Dr George Chen received his BS and MS in Physics from University of California, Los Angeles in 1982 and 1984 respectively, and received MS in Electrical Engineering (OPTICS) from University of Southern California in 1987. His career in Photonics began in Avimo Electro-optics, Singapore where he designed various kinds of optical systems for military, commercial and medical applications. He received his PhD degree from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2000 and was a research associate there from 1999-2000. He became a faculty member in NTU in 2001 and was promoted to tenured Associate Professor before he resigned in Feb 2010. Dr. Chen is the founder of BC Photonics Technological Co. which specializes in research and development of Photonics instrumentation. He is the author or coauthor to more than 50 international publications and a reviewer of many Photonics related journals. His research interests include Bioimaging and Biosensing, Thermal Characterization of Thin Film and Nanostructures, and Diffused Optical Wireless Communication.
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