second diffracting stage is used to recombine the beam composed by all the selected wavelengths. It becomes then possible to change and adjust the filter in λ and Δλ.
This type of implementation is very interesting for space applications (Astronomy, Earth observation, planetary observation). Firstly because it becomes possible to tune the filtering function quasi instantaneously. And secondly because the focal plane dimension can be reduced to a single detector (for application without field of view) or to a linear detector instead of a 2D matrix detector (for application with field of view) thanks to a sequential acquisition of the signal.
Thanks to its high experience in this field, Alcatel Alenia Space has proposed, manufactured and tested an original telescope concept associated with a high baffling performance. Since its delivery to LAM (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, CNRS) the telescope has passed successfully the qualification tests at instrument level performed by CNES. Now, the instrument is mounted on a Proteus platform and should be launched end of 2006. The satellite should bring to scientific community for the first time precious data coming from stars and their possible companions.
The first concept is a programmable slit for straylight control for space spectro-imagers. This instrument is a push-broom spectroimager for which some images cannot be exploited because of bright sources in the field-of-view. The proposed concept consists in replacing the current entrance spectrometer slit by an active row of micro-mirrors. The MEMS will permit to dynamically remove the bright sources and then to obtain a field-of-view with an optically enhanced signal-to-noise ratio.
The second concept is a push-broom imager for which the acquired spectrum can be tuned by optical MEMS. This system is composed of two diffractive elements and a digital mirror array. The first diffractive element spreads the spectrum. A micromirror array is set at the location of the spectral focal plane. By putting the micro-mirrors ON or OFF, we can select parts of field-of-view or spectrum. The second diffractive element then recombines the light on a push-broom detector. Dichroics filters, strip filter, band-pass filter could be replaced by a unique instrument.
This instrument will provide full images of the Earth every 10 minutes in 16 spectral channels between 0.44 and 13.3 μm. The ground resolution is ranging from 0.5 km to 2 km. The FCI is composed of a telescope developed by Kayser-Threde, which includes a Scan mirror for the full Earth coverage, and a calibration mechanism with an embedded black body dedicated to accurate in-flight IR radiometric calibration. The image produced by the telescope is split into several spectral groups by a spectral separation assembly (SSA) thanks to dichroïc beamsplitters. The output beams are collimated to ease the instrument integration before reaching the cryostat. Inside, the cold optics (CO-I) focalize the optical beams onto the IR detectors. The cold optics and IR detectors are accurately positioned inside a common cold plate to improve registration between spectral channels. Spectral filters are integrated on top of the detectors in order to achieve the required spectral selection.
This article describes the FCI optical design and performances. We will focus on the image quality needs, the high line-of-sight stability required, the spectral transmittance performance, and the stray-light rejection. The FCI currently under development will exhibit a significant improvement of performances with respect to MSG.
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